Thursday, August 22, 2024

Etimologjitë e shqipes Bardhyl Demiraj



Etimologjitë e shqipes (studime në gjuhën shqipe

Fjalori i trashëguar), Bardhyl Demiraj



The Albanian inherited lexicon




      This file was derived from Albanische Etymologien (Untersuchungen zum albanischen

Erbwortschatz), Bardhyl Demiraj, Leiden Studies in Indo-European 7; Amsterdam -

Atlanta 1997. That publication is referenced (by page) via "AE nnn". The database was

compiled by Bardhyl Demiraj in 1998-1999, and converted to the Starling format by Sergei

Starostin and Alexander Lubotsky in 1999-2000. The database is being currently revised by

Alexander Lubotsky and Michiel de Vaan. Their comments are marked with [AL/MdV].


     The forms separated by a slash (/) belong to the Tosk and Gheg dialects respectively.

Otherwise, the dialectal provenance is explicitly stated. (tg) - both Tosk and Gheg, (t) - Tosk,

(g) Gheg.


       In the verbal labels, "r" means `reflexive'.


       "PAlb." refers to a period from Late-IE until the beginning of the Latin influence (100



      The symbols _x_ have the following meaning: _+_ = the word is of IE date or derived

from an IE root; _−_ = the word belongs to the substratum layer (although it is also attested in

other languages); _?_ = the etymology is uncertain.




       a [1] [particle] (tg) {1} ‘or’

PAlb. *(h)au (AE 69)

PIE *h2eu-, root *h2u ‘that’ _+_ (Pok. 73)

Gr. αὖ on the other hand, again

Notes: {1} Proclitic disjunctive particle, used with one or more parts of the sentence.


      a [2] [particle] (tg) ‘probably, perhaps’

PAlb. *(h)an (AE 69)

PIE *h2en, root *h2n ‘there’ _+_ (Pok. 37)

Lat. an ‘yes, perhaps’

Notes: {1} Interrogative particle, usually used proclitically in simple sentences.


       a ̊ [3] [particle] (tg) {1} ‘there’

PAlb. *(h)au ̊ (AE 70)

PIE *h2eu-, root *h2u ‘that’ _+_ (Pok. 73)

Gr. αὖ on the other hand, again

Notes: {1} Deictic particle, pointing afar, only used in the pronominal system in compounds.


      ag [m] (tg) ‘dawn, early morning; black mark round the eyes’

PAlb. *(h)aug-

Alb. agull [m] (g) ‘alba, aurora’ {1} (AE 72)

PIE *h2eug-, root *h2ug ‘day-light’ _?_ (Pok. 87)





Gr. αὐγή day-light, splendor

Notes: {1} agull is an Alb. formation with the suffix -ull.


      ahë / avë [f] breath; vapour; soul, spirit

PAlb. *(h)aua̅ {1}

Alb. afsh [m] (tg) ‘breath; vapour, sultriness’ {2}, cf. aft (AE 72)

PIE *h2euh1-o- {3}, root *h2uh1 ‘breath, wind’ _?_ (Pok. 81f)

Gr. (Hes.) ἄος . τό πνευ̃μα

Notes: {1} Alb. feminine a̅-stem. {2} afsh is an Alb. formation with the suffix -sh. {3} The

Schwebe-ablaut makes the connection uncertain.


       aft, aht [m] (tg) ‘breath, vapour, fiery breath of the fire’

PAlb. *(h)auet-, cf. ahë (AE 71)

PIE *h2euh1-et-, root *h2uh1 ‘breath’ _?_ (Pok. 81f)

Gr. ἀϋτμή breath, fiery breath, fragrance; (Hes.) ἀετμόν . τό πνευ̃μα


        ah {1} ‘oh, ow(ch) (interjection of pain, annoyance, surprise)’

PAlb. *(h)ai/(h)au (AE 73)

PIE *h2ei-/h2eu-, root *h2i/h2u ‘oh!’ _?_ (Pok. 10, 71)

Gr. αἴ oh!

Lat. au ‘oh!’

Notes: {1} Final -h may be due to emphasis.


     ah [m] (tg); hah [m] (g) {1} ‘beech-tree’

PAlb. *(h)ah- (AE 73)

PIE *Hosk- {2} ‘ash-tree’ _+_ (Pok. 783)

Arm. hac‘i ‘ash’

OHG asc ‘ash’

Notes: {1} Only in Bash. {2} Possibly, *h3esk-.


       ai [pron. dem.] (tg) {2} ‘he (there), Lat. ille’

PAlb. * ̊i- {1} < QIE *h1is

Alb. ky [pron] (tg) ‘he (here), Lat. iste’ {3} (AE 73)

PIE *h1i, root *h1i ‘he’ _+_ (Pok. 281)

Lat. is ‘he’

Go. is ‘he’

Notes: {1} Reshaped after the fem. or n. stem *h1ih2, h1id. {2} Demonstrative and personal

pronoun. {3} The vowel change of */i/ to /y/ has originated in composition due to assimilation

to the preceding sound.


         (a)ta [pron Nomsn] {1} (tg) ‘it (there), that, Lat. illud’

PAlb. * ̊ta(d)

Alb. këta [pron Nomsn] (tg) it (here), Lat. istud, this {2}, cf. k(ë) ̊ (AE 73)

PIE *tod, root *t- ‘it’ _+_ (Pok. 281)

Skt. tád ‘it’

Notes: {1} Demonstrative and relative pronoun. {2} Other old case forms are: m.f.

atë, të < *tom, m. ta, ata < *to-, n.f. < *teh2, teh2ns.


     akull [m] (tg) ‘ice, frost’

PAlb. *auK-(ul-) (AE 74)





PIE *Houk- ‘cold, frost’ _?_ (Pok. 783)

Arm. oyc ‘cold’


      ãmë [f] (g); amull [m] (g) river-bed, fountain

PAlb. *habna̅ {1} < QIE *h2eb-n-

Alb. hãmull [m] (g) ‘(fish-)pond, still water’; amull [m] (t) ‘(fish-)pond, still water’ (AE 75)

PIE *h2ep-, root *h2p ‘water, river’ _+_ (Pok. 51)

Lat. amnis ‘river’


       ãmë [f] (g) odour, (un)pleasant smell, fragrance

PAlb. *adma̅

Alb. ãmëz, ãmzë [f] (g) odour, (un)pleasant smell, fragrance {1} (AE 76)

PIE *Hod-meh2 ‘odour, smell’ _+_ (Pok. 772)

Gr. ὀδμή smell, scent

Notes: {1} ãmëz, ãmzë are diminutive formations with the suffix -(ë)z(ë).


      an [m] (t); ãnë [f] (t); enë [f] (g) vessel, cooker

PAlb. *(h)aukn-

Alb. anë / ãnë [f] vessel, cooker; enë [nomplf] (tg) kitchen-utensils {1} (AE 76)

PIE *h2euk(w)-sno- ‘pot’ _?_ (Pok. 88)

Go. auhns ‘oven’; Skt. ukhá- ‘pot’

Notes: {1} en- is the Alb. plural stem with umlaut of the root vowel < PAlb ani̅̅̆.


     anë / ãnë [f] edge, border, side; party

PAlb. *(h)ant- {1} (AE 77)

PIE *h2(e)nt-, root *h2nt ‘front, face’ _+_ (Pok. 48)

Go. und ‘up to’; Skt. antá- ‘edge, border, end’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, the reconstruction *h2n̥t-neh2 > PAlb. antna̅ is also possible.


      ãng [m] (g) ‘nightmare, incubus; anguish; constriction’

PAlb. *ang-

Alb. ãnkth [m] (g) ‘nightmare, incubus; anguish; constriction’ {1}; makth [m] (tg) ‘nightmare,

incubus; anguish; constriction’ {2} (AE 79)

PIE *h2(o)nǵh-o-, root *h2nǵh ‘narrow’ _+_ (Pok. 42)

Lat. ango̅ to cramp (up), constrict

Notes: {1} An Alb. formation with the diminutive suffix -th. {2} An Alb. formation with the

intensifying prefix m(ë)-.


      aq [particle] (tg) {1} ‘so much’

PAlb. * ̊kai {2}, cf. a ̊ [3] (AE 80)

PIE *kwoi, root *kw ‘someone; who’ _+_ (Pok. 644)

OLat. quoi ‘which’ {3}

Notes: {1} Comparative particle. From a-q (< Alb. a(u) ki), resulting from the merger of a

former syntactic unit. {2} Possibly a plural form of the pronominal stem kwo- which forms

indefinite, interrogative and relative pronouns. A reconstruction *kweh2i is also possible. {3}

Or Lat. quae.


     që [pron] (tg) that

PAlb. *kai {1} (AE 80)

PIE *kwo-, root *kw ‘that’ _+_ (Pok. 644)





Lat. quoi ‘they’

Notes: {1} A frozen case form, possibly *kwoi. {2} In view of its function in Alb., it seems at

least equally likely that që is a loanword from Latin que [MdV].


        arë [f] (tg) arable land, soil

PAlb. *arua̅ (AE 80)

PIE *h2rh3uer-, root *h2rh3 ‘arable land, soil’ _+_ (Pok. 63)

Gr. ἄρουρα arable land

Lat. arvum ‘corn-field’


      arg [m] (t) ‘young louse, newly hatched nit’

PAlb. *arg-

Alb. argull [m] (t) ‘young louse, newly hatched nit’ {1}; ergjiz [m] (tg) ‘young louse, newly

hatched nit’ {2} (AE 81)

PIE *Horgwh-, root *Hrgwh ‘louse, mite, tick’ _−_ (Pok. 335)

Arm. o(r)ǰil nit

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the suffix -ull. {2} Diminutive form with the suffix -(ë)z. The

umlaut of the root vowel and the palatalized consonant have originated in the plural.


         ara [mnp] (g) {1} ‘(he-)bear’

PAlb. *ar(K)ϑ- {2}

Alb. ari [m] (tg) ‘(he-)bear’ {3} (AE 81)

PIE *h2rtḱo-, root *h2rtḱ- ‘bear’ _+_ (Pok. 875)

Arm. arǰ bear

Skt. ŕ̥̥kṣa- bear

Notes: {1} Bog. {2} The stem final -θ- has been dropped for reasons of popular etymology, in

order to avoid semantic confusion with the hypochoristic-diminutive formations in -th. {3}

Alb. enlargement with the suffix -i.


      arrë {1} [f] (tg) nut

PAlb. *arua̅ (AE 82) nut __ (Pok. 61)

Gr. (Hes.) ἄρυα . τὰ Ἡρακλεωτικά κάρυα

OCS orěxъ nut

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -rr-.


       asht [m] (g) ‘bone’

PAlb. *aśt-

Alb. ashtë [n] (tg) bone (AE 82)

PIE *h2ost(h2-), root *h2st(h2-) ‘bone’ _+_ (Pok. 783)

Skt. ásthi- ‘bone’


        at [m] (tg) {2} ‘father’

PAlb. *at(t)-

Alb. atë [m] (tg) father (AE 83)

PIE *(H)at(t)a(H)- ‘father’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 71)

Gr. ἄττα father

Lat. atta ‘father’

Notes: {1} A nursery word. {2} Weak cases et(-), pl. etër/n (tg) with umlaut of the root

vowel, caused by an -i in the following syllable.






      ath [verb] (tg) ‘to file down (the teeth)’

PAlb. *aϑ- {1}

Alb. athje [f] (t) ‘Ononis spinosa, thorny undergrowth’ {2}; (i) athët [adj] (tg) ‘harsh, sour’

{3}, cf. eh (AE 83)

PIE *h2oḱ-(u-), root *h2ḱ- ‘sharp, pointed, edged’ _+_ (Pok. 18)

Lat. acus ‘needle’

Notes: {1} Nominal basis for further denominative formations. {2} Alb. formation (verbal

noun) with the suffix -je. {3} Denominative formation with the suffix -(ë)t(ë).


      eh [verb] (g) ‘to sharpen, point’

PAlb. *aha- {1}, cf. ath (AE 84)

PIE *h2(o)ḱ-uo- ‘sharp, pointed’ _+_ (Pok. 19)

Lat. acuo̅ to sharpen, to point

Notes: {1} Nominal basis for further denominative formations. ah- probably stands in an

originally paradigmatic relationship with Alb. ath(-) < *h2(o)ḱ-(u-).


      avdosë [f] (tg) {1} chaffinch

PAlb. *(h)aui ̊

Alb. afçë [f] (tg) ‘greenfinch’ {2}, cf. vito (AE 84)

PIE *h2eui-, root *h2u ‘bird’ _+_ (Pok. 86)

Lat. avis ‘bird’

Arm. haw ‘bird’

Notes: {1} Compositional formation with -dosë sow; mother animal. {2} Diminutive

formation with -çë.


     avull [m] (tg) ‘vapour, damp’

PAlb. *(h)au-ul- {1}, cf. aft (AE 85)

PIE *h2euh1-Vl-, root *h2uh1- ‘vapour, steam’ _+_ (Pok. 82)

Rom. abure ‘steam, damp’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the suffix -ull.


      balgë, bajgë [f] (tg) cow-, horse-dung

PAlb. *balga̅ {1} (AE 86)

PIE *bolg(w)-o- {2} ‘bulb’ _−_ (Pok. 103)

Gr. βολβός ‘onion, bulb’; βόλβιτον ‘cow-dung’

Arm. boɫk ‘radish’

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the feminines in -eh2- through a change of the suffix

vowel. {2} [AL] Clearly, a non-IE word, considering the root structure, meaning, distribution

and irregular anlaut in Armenian.


      balë, bajë [f] (tg) blaze, white spot; badger’

PAlb. *balia̅

Alb. bal [m] (tg) ‘piebald dog, horse’ (AE 87)

PIE *bhlH-io/e-, root *bhlH- ‘bright, brilliant, white’ _+_ (Pok. 118)

Gr. φαλιός ‘bright, white-speckled’


     ballë [n] (tg) {1} forehead

PAlb. *bala- (AE 88)

PIE *bhh2-lo- ‘forehead’ _?_ (Pok. 118)






OPr. ballo ‘forehead’

Notes: {1} Nowadays most of the Albanian dialects employ this as a masculine.


      barë [n] (t) herb, plant; grass

PAlb. *baura-

Alb. bar [m] (tg) ‘herb, plant; grass’ (AE 89)

PIE *bhoHu-ro-m, root *bhHu ‘become, grow’ _+_ (Pok. 146 {1})

Gr. φυτόν ‘growth, plant’

Arm. boys ‘shoot, herb, plant’

Notes: {1} The Alb. word is not mentioned by Pok.


      (i) bardhë [adj] (tg) white

PAlb. *barδa- < QIE *bhorHǵ-o-

Alb. barmë [f] (g) bast {1} (AE 90)

PIE *bherHǵ-o-, root *bhrHǵ ‘bright, brilliant’ _+_ (Pok. 139)

Go. bairhts ‘bright’

Notes: {1} < Alb. *barδ-mə.


      barrë [f] (tg) {1} burden, load; weight; pregnant

PAlb. *bara̅

Alb. bark [m] (tg) ‘belly, paunch, womb’ {2} (AE 92)

PIE *bhor-eh2 ‘burden, load’ _+_ (Pok. 128)

Gr. φορά ‘burden, load’

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -rr-. {2} [AL/MdV] Can reflect Alb. *barVk-. Connection

with OIr. brú ‘belly, paunch, womb’ is phonetically impossible.


       bashkë [f] (tg) fleece

PAlb. *baśka̅

Alb. bashkë [adv] (tg) together, jointly (AE 93) _?_

Gr. φάσκωλος ‘leathern bag, sack’

Lat. fascis ‘band, bundle’

MIr. basc ‘collar, neck-chain’


     bathë [f] (tg) broad bean

PAlb. *baϑa̅ (AE 94)

PIE *bhaḱ-o- ‘bean, lentil’ _−_ {1} (Pok. 106)

Gr. φακός ‘lentil’

Notes: {1} [AL/MdV] A non-IE term, possibly "related" to Lat. faba, etc.


      be [interjection] (tg) ‘bah {2} ??’

PAlb. *be-

Alb. bec [m] (g) ‘lamb’; beç [m] (t) ‘lamb’ {3} (AE 94)

PIE *b(h)e- ‘bah’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 96)

Gr. βῃ̃ bah!

Notes: {1} Imitation of a sheep’s sound. {2} Imitation of the sound of small cattle. {3} bec

and beç are diminutive-hypochoristic formations with the suffix -c/ç.


      be [f] (tg) ‘oath, vow’

PAlb. *bei(d-)?

Alb. përbej [verb] (tg) to swear, take the oath; betoj [verb] (tg) to put on the oath, cf. besë





(AE 94)

PIE *bheidhi-, root *bhidh- ‘persuasion’ _+_ (Pok. 117)

Gr. πειθώ ‘persuasion’


      ber [m] (tg) ‘arrow, bolt; spear, lance’

PAlb. *bo̅r-

Alb. bero(n)jë [f] (tg) adder, viper {1}; ylber [f] (tg) rainbow {2} (AE 95)

PIE *bho̅rs-, root *bhrs point, tip bolt _+_ (Pok. 108)

OIr. barr ‘point’

Notes: {1} An Alb. formation with the suffix -o(n)jë. {2} Compound with yll- star.


       rrun(j)ë [f] (t) {2} teg, shearling

PAlb. *re̅n-ia̅ {1}, cf. berr (AE 96)

PIE *ureh1n-, root *urh1n ‘sheep, lamb’ _+_ (Pok. 1170)

Gr. ἀρήν sheep, lamb

Notes: {1} Originally diminutive formation in -io/e-. {2} < * r̄ oñə.


        berr [m] (tg) {1} ‘small cattle, ram, tup’

PAlb. * ̊r(a)n-, cf. rrun(j)ë (AE 95)

PIE *urh1-n- ‘sheep, lamb’ _+_ (Pok. 1170)

Gr. ἄρνες ‘sheep, lamb’; (Hes.) βάριχοι ἄρνες

Notes: {1} A compound with be ‘imitation of a sheep’s sound’.


      besë [f] (tg) faithfulness, faith

PAlb. *biTśia̅ {2}

Alb. besoj [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to believe’, cf. be (AE 96)

PIE *bh(e)idhi- {1}, root *bhidh ‘persuasion, oath’ _+_ (Pok. 117)

Gr. πειθώ ‘persuasion’

Notes: {1} Based on the genitive. {2} Phonetically, a full grade form PAlb. *beiTśia̅ is also

possible. {3} Denominative formation in -o- of Alb. origin.


      bërsi {2} [fnp] (tg) rest from wine-, olive-, plum-press’

PAlb. *britśia̅ {1} (AE 98) __ (Pok. 144)

Lat. bri̅sa husks of wine

Notes: {1} Apparently, an old Wanderwort. {2} < Alb. *brisí, as an enlarged formation in -i.


      bibë [f] (tg) chicken, pullet

PAlb. *biba̅ (AE 99)

PIE *PiP(P)- {1} ‘to chirp, to peep’ _?_ (Pok. 830)

SCr. bì ̀ba ‘turkey-hen’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} [MdV] Therefore, Indo-European origin is unwarranted.


      bir [m] (tg) ‘son’

PAlb. *bir- < QIE *bhi(H)-ro-

Alb. bijë [f] (tg) daughter {1}, cf. bij (AE 101)

PIE *bhiH- ‘to beat, to shoot’ _?_ (Pok. 117)

Gr. φι̃ͅτυ shoot, scion

Notes: {1} Feminine formed on the basis of the plural stem Alb. *biri-a̅.






     bisht [m] (tg) ‘tail, brush; stalk, stem’

PAlb. *bi-śt- < QIE *bhi(H)-st-o-, cf. bij (AE 103)

PIE *bhiH- ‘to beat, to shoot’ _?_ (Pok. 117)


       i blerë [adj] (tg) green

PAlb. *blo̅r-

Alb. i blertë [adj] (tg) green {1}; bleron [verb] (tg) to bloom, (become) green (AE 104)

PIE *bhloh1-ro-, root *bhlh1 ‘blue, green, yellow’ _−_ (Pok. 160)

Lat. flo̅rus golden yellow, reddish-yellow

Notes: {1} Contains a productive Albanian suffix -të.


       bletë [fs/p] (tg) swarm of bees, bee; hive

PAlb. *m(e)líta̅ {1} < QIE *melit-(t)eh2-, cf. mjaltë (AE 105)

PIE *melit-, root *ml ‘honey’ _+_ (Pok. 723)

Gr. μέλισσα ‘bee’

Notes: {1} Collective formation.


      botë [f] {2} (tg) earth, soil; world’

PAlb. *bua̅ta̅ < QIE *bhueh2-t- {1} (AE 107)

PIE *bheuh2- _?_ (Pok. 146)

Skt. bhū̥́ - earth, world; Skt. bhū̥́ mi- earth, ground, soil

Notes: {1} Collective formation. {2} Singulare tantum.


      bredh {1} [m] (tg) ‘fir, spruce(-fir), beech’

PAlb. *braδ- (AE 107)

PIE *bhrHǵ-o ‘birch, ash’ _+_ (Pok. 139)

Skt. bhūrjá- ‘kind of birch’

Notes: {1} -e- due to umlaut from the plural stem *braδi̅̅̆.


     breshër / breshën [m sg/pl] hail

PAlb. *bro̅uśVn- {1} < QIE *bhro̅us-e/on- (AE 109)

PIE *, root *bhrus- _?_ (Pok. 171)

OHG bro̅s(a)ma crumb, bend

Notes: {1} [AL/MdV] The form can also reflect PALb. *breuśVn- < qIE *bhreus-e/on-.


       bri / brĩ [m] {1} ‘horn(s), antlers’

PAlb. *bri̅ {2}

Alb. brith [m] (t) {3} ‘pimple, whelk’ (AE 110)

PIE *bhrih1 {4} {5} ‘point, tip, bolt’ _?_ (Pok. 108)

Notes: {1} Seldom in Gheg. {2} Entered the declension of the Alb. nouns with -n-stem quite

recently, during the historical period of Albanian. {3} Often occurs in metathesized form

birth. {4} Original dual. {5} [MdV] Since the IE root *bhr- (Pok. 108) is hardly ever attested,

it may be better to derive bri from PIE *h3bhruH- ‘(eye-)brow’, although the semantic

development is unique for this root.


      brumë [n/m] (tg) dough, paste, soft material

PAlb. *brum- < QIE *bhrh1u-mo-

Alb. burmë [f] (g) ripe fig (AE 111)

PIE *bhreh1u- ‘to boil up, ferment’ _+_ (Pok. 143)

Lat. de̅frutum new wine





       bung {1} [m] (tg) ‘kind of oak’

PAlb. *ba̅ng-(a̅̅̆) {2}

Alb. bungë [f] (tg) kind of oak (AE 112)

PIE *bheh2ǵ-o- ‘beech, oak(-tree)’ _+_ (Pok. 107)

Gr. φηγός ‘kind of oak’

Lat. fa̅gus beech, oak

Notes: {1} From Alb. *bong(-). {2} Metathesized from b(h)a̅g-na̅.


     burrë {1} [m] (tg) man; husband’

PAlb. *bur- (AE 113)

PIE *bhh2u-ro- _?_ (Pok. 146)

MoHG Bauer ‘countryman; husbandman’

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -r̄ -.


      (i) butë [adj] (tg) soft, mellow, supple; tame(d)

PAlb. *bugt-

Alb. zbut [verb] (tg) ‘to soak; tame’ {1} (AE 114)

PIE *bhug(h)-to- ‘ductile, molleable’ _+_ (Pok. 152)

Arm. bowt‘ ‘blunt, obtuse’

OIr. bocc ‘tener’

Notes: {1} A denominative verb with the prefix z-.


      buzë [f sg/pl] {1} (tg) lip

PAlb. *bu-(dźia̅) (AE 114)

PIE * _−_ (Pok. 103)

Lat. bucca ‘mouth’

MIr. bus ‘lip’

Notes: {1} Collective form in -zë < *-dhieh2. Occurs usually in the plural.


      (i) çalë {1} [adj] (tg) ‘lame, limping’

PAlb. * ̊śali- < QIE *skolio- (AE 117)

PIE *(s)kel- ‘to bend, swag, curve’ _+_ (Pok. 928)

Gr. σκολιός ‘crooked, bent’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix d(ë)-.


        dardhë [f] (tg) pear(-tree)

PAlb. *darda̅ {1} (AE 121) __ (Pok. 446)

Gr. ἄχερδος pear(-tree)

Notes: {1} An old loan-word.


      darë / dãnë [f] {1} tongs

PAlb. *dakna̅ < QIE *dn̥ḱ-neh2- (AE 122)

PIE *denḱ- ‘to bite’ _+_ (Pok. 201)

Gr. δάκνω ‘to bite’

OHG zanga ‘tongs’

Notes: {1} With secondarily rhotacized nasal.


      darkë [f] (tg) supper, dinner; evening, night

PAlb. *darka̅ {1} < QIE *dorkw-o-, cf. dars, drekë (AE 122) __ {2} (Pok. 210)

Gr. δόρπον ‘supper, dinner; evening’





Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. a̅-stems. {2} [AL/MdV] The distribution

(Greek and Albanian) strongly suggests borrowing.


      dash [m] (tg) ‘ram, wether’

PAlb. *dam(e)ś- < QIE *d(o)mh2-(e)s-, cf. dem (AE 124)

PIE *demh2-, root *dmh2 ‘to tame’ _?_ (Pok. 199)

OIr. dam ‘ox’; W. dafad ‘sheep’; Bret. dañvad ‘sheep’


     degë [f] (tg) forking, crotch (of tree); bough, branch’

PAlb. *duaiga̅ < QIE *duoi-gheh2- (AE 125)

PIE *duoi-, root *du ‘binary, consisting of two’ _+_ (Pok. 229)

OHG zwi̅g forking, crotch (of tree); bough, branch


     dej [adv] (tg) ‘after tomorrow’

PAlb. *duai-au < QIE *duoi-Hous {1} (AE 126)

PIE *duo-, root *du ‘two’ _?_ (Pok. 228)

OHG zweio ‘by, in two, in pairs’

Notes: {1} Frozen locative dual form.


      dẽjë {2} [f] (g) thawing snow

PAlb. *den(i)- {1}

Alb. (i) dejmë [adj.] (t) flat and arid, barren (land, country, region); (i) dẽjun [adj.] (g) ‘flat

and arid, barren (land, country, region)’; dejet / dẽjet [verb] to thaw (intr.) (AE 127) _?_

Skt. dhánvan- ‘desert, arid land, steppe’

Notes: {1} Nominal basis for further denominative forms. {2} From Alb. denia̅.


        dele [f sg/pl] (tg) ‘sheep, ewe’

PAlb. *deilla̅ < QIE *dheh1i-lieh2-

Alb. delme [f sg/pl] (tg) ‘sheep’ {1}, cf. djalë, dosë (AE 127)

PIE *dheh1i-, root *dhh1(i) ‘to suck’ _+_ (Pok. 241)

Gr. θηλή ‘mother’s breast’

Lat. fi̅lia daughter {2}

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement with the suffix -m-. {2} [AL/MdV] Can be the same formation

as dele.


     dell [m] (tg) ‘sinew, tendon; string’

PAlb. *do̅l- < QIE *doh1-lo- (AE 128)

PIE *deh1-, root *dh1 ‘to bind’ _?_ (Pok. 183)


      dem [m] (tg) {1} ‘bull-calf; bullock’

PAlb. *dam- < QIE *d(o)mh2-(i)o-, cf. dash (AE 128)

PIE *demh2-, root *dmh2- ‘to tame’ _+_ (Pok. 199)

OIr. dam ‘ox, bullock’

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel from the plural stem *dami̅̅̆.


      derë [f] (tg) door

PAlb. *duo̅ra̅ {1} (AE 138)

PIE *dhuo̅r, root *dhur door _+_ (Pok. 278)

Skt. dvḁ̅́r- door






Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. a̅-stems. The plural form dy(e)r (tg) points

to an analogically rebuilt dual form: Alb. *dyr < *dhur-ih1.


      derr {1} [m] (tg) ‘pig’

PAlb. *dair- < QIE *ǵhoiro-

Alb. derk [m] (tg) ‘(young) pig, piglet’ (AE 131)

PIE * _−_ (Pok. 445 {2})

Gr. χοι̃ͅρος (young) pig, piglet

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -r̄ . {2} [AL/MdV] Pok. relates the Albanian and Greek

words to the PIE root *ǵher(s)-, but the only certain forms of the verbal root are those with -s-.

Since it is hard to separate the Albanian and Greek words, we assume borrowing from a

"Balkan" substratum.


      dimër / dimën [m] winter

PAlb. *dimVn- < QIE *ǵhei-mon- (AE 133)

PIE *ǵhei-m-, root *ǵhi ‘winter’ _+_ (Pok. 425)

Gr. χειμών ‘winter’


        djalë [m] (tg) {1} son; boy, young (animal)

PAlb. *di(i)ali- < QIE *dhih1ol-io-, cf. dele, dosë (AE 134)

PIE *dh(e)ih1-(o)l-, root *dhh1(i) ‘suckling’ _?_ (Pok. 241)

Lat. fi̅lius son

Notes: {1} The plural form dje(l)m (< Alb. *diali̅) shows, apart from the umlaut of the root

vowel, also an m-enlargement, which often appears in the inherited vocabulary of Alb. {2}

[MdV] Alternatively, djalë may derive from *dela or *delom and the plural dje(l)m from

*delm-. The stem *del- might be cognate with the verb dal ‘to go out’.


      djath(ë) [n/m] (tg) cheese

PAlb. *deϑ (AE 135)

PIE *dhe-dhh1, root *dhh1(i) ‘milk(-product)’ _+_ (Pok. 241)

Skt. dádhi- ‘curdled milk’; OPr. dadan ‘milk’


       rrath [m] (g) {1} ‘wheel, circle’

PAlb. *raϑ (AE 136)

PIE *Hrot-o-, root *Hrt ‘wheel’ _+_ (Pok. 866)

Skt. rátha- ‘chariot’

Notes: {1} Plural form rrathë (tg); the singular form often appears with umlaut of the root

vowel (rreth). The origin of -th is unclear.


      ndjath [adv] (g) {1} ‘at/to the right’

PAlb. *deϑ

Alb. (i) djathë [adj] (tg) right; (i) djathtë [adj] (tg) right {2} (AE 137)

PIE *deḱs(i), root *dḱ ‘at/to the right’ _+_ (Pok. 190)

Gr. δεξιτερός ‘right’

Lat. dexter ‘right’

OHG zeso ‘to the right’

Notes: {1} Alb. form with the prefix (a)n-. {2} Alb. enlargement with the suffix -të.


     dje, die [adv] (tg) ‘yesterday’

PAlb. *(d)die (AE 138)





PIE *ǵhdies ‘yesterday’ _+_ (Pok. 416)

OIr. indé ‘yesterday’


       djersë [f] (tg) perspiration, sweat

PAlb. *(ui)dertśia̅ < QIE *suid(e)r-ti- {1}

Alb. djers [verb] (tg) ‘to sweat’ {2} (AE 139)

PIE *su(e)id-r-, root *suid ‘perspiration, sweat’ _+_ (Pok. 1043)

Gr. ἱδρώς sweat, perspiration

Notes: {1} As the basis for further denominative forms. {2} Beside 1sg. pres. dirs(em).


      dorë [f] (tg) {1} hand

PAlb. *de̅ra̅ {2} (AE 140)

PIE *ǵhesr- ‘hand’ _+_ (Pok. 447)

Gr. χείρ ‘hand’

Notes: {1} The plural form duar / du(e)r goes back to an original dual form *ǵhesr-(h1)e. {2}

Has entered the declension of the fem. a̅-stems.


     dosë [f] (tg) sow; mother animal

PAlb. *de̅tśia̅, cf. djalë, dele (AE 140)

PIE *dheh1-tieh2, root *dhh1(i) ‘parent, mother animal’ _+_ (Pok. 241)


       dra [m] (tg) ‘sediment, dregs; smudged butter; sweepings, dirt’

PAlb. *drag(-)

Alb. ndrag [verb] (tg) ‘to make/get filthy, dirty’ {1} (AE 141)

PIE *dhrogh- {2} ‘sediment, dregs’ (Pok. 251)

Lat. frace̅s oil dregs

ON dregg ‘dregs’

Notes: {1} Alb. form with the prefix (a)n-. {2} [AL/MdV] The IE date of this family is



      dre / drẽ [m] {1} ‘stag, deer’

PAlb. * ̊ran-

Alb. drãng [m] (g) ‘young animal’ (AE 142)

PIE *urh1n- ‘lamb’ _?_ (Pok. 1170)

Gr. (Hes.) ἀράνης . ἔλαφος

Notes: {1} Prefixed form with the Alb. prefix d(V)-; drẽ from the plural stem drani̅̅̆. {2}

[MdV] Whether d(V)- really was an existing prefix is doubted by Demiraj, AE 143.


       dredhë {1} [f] (tg) strawberry

PAlb. *draδ- (AE 144) _−_ {2}

Lat. fra̅gum strawberry

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel after the plural stem Alb. draδi̅̅̆. {2} An old



      drekë [f] (tg) lunch, meal; midday, noon’

PAlb. *drika̅ < QIE *dr̥kw-eh2, cf. dars, darkë (AE 144) __ {1} (Pok. 210)

Gr. δόρπον ‘supper, dinner; evening’

Notes: {1} [AL/MdV] The distribution (Greek and Albanian) strongly suggests borrowing.






      dritë [f] (tg) {1} light, brightness; beam, ray

PAlb. *drikt- < QIE *dr̥ḱ-t(o)-

Alb. ndrit [verb 3sp] (tg) ‘lights, shines, glists’ (AE 145)

PIE *derḱ-, root *drḱ- ‘to look; appear’ _+_ (Pok. 213)

Skt. dr̥ṣṭá- appeared

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. -a̅-stems. Usually, a singulare tantum.


      drithë [f pl] (tg) cereals; wheat

PAlb. *driϑ- < QIE *ǵhr(i)sd(h)- (AE 145) ‘(kind of) cereals; barley’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 446)

Gr. κριθή ‘barley’

OHG gersta ‘barley’

Notes: {1} Probably an old Wanderwort.


      drizë [f] (tg) {1} thorn(-bush), Christs thorn

PAlb. *dri-(dźia̅) (AE 146) _?_

Gr. δρίος ‘thicket, brake; bush’

Notes: {1} Collective with the suffix -zë.


      dru / drũ [m] ‘wood; tree; stem, trunk’

PAlb. *dru(n)- {1}

Alb. drỹ [m] (g) ‘lock, door-bolt (of wood)’ {2} (AE 146)

PIE *d(o)ru, root *dr ‘wood’ _+_ (Pok. 214)

Gr. δρυ̃ͅς tree, oak

Skt. dḁ̅́ru- wood

Notes: {1} An analogical -n-stem. {2} PAlb. dru-(i)io-.


      dua [m] (t) {1} ‘sheaf’

PAlb. *de̅ma

Alb. duaj / du(e)j [m pl] ‘sheaf’ {2} (AE 149)

PIE *deh1-mn, root *dh1 ‘band’ _+_ (Pok. 183)

Gr. -δημα ‘band’

Skt. dḁ̅́man- band

Notes: {1} From a preform *doN < PAlb. *de̅m(-). {2} With added -j.


      dushk [m] (tg) ‘kind of bush, shrub’

PAlb. *duś-k- (AE 150) _?_ (Pok. 178)

Lat. dūmus ‘scrub’

OIr. doss ‘bush’


      dy {1} [num m] (tg); dy {2} [num f/n] (tg) ‘two’

PAlb. *duuai < QIE *duuo-ih1 (AE 151)

PIE *duo-, root *du ‘two’ _+_ (Pok. 228)

Skt. dvé ‘two’ [f/n]

Notes: {1} From a preform Alb. *dui̅̅̆. {2} [dy:], under the influence of tri [tri:] three [f/n].


       dyllë [m] (tg) wax, resin

PAlb. *dūl- < QIE *ǵhuslo-

Alb. dëllinjë [f] (tg) juniper (AE 152) __ {1} (Pok. 448)

Gr. χῡλός juice

Notes: {1} [AL/MdV] The IE date of this word is very uncertain.





       dhall(ë) [f/m/n] (tg) {1} butter-milk

PAlb. *δal- {2} (AE 153) _−_ (Pok. 400)

Gr. γάλα ‘milk’

Rom. zară butter-milk

Notes: {1} Singulare tantum. {2} PAlb. *δ points to QIE *ǵ-. {3} [MdV] Latin lac, lactis and

Greek γάλα milk point to *ǵ̥ l-, but this would not yield Alb. dh-; therefore, the word for

‘milk’ may be a borrowing of an unknown language with the forms *ǵal-, *ǵl-.


      dhe {1} [m] (tg) ‘earth, ground’

PAlb. *(d)δo̅m {2} < QIE *ǵhdho̅m (AE 155)

PIE *dhǵhem-, root *dhǵh ‘earth, ground’ _+_ (Pok. 414)

Gr. χθών ‘earth, ground’

Notes: {1} From *δeN. {2} [MdV] The absence of diphthongization in *δēm in front of a

word-final nasal would be surprising; hence the PAlb. form may already have been *δō.


      dhelpë [f] (g) fox

PAlb. *δeli-(pə)

Alb. dhelpër / dhelpën [f] fox {1} (AE 156) _?_ (Pok. 367)

Gr. γαλεή ‘weasel, marten’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the suffix (ë)rë / -(ë)në < *-e/ono-. A contamination with the

PIE word for ‘fox’ is conceivable.


      dhen [f pl] (t) {1} ‘(herd of) small cattle’

PAlb. *δent-

Alb. dhẽn(d) [f pl] (g) ‘(herd of) small cattle’ (AE 157)

PIE *ǵenh1-ti-, root *ǵnh1 ‘family, clan; race’ _+_ (Pok. 373)

Lat. ge̅ns race, nation, people; crowd

Notes: {1} Occurs only as a collective name for small cattle.


       dhëmb / dhãm(b) [m] tooth

PAlb. *δamb- (AE 158)

PIE *ǵombh-o-s, root *ǵmbh ‘tooth’ _+_ (Pok. 369)

Gr. γόμφος ‘tooth’


       dhëndërr / dhãn(d)ërr [m] {1} son-in-law, bridegroom

PAlb. *δaNta̅r < QIE *ǵVm(H)-te̅r (AE 159)

PIE *ǵemH-, root *ǵmH- ‘to marry’ _+_ (Pok. 369)

Skt. jḁ̅́ma̅tar- son-in-law

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -r̄ .


        edh [m] (tg) ‘kid’

PAlb. *aiδ- < QIE *(H)aiǵ-

Alb. dhi [f] (tg) ‘(she-)goat’ {1}; (i) dhirë / (i) dhinë [adj] ‘goat’s (milk, wool, skin)’ {2} (AE

160) _−_ {3} (Pok. 13)

Gr. αἴξ (she-)goat

Arm. ayc ‘(she-)goat’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. *aiδ-í(i)a̅. {2} Alb. formation with the suffix -(ë)në/-(ë)rë < *-e/ono-.

{3} Probably, an ancient Wanderwort.






      dhjamë [m/n] (tg) fat

PAlb. *δem(-) (AE 161) _−_ (Pok. 175)

Gr. δημός ‘fat’

Rom. zeamă juice; sauce’


     fjalë [f] (tg) word

PAlb. *feln- < QIE *spel(H)-en-eh2 (AE 134)

PIE *spel(H)- ‘to speak’ (Pok. 985)

Arm. ar̄ a-spel fable, proverb

OHG spel ‘speech’


       dhjetë {1} [num] (tg) ten

PAlb. *(-)dek(a)t-

Alb. (i) dhjetë [num ord] (tg) tenth’; njëmbëdhjetë [num] (tg) ‘eleven’; tridhjetë [num] (tg)

‘thirty’ (AE 162)

PIE *deḱmt- ‘ten’ (Pok. 191)

Lith. dẽšimt ‘ten’; OCS desętь ‘ten’

Notes: {1} The fricative in anlaut has arisen in composition. The final -ë is due to levelling

with the decad compounds and with their respective ordinals.


       dhurë / dhunë [f] {1} injury, blemish, violence

PAlb. *(e)δuna̅ (AE 163)

PIE *h1(e)dun-eh2 ‘pain, smart?’

Gr. ὀδύνη pain, smart, harm

Notes: {1} Occurs beside dhunë with retention of the rhotacism of the intervocalic nasal.


        elb {2} [m] (tg) ‘barley(corn)’

PAlb. *albi- (AE 164)

PIE *h2(o)lbhi- ‘kind of cereal, barley’ _ _{1} (Pok. 29)

Gr. ἄλφι barley flour; pot-barley

Notes: {1} Possibly, non-IE. {2} With umlaut of the root vowel caused by -i- in the following



      emër / emën [m] name

PAlb. *enmen- (AE 165)

PIE *h1n(h3)men- ‘name’ (Pok. 321)

OCS imę name; OPr. emnes name; OIr. ainm name

Notes: {1} [MdV] The vowel e- is difficult to account for when we start from the PIE

preform. It cannot be excluded that emër was borrowed from Latin (n)ōmen, -inis.


        end(ë) / ẽnd(ë) [m/f] {2} blooming; bloom, pollen

PAlb. *and- {1}

Alb. end / ẽnd [verb] ‘to bloom’ (AE 166)

PIE *h2ndh-o- ‘sprout, germ?’ (Pok. 40)

Gr. ἄνθος sprout, flower

Notes: {1} As a nominal basis for further Alb. forms. {2} With umlaut of the root vowel from

pl. Alb. andi̅̅̆.


     (i) epër [adj] (tg) higher, upper

PAlb. *apir- < QIE *h1opi-ro-





Alb. (i) sipërm [adj] (tg) above; tepër [adv] (tg) more, very (AE 167)

PIE *h1(o/e)pi- ‘on, upon’ (Pok. 323)

Gr. ὄπιθε(ν) behind


        (h)ethe [fnp] (tg) ‘fever’

PAlb. *haiδ/ϑ

Alb. (h)eth [verb] (tg) ‘to stimulate mating’ (AE 168)

PIE *h2eidh-o- ‘burning, fire’ _?_ (Pok. 11)

Gr. αἶθος burning, fire

Skt. édha(s)- ‘firewood’


       (i) ëmbël / (i) ãm(b)ël [adj] {1} sweet, mild

PAlb. * ̊m(e)lit- < QIE *m(e)lit-

Alb. tãm(b)ël [m] (g) milk (AE 169)

PIE *meli-t(-) ‘honey’ _?_ (Pok. 723)

Ir. milis ‘sweet, mild’; W melys ‘sweet, mild’

Notes: {1} From a prefixed Alb. *ambëlt < *an-blit. {2} [MdV] Demiraj AE 168 suggests an

intensive prefix *(e)n-/(a)n-; alternatively, one might prefer the prefix *en- ‘in’: *en-mlit-

‘which has honey (in it)’ .


     ëmë / ãmë [f] mother

PAlb. *am(m)a̅̅̆ (AE 175)

PIE *(H)am(m)a(H) ‘mother’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 36)

OHG amma ‘mother, nurse’

Notes: {1} Nursery word.


      ëndë / ãn(d)ë [f] desire, inclination, pleasure’

PAlb. *anTa̅ < QIE *h2(o)nh1-teh2- (AE 170)

PIE *h2(o)nh1- ‘breath’ (Pok. 38)

Gr. (Hes.) ἀντάς . πνοάς

ON andi ‘spirit, soul’


      ëndërr / ãn(d)ërr [f] {1} dream

PAlb. * ̊dra̅ < QIE *dreH- {2} (AE 171)

PIE *dreH- ‘sleep, to sleep’ (Pok. 226)

Skt. nidrḁ̅́- slumber, snooze, sleepiness

Notes: {1} Prefixed with Alb. *(a)n- (< *h2en-). {2} The reconstruction is not entirely certain.

Under the assumption of epenthetic -d- (within -nr-), ëndërr may be connected with Arm.

anowrj, Gr. ὀναρ, which have the same meaning: possibly PAlb. anra̅ < *h2ṇr-? [3} [MdV]

Rather *h3nr-.


      flugë [f] (g) shingle

PAlb. *śpl(e)u-g(h)a̅ {1}

Alb. flegë [f] (tg) splinter, chip; flegër [f] (tg) wing (of the nose), wooden plate (AE 172)

PIE *(s)pel-eu-, s-bhel-eu- ‘to split’ _?_ (Pok. 985)

Notes: {1} With Alb. suffix -g(ë).


     gardh [m] (tg) ‘hedge, fence’

PAlb. *garδ- (AE 175)






PIE *ghordh-o- ‘hedge, fence’ (Pok. 444)

Lith. gard̃ͅ as fold, pen’; OIc. garðr ‘hedge, fence, court’


     ditë {1} [f] (tg) day

PAlb. *di̅t- < QIE *dih2-t(i)- (AE 176)

PIE *deih2- ‘to lighten, shine’ (Pok. 183)

OCS dьnь ‘day’

Notes: {1} Pl. dit from PAlb. *di̅ti̅̅̆.


     gisht [m] (tg) ‘finger’

PAlb. *g(u)Víś(t)- (AE 178)

PIE *guV-ís-(t-) ‘finger?’ _?_ (Pok. 481)

W. bys ‘finger’; OCorn. bis ‘finger’


      gogël [f] (tg) acorn; small and round object

PAlb. *ga̅gul < QIE *gwe(l)h2-gwl̥ h2 {1} (AE 179)

PIE *gwelh2- ‘oak?, acorn’ (Pok. 419)

Lith. gìlė acorn

Notes: {1} Basic form with broken reduplication.


      grua {1} [f] (tg) ‘woman’

PAlb. *gra̅̅̆u- < QIE *ǵreh2u- (AE 180)

PIE *ǵerh2- ‘?’ (Pok. 390)

Gr. γραυ̃ͅς old woman

Notes: {1} From Alb. *grou-.


      gur [m] (tg) ‘stone, rock’

PAlb. *gur(i)-

Alb. ngrij [verb] (tg) ‘to freeze, curdle; to turn cold’ {1} (AE 181)

PIE *gwrH-i- ‘mountain, rock, stone’ (Pok. 477)

Skt. girí- ‘mountain’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. *guri-(ni-).


       gjak [m] (tg) ‘blood’

PAlb. *śak- < QIE *sokw-o- (AE 181)

PIE *s(u)okw-o- ‘sap’ (Pok. 1044)

Gr. ὀπός sap

Lith. sakaĩ ‘sap, juice’


      gjalpë [n/m] (tg) butter

PAlb. *śelp- (AE 182)

PIE *selp- ‘butter’ (Pok. 901)

Gr. (Hes.) ἔλπος . ἔλαιον

Skt. sarpís ‘butter’


       gjallë [adj, adv] (tg) alive, living’

PAlb. *śal(u)-

Alb. ngjall [verb] (tg) ‘to heal, revive’ (AE 182)

PIE *soluo- ‘safe and sound, unhurt, whole’ (Pok. 979)

Skt. sárva- ‘unhurt, whole’




      gjarpër / gjarpën [m] snake, serpent’

PAlb. *śerpVn- < QIE *serp-e/ono- (AE 183)

PIE *serp- ‘to creep’ (Pok. 912)

Lat. serpe̅ns snake, serpent


      gjashtë {1} [num] (tg) six

PAlb. *śe(K)ś-ta̅ < QIE *seḱs-(to-)

Alb. (i) gjashtë [num ord] (tg) sixth (AE 184)

PIE *s(u)eḱs ‘six’ (Pok. 1044)

OCS šestь ‘six’; OCS šestъ ‘sixth’

Notes: {1} With final syllable -të by analogical levelling with the corresponding ordinal.


      (i) gjatë [adj] (tg) long

PAlb. *glag(V)-ta̅ {1} (AE 185)

PIE *dlh1gho- ‘long’ (Pok. 197)

Skt. di̅rghá- long

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement with the adjectival suffix -to-.


      glep [m] (t); gjep [m] (tg) ‘sting, nettle’

PAlb. *glo̅p- < QIE *gloH-(p-)

Alb. glëmp (t), gjemb (tg) [m] sting, prickle (AE 186)

PIE *gwel(H)- ‘to prick’ (Pok. 470)

Lith. geluõ ‘sting’; geluonìs ‘sting’

Notes: {1} With -m- added after thumb ‘prickle’.


      gath [m] (g) ‘catkins’

PAlb. *guaϑ-

Alb. gjethe [fnp] (tg) ‘foliage’ {1}; gjeth(e) [f/m] (tg) ‘leaf’ {2} (AE 187)

PIE *guos-do- ‘boughs, foliage’ (Pok. 480)

OHG questa ‘bunch of leaves’; OSr. gvozd ‘forest’

Notes: {1} From the plural stem, where the umlaut of the root vowel has arisen. {2}

Singularized plural form.


        gjithë [pronindef] (tg) each; whole, all, full

PAlb. *śi̅ϑ- < QIE *sih2-ḱo- {1} (AE 188)

PIE *sih2- ‘one?’

Gr. ἴα one; ἰός one and the same

Notes: {1} An Alb. formation.


       gjỹmës {1} [adj] (g); gjysmë {2} [adj] {3} (tg) half

PAlb. *śa̅mi-(ti-)

PIE *se̅mi- half (Pok. 905)

Lat. se̅m(i)- half

Notes: {1} From Alb. *ȥ̌umis < *ȥ̌omiti-. {2} With metathesis in inlaut.


     gjizë [f {2}] (tg) whey-cheese, curds and whey; curdled milk

PAlb. *śiN-dźia̅ {1} < QIE *s(e)iN- (AE 189)

PIE *sei-N- ‘to drop, drip, dribble, flow’ (Pok. 889)

OHG seim ‘Honigseim’; W. hufen ‘cream’

Notes: {1} Collective Alb. formation. {2} Singulare tantum.





       gjollë [f] (tg) Salzlecke

PAlb. *śa̅la̅ (AE 190)

PIE *seh2l- ‘salt’ (Pok. 878)

Lat. sa̅l salt


      gju / gjũ [m] ‘knee’

PAlb. *glun- {1} < QIE *ǵnu-n(o)- (AE 190)

PIE *ǵ(o)nu- ‘knee’ (Pok. 380)

OIr. glún ‘knee’; Go. kniu ‘knee’

Notes: {1} With dissimilation of the first -n-.


        gjumë [m] (tg) sleep

PAlb. *śubn- (AE 192)

PIE *sup-no- ‘sleep’ (Pok. 1048)

Gr. ὕπνος sleep


      gjysh [m] (tg) ‘grandfather’

PAlb. *śūśi- (AE 192)

PIE *suH-s-(i)o- ‘begetter’ _?_ (Pok. 913)

Skt. sūṣḁ̅́ who gives birth; Skt. sūṣán- god of bearing


     halë [f] (tg) awn, beard; nettle-leaf; fish-bone

PAlb. *halia̅ < QIE *s-Kol(H)-ieh2 {1} (AE 193)

PIE *s-Kol(H)- ‘to cut, snip; prick’ (Pok. 923)

W. col(a) ‘point, awn, beard’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, s-Kol(H)g(h)- is also possible.


      hardhëlë [f] (t) lizard, lacerta agilis

PAlb. *harδ-(Vl-)

Alb. hardhëjë [f] (t) ‘lizard, gecko’; hardhje [f] (g) ‘lizard, gecko’ {1} (AE 194)

PIE *sKord-(Vlo-) _−_ (Pok. 934)

Gr. (σ)κορδύλος ‘newt, Triton palustris’

Notes: {1} The original word formation is not entirely clear.


      (h)ardhi {2} [f] (tg) ‘vine-branch, grape-vine, shot of a vine’

PAlb. *harδ- {1} (AE 195)

PIE *HorT- ‘vine-branch, grape-vine, shot of a vine’ (Pok. 782)

Arm. ort‘ ‘grape-vine’

Notes: {1} Considering the anlaut, a reconstruction h3erT- is very attractive. {2} Alb.

enlargement with the collective suffix -í.


     helm {1} [m] (tg) ‘poison’

PAlb. *hal(i)m- < QIE *sKol(i)mo- (AE 198)

PIE *sKel- ‘to cut (off)’ (Pok. 923)

OHG scalmo ‘plague, pestilence’

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel.


     hell [m] (tg) ‘spit; icicle {1}’

PAlb. *ho̅l- < QIE *sKo̅l- (AE 199)

PIE *sKel- ‘to cut (off)’ (Pok. 923)




Gr. σκῳ̃λος arrow, sharp pole

Notes: {1} Pl. hej(e) from Alb. heli̅̅̆.


       herdhe {3} [fnp] (tg) {4} ‘testicles’

PAlb. *harδi̅ {2} (AE 199)

PIE *Herǵh- {1} ‘testicle’ (Pok. 782)

Gr. ὀρχεις testicles

Av. ərəzi ‘testicle’

Notes: {1} *H2-3erǵh-. {2} Original dual *H2-3erǵh-ih1. {3} With umlaut of the root vowel. {4}

Plurale tantum.


       hënë / hãnë [f] moon

PAlb. *hand-na̅ < QIE *sK(ə)nd-(neh2) (AE 199)

PIE *(s)Kend- ‘to lighten, glitter, glisten’ _?_ (Pok. 526)

Skt. (ś)candrá- ‘brilliant’; MBret. cann ‘full moon’


        hidh [m] (g) ‘nettle’

PAlb. *hiδ- {1} < QIE *h2idh-

Alb. (i) (h)idhët [adj] (tg) bitter {2} (AE 200)

PIE *h2eidh- ‘to burn?’ (Pok. 12)

Gr. αἴθω to burn

Lith. aitrùs ‘bitter’

Notes: {1} Nominal basis for further denominative forms. {2} Alb. form with the adjectival

suffix -(ë)t(ë).


      hie [f] (tg) ‘shade, shadow’

PAlb. *hi(i)a̅ {1} (AE 201)

PIE *sḱeh1-ieh2- ‘shade, shadow’ (Pok. 917)

Gr. σκιά shade, shadow

ToB skio ‘shade, shadow’

Notes: {1} From the PIE sḱh1-ieh2-s.


       hir [m] (tg) ‘grace, blessing, goodwill {2}’

PAlb. *hi̅r- {1} (AE 201) ? _?_ (Pok. 917)

Gr. ἱερός holy {3}

Osc. aisusis ‘sacrifiis’

Notes: {1} From His-ro- (?), if not a Gr. loanword. {2} Occurs only in the Christian church

language. {3} Aeol. ἷρος.


      hirrë {1} [f] (tg) whey; serum

PAlb. *hi̅ra̅ < QIE *sḱiH-ro- (AE 202) to dim, shimmer? (Pok. 917)

OIc. skírr ‘clean, clear’

Notes: {1} With ‘hardening’ of the inlaut.


      (i) hollë {1} [adj] (tg) thin, slender

PAlb. *ha̅̅̆ul-

Alb. huall [m] (tg) ‘honeycomb’ {2}; holli [f] (tg) ‘oblong, hollow’ {3} (AE 203)

PIE *h2eu-lo- ‘hollow’ (Pok. 88)

Gr. αὐλός oblong, hollow

ON (huann-)jóli ‘hollow stalk, stem’





Notes: {1} From an Alb. nominal base hoɫ-. {2} Pl. hoj(e) from Alb. hoɫi. {3} With -í-



       (i) (h)uoj [adj] (g) {3}; (i) huaj / (i) (h)u(e)j [adj] {2} ‘foreign, strange’

PAlb. *hau- < QIE *h2eu-os {1} (AE 203)

PIE *h2eu- ‘there, that, alter, alius’ (Pok. 73)

Av. auua- ‘that, ille’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, h2euso- is also possible. Maybe, an orig. genetive. {2} With addition

of -j-. {3} Buz., Budi.


      hurdhë [f] (tg) garlic

PAlb. *horδ- (AE 204) ‘garlic’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 941)

Gr. σκόρ(ο)δον ‘garlic’

Notes: {1} Probably, a non-IE Wanderwort.


      (h)urdhë [f] (tg) pond, pool; swamp

PAlb. *urδa̅ < QIE *uh1r-d(h)eh2 (AE 205)

PIE *uh1r- ‘water’ (Pok. 80)

Skt. vḁ̅́r- water; OPr. wurs pond, pool


       hut [adv] (tg) ‘in vain, vainly; empty, idle’

PAlb. *hut- < QIE *h2ut-

Alb. hutoj [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to keep in the air; hebetate’ (AE 205)

PIE *h2eu-t- ‘downward(s)’ (Pok. 72)

Gr. αὔτως in vain

Go. auÞs ‘desert’ [adj.]

Notes: {1} Denominative form with suffix -ó-.


      yll {1} [m] (tg) ‘star’

PAlb. *(h)ūl- < QIE *h1us-lo- (AE 206)

PIE *h1eus- ‘to burn, glow’ (Pok. 347)

OIc. usli ‘embers’

Notes: {1} Pl. yj from Alb. *yɫi.


       (i) im [pronposs Nomsm] (tg); (i) em [pronposs Nomsm] (g) {1} ‘my’

PAlb. *(e)m- (AE 206)

PIE *h1mos {1} ‘my’ (Pok. 702)

Gr. ἐμός my

Arm. im ‘my’

Notes: {1} Possibly with secundary lowering of the root vowel. Nompm (e) mi ’my’ < *mi̅̅̆ <

PAlb *(e)moi.


      jetër [pron] {2} (tg) other, another

PAlb. *éter-

Alb. {4} (AE 208)

PIE *h1e-tero- {1} (Pok. 284)

OCS eterъ ‘somebody’; Umbr. etro- ‘another’

Notes: {1} From the pronominal stem h1e-. {2} Indefinite pronoun. {3} < Alb. t(ə) jetər. {4}

Mnp (të) tjerë < *h1e-tér-.






       ju [pronpers] (tg) ‘you’

PAlb. *iu- {1} (AE 209)

PIE *iu(H)-? ‘you’ (Pok. 513)

Lith. jūs ‘you’; Go. jus ‘you’

Notes: {1} Possibly, although less probably < *usm-.


      ka [m] (tg) {1} ‘ox (for community services)’

PAlb. *kau- < QIE *ḱm̥-uo- (AE 210)

PIE *ḱem- {1} ‘hornless’ _?_ (Pok. 556)

Lith. šmùlis ‘hornless cow, ox’

Notes: {1} Pl. qe from Alb. *ka-i̅̅̆. {2} Alternatively, one might suggest an ancient loanword

from PIE gwou- ‘ox’, from an IE language in which the velar series had become voiceless, cf.

Arm. kow, OHG chuo.


     kalli {1} [m] (tg); kallëz [fnp] (t) {2} ear

PAlb. *kal- (AE 211)

PIE *kolH- ‘awn, beard’ (Pok. 545)

OCS kolъ ‘plug, peg’

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement with the suffix -í. {2} Nowadays, it occurs singularized as a

diminutive form in many dialects.


      kashtë [f] (tg) straw, chaff

PAlb. *kalś-ta̅

Alb. kashër [f] (g) reed, rush, Juncus idaeus {1} (AE 213)

PIE *kol(H)-(e)s- ‘sting, awn’ (Pok. 545)

OCS klasъ ‘ear’; OHG hul(i)s ‘holly(-tree)’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. *kalś-(V)ra̅.


     karpë [f] (tg) rock, crag

PAlb. *karpa̅ < QIE *kor(H)p-o- (AE 213)

PIE *(s)ker(H)p- ‘?’ (Pok. 944)

Norw. skarv ‘bare rock’


      keq {1} [adv] (tg); (i) keq {2} [adj] (tg) ‘bad(ly)’

PAlb. *kaki̅̅̆- (AE 216) __

Gr. κακός ‘bad’

Notes: {1} With umlaut a > e. {2} Mnp. (të) këqi(j) < *kakí-.


       k(ë) ̊ [particle] (tg) {1} here

PAlb. *ku ̊ (AE 217)

PIE *kwu- ‘who, where’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 644)

Go. -hun [pron] {2}

Notes: {1} Deictic particle of remote distance. It only occurs in the pronominal system as the

first member of a compound. {2} Pronominal element for the formation of indefinite

pronouns. {3} [MdV] It seems at least equally likely that kë- derives from Latin eccum.

Demiraj AE 217speaks about ‘near’ deixis rather than ‘remote’.


      kë / kãn(d) [pron Accsm/n/f] {1} who, whom (?)

PAlb. *kaN < QIE *kwo-m

Alb. kã [pron Accsm/n/f] (g) ‘who, whom’; kënd / kãn(d) [pron Accsm/f/n] anyone {2} (AE






PIE *kwo- ‘who’ (Pok. 644)

Lat. quom ‘cum’

Notes: {1} Interrogative and relative pronoun. {2} Indefinite pronoun; compound < kwom-to-.

{3} [MdV] The derivation of kënd < kwom-tom is problematic since *-nt- yields -n- in the of noun paradigms. Also, the oldest Geg texts have ke, ka (nasalized

vowels), and also kun, kana (Buz.). Hence, -d in kënd must be a later addition. Its earliest

occurrence seems to be in the indefinites (e.g. Bogd. as ... kand), hence one might think of a

reduced form of -do ‘will’, as in the later form kushdo.


      këlysh {1} [m] (tg) kid, young, puppy, kitten

PAlb. *kull- < QIE *kwl̥ -io-

Alb. kulish [m] (t) ‘kid, young, puppy, kitten’; kuç/c [m] (tg) {2} ‘doggy’ (AE 218)

PIE *(s)k(w)el- ‘to cry, shriek; roar, howl’ (Pok. 550)

Gr. (Hes.) κύλλα . σκύλαξ

Lith. kãlė bitch

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement with the diminutive suffix -ush. {2} from Alb. kul-ç with the

diminutive hypochoristic suffix -ç/c.


     kohë [f] (tg) time; span; weather; epoch

PAlb. *ke̅ua̅ {1} (AE 221)

PIE *keh1s-(u-) ‘time?’ (Pok. 636)

OCS časъ ‘time’; OPr. ki̅sman time

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. -eh2-stems. {2} [MdV] Kortlandt’s

arguments (SSGL 10 [1987], p. 222) against a connection with the Slavic word for ‘time’

seem convincing to me. No alternative etymology has been worked out in detail.


      kollë [f {1}] (tg) cough

PAlb. *ka̅la̅ < QIE *kwa̅̅̆sla̅ (AE 222)

PIE *kw(e)h2s-, kwa̅̆ s- cough (Pok. 649)

Lith. kosulỹs ‘cough’; Latv. kâsulis ‘cough’

Notes: {1} Singulare tantum.


      kop(ë)sht {1} [m] (tg) garden

PAlb. *ka̅p-(śt-) (AE 222)

PIE *keh2po- ‘land, garden’ (Pok. 529)

Gr. (Dor.) κᾳ̃πος garden

Notes: {1} Enlargement with the suffix -(ë)sht(ë).


      krah [m] (tg) ‘(upper)arm, wing, shoulder’

PAlb. *krau- < QIE *ḱreh2u-, ḱrh2eu- (AE 224)

PIE *ḱreh2u-, ḱruh2- ‘limb’ (Pok. 624)

Lat. crūs, -ris ?


      kërci / kërcĩ [m] {1} shank, lower part of the leg, shin(-bone)

PAlb. *krū ̊

Alb. kërbisht [m] (tg) rump-bone {2} (AE 224)

PIE *ḱruh2-s ‘limb’ (Pok. 624)

Lat. crūs ‘shank, leg’






Arm. srownk‘ ‘shin-bone’

Notes: {1} Metathesized from Alb. kri-tsi. {2} Compound Alb. kri-bišt.


      krap {1} [m] (t); krep {2} [m] (tg) ‘rock, crag, sandstone’

PAlb. *krap- < QIE *krop-

Alb. shkrep [m] (tg) ‘rock, crag, sandstone’ {3} (AE 225)

PIE *(s)Krep- ‘to cut?’ (Pok. 944)

MHG schrave ‘rugged cliff, crag’; MHG schroff ‘crag’

Notes: {1} Pl. krepe with umlaut a > e. {2} Singularized Alb. krapi̅̅̆. {3} With intensive

prefix sh-.


      krënd [m] (t) brushwood

PAlb. *grand- < QIE *ghrondh-, ghrh2enT-

Alb. krënde / krãnde [fnp] brushwood, fodder, corn-cob {1}; grãth [m] (g) blade of straw

{2} (AE 225)

PIE *gher(H)- ‘to stick out (of)’ (Pok. 440)

W. grann ‘eyelid’; SCr. grána ‘brushwood’

Notes: {1} Plurale tantum. {2} < Alb. *grãnd-th with the diminutive suffix -th. The

‘hardening’ of the anlaut is due to dissimilation.


      krim(b) {1} [m] (tg) ‘worm, maggot, caterpillar’

PAlb. *krim(i)-

Alb. kërmi [f/m] (tg) {2} wood worm; kërmi(ll) [m] (tg) maggot (AE 225)

PIE *kwr̥mi- worm (Pok. 649)

Lith. kirmìs ‘maggot’

Notes: {1} Pl. kërmij. {2} < Alb. *krimí-. Mostly plurale tantum.


      ku [adv] (tg) {1} ‘where’

PAlb. *ku-

Alb. kũn(d) ‘somewhere’ [adv] {2} (AE 226)

PIE *kwu- ‘how, where, when’ (Pok. 647)

Skt. kū̥́ where?; AV. kū where?

Notes: {1} Also adverb of place and conjunction. {2} < *kwuN-to-.


      kur [adv] (tg) {1} ‘when’

PAlb. *kur-

Alb. kurrë [adv] (tg) never {2} (AE 227)

PIE *kwu-r ‘where, when’ (Pok. 647)

Lith. kur ̃ͅ where

Notes: {1} Also adverb of time and conjunction. {2} Old compound of kur-ne/o-.


      kush [pron] (tg) {2} ‘who’

PAlb. *ku-śa? {1} < QIE *kwu ̊

Alb. qysh [pron] {3} (tg) ‘what(?)’ (AE 228)

PIE *kwu- ‘how, when, where’ (Pok. 647)

ToB kuse ‘who’

Notes: {1} A compound of two pronominal elements, possibly from kwu-sm. {3} Indefinite,

interrogative and relative pronoun. {4} Indefinite and relative pronoun.






      lag [m] (g) ‘troop, band’

PAlb. *lag- < QIE *logh-o-

Alb. lagje [fns/p] (tg) {1} ‘ward, quarter, large number, part’ (AE 230)

PIE *legh- ‘to lay, lie (down)’ (Pok. 668)

Gr. λόχος ambush, ambuscade, armed band

Notes: {1} Singularized plural form.


       lak {1} [m] (tg) ‘chain-trap for wild animals, noose, slip, knot’

PAlb. *lak-

Alb. lakth [m] (tg) {2} ‘mesh, knot, Adam’s apple, Cartilago thyroidea’; lajthi [f] (tg) ‘witch-

hazel’ {3} (AE 231)

PIE *lh2k- ‘twisted, twig, sprig (as loop)’ _−_ (Pok. 673)

Lat. lax ‘bait, lure, noose, slip’; laqueus ‘cord, rope (as noose, slip)’

Notes: {1} Pl. leqe < Alb. *laki̅̅̆. {2} -th enlargement. {3} Enlargement of Alb. *lakϑ with the

collective suffix -í.


      lapë {1} [f] (tg) dewlap, paunch, rash

PAlb. *lap-

Alb. llapë [f] (tg) {2} tongue, lap of the ear; labë [f] (g) ‘φλοιός, cortex {3}; lapër [f] (t)

{4} ‘dewlap, peritoneum’ (AE 233)

PIE *? ‘bark, skin, flay’ _−_ (Pok. 678)

Gr. λοπός ‘peel, cortex, skin’

Notes: {1} Pl. lapra, (t), lapna (g). {2} With expressive anlaut. {3} With unclear, voiced

inlaut. {4} Singularized plural form.


       latë [f] (tg) kind of hatchet, axe, chopper’

PAlb. *lapta̅ < QIE *lh2p-to-

Alb. latoj [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to carve, whittle, grave (on wood)’ (AE 234)

PIE *leh2p- ‘to be flat, even; shovel?’ (Pok. 679)

Lith. lopetà ‘shovel’; OPr. lopto ‘spade’

Notes: {1} Alb. form in -o-.


      ledh [m] (tg) ‘loam, clay, river-sand/bank, mass of earth’

PAlb. *(a)laiδ- < QIE *h2loid- (AE 235)

PIE *h2lei- ‘slimy, to slip’ (Pok. 662)

OPr. laydis ‘loam, clay’


       lerë [f] (g) rock-slip, boulder

PAlb. *leura̅ {2} (AE 237)

PIE *leh1u- ‘stone’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 683)

Gr. (Hom.) λᾳ̃ας stone

OIr. líe ‘stone’

Notes: {1} Etymologically uncertain. {2} A rebuilt form after the fem. stems in -eh2.


      lesh {1} [n/m] {2} (tg) ‘wool, hair, fleece’

PAlb. *(u)laś- < QIE *Hul̥ h1-s- (AE 238)

PIE *Huelh1- ‘wool’ (Pok. 1139)

Lat. vellus ‘wool, fleece, skin’

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel. {2} Mostly singulare tantum.






      lëkurë {2} [f] (tg) skin, hide, fell, leather, rind

PAlb. * ̊kura̅ {1} < QIE *kh1u-ro- (AE 240)

PIE *(s)keuh1- ‘to cover (over), wrap (up)’ (Pok. 951)

Gr. σκύλος ‘fell, pell, rind’ {3}

Notes: {1} Secundarily entered the declension of the fem. -eh2-stems. {2} With prefix l(ë)-.

{3} A parallel formation.


       lëmë / lãmë [m/f] {2} threshing-floor, threshing

PAlb. *(a)lo̅u-m- {1} (AE 241) (threshing-, malting-)floor _?_

Gr. ἀλωή (threshing-)floor

ON lófi ‘(threshing-)floor’

Notes: {1} Enlargement in -mo- or -mn/men-. {2} From Alb. *le(u)m-.


       (i) lig [adj] (tg) ‘bad, worse, ill’

PAlb. *alig- (AE 243)

PIE *h3lig-o- ‘indigent, needy, ill’ (Pok. 667)

Gr. ὀλίγος small, little

Lith. ligas ‘ill, worse’; ligà ‘illness’; Latv. liga ‘epidemic disease’


      lopë [f] (tg) cow

PAlb. *la̅pa̅ (AE 245)

PIE *leh2p-? ‘large cattle’ _−_ (Pok. 654)

Latv. luõps ‘cattle’


      lug {1} [m] (tg) ‘trough, water-channel, spillway’

PAlb. *lug(a̅)

Alb. lugë [f] (tg) {2} spoon (AE 245)

PIE *(s)leuK- ‘to gulp/drink (down), swallow’ (Pok. 964)

OIc. slok ‘trough, spillway’; MHG slūch ‘gulf, abyss’

Notes: {1} Pl. lugje. {2} May also be connected with OCS lъžica ‘spoon’.


       (i) lumë [adj] (tg) beatus, felix, sanctus

PAlb. *lubn- < QIE *lubh-no- (AE 247)

PIE *leubh- ‘to like/wish (sth), desire, request’ (Pok. 683)

Lat. lubens ‘willing, (be) fond of smth.’


      lëng / lãng [m] liquid, juice, sap

PAlb. *(u)la-n-g- {1} < QIE *ul̥ Hg-(no-) (AE 248)

PIE *uelHg- ‘wet, moist’ (Pok. 1145)

Russ. vológa ‘liquid’

Notes: {1} With metathesis.


      lym [m] (g) ‘mud (of the river), loam, clay, blemish’

PAlb. *lū̅̆m- < QIE *l(H)u(H)-mo-

Alb. llum [m] (t) {1} ‘loam, clay, dregs’ (AE 248)

PIE *leu(H)- ‘to spoil’ (Pok. 681)

Gr. λυ̃ͅμα dirt, filth, blemish

Notes: {1} With expressive anlaut, which in its turn has caused the velarization of the

following vowel.






       lucë {1} [f] (tg); llucë {2} [f] (tg) mud, mire, sludge

PAlb. *lū̅̆t ̊ < QIE *l(H)u(H)-to- (AE 248)

PIE *leuH- ‘to spoil’ (Pok. 681)

Lat. lutum ‘dirt, excrements’

Notes: {1} A suffixed form Alb. *lut-së. {2} With expressive hardening of the initial.


      llërë / llãnë [f] {1} fore-arm

PAlb. *o̅lena̅ {2} (AE 249)

PIE *o̅̅̆l-e̅̅̆n- ‘elbow’ (Pok. 307)

Gr. ὠλένη elbow, fore-arm

Lat. ulna ‘funny-bone, elbow’

Notes: {1} From *V̄lana̅̅̆ with lowering of the internal vowel as a consequence of the

velarization of the intervocalic -l-. {2} [MdV] It seems safer to assume a PAlb. form with a

short initial vowel, *alenā.


      madh [m] (g) ‘porridge of corn flour, prepared with boiling cream or cheese’

PAlb. *maϑ-

Alb. mazë [f] (g) {1} porridge of corn flour, prepared with boiling cream or cheese (AE


PIE *mh2sd-, məsd-? ‘fat, feed, fodder?’ (Pok. 695)

Skt. médas- ‘fat’; OHG. mast ‘fodder, feeding, fattening’

Notes: {1} With Alb. enlargement -(ë)z(ë).


      (i) madh [adj] (tg) ‘big’

PAlb. *maδ- (AE 250)

PIE *məǵ(e)h2- ‘big’ (Pok. 708)

Skt. mah- ‘big’


      katër [num] (tg) ‘four’

PAlb. *katu(V)r < QIE *kwətu(o̅̅̆)r(-)

Alb. (i) katërt [num ord] (tg) fourth (AE 251)

PIE *kwetuer- ‘four’ (Pok. 642)

Lat. quattuor ‘four’

Notes: {1} [MdV] In view of the difficulties involved in explaining the a in the first syllable

and also ë in the second syllable, one might prefer to derive katër from Latin quattuor , VLat.



     mal [m] (tg) ‘mountain, rock-formation, mountain-wood’

PAlb. *mall-

Alb. majë / maje [f] peak, summit, top, tip, brim, elevated place {2} (AE 254)

PIE *molH-(i-) ‘elevated, raised place’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 722)

Rom. mal ‘shore, side (of the river)’; Latv. mala ‘shore, side (of the river)’

Notes: {1} Possibly, a non-IE word. {2} < PAlb. *maliia̅ (< *m(o)lH-ieh2).


      makë [f] {2} (tg) skin (on liquids)’

PAlb. *maka̅ {1}

Alb. makra [fnp] {3} (t) ‘phlegm, mucus (in the period of pregnancy)’; makë [f] (t) ‘sputum,

placenta’; mãgë [f] (g) {4} ‘mucus (in the period of pregnancy), placenta’ (AE 253)

PIE *mh2ek-, mok-? ‘wet, moist’ (Pok. 698)

OCS mokrъ ‘wet, moist’





Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem -eh2-stems. {2} Singulare tantum. {3}

Plurale tantum. {4} With secondary nasalization.


     mã(n)g {2} [m] (g) {3} ‘hinnulus’

PAlb. *magu-

Alb. makth [m] (tg) ‘{4} leveret, young cony/rabbit, nightmare’; meksh [m] (g) {5} ‘bull-calf’

(AE 254)

PIE *mh2ghu- ‘young animal, cub, youngster’ _?_ {1} (Pok. 696)

Go. magus ‘boy, lad’; OIr. macc ‘son’

Notes: {1} Probably, a non-IE word. {2} With secondary nasalization. {3}Buz. {4}

Enlargement in -th: Alb. *mag-θ. {5} Alb. form with the suffix -sh.


     mardhë [f] (tg) frost, freeze

PAlb. *marδa̅ < QIE *morǵ(h)-

Alb. mardh [verb] (tg) ‘to freeze, be feeling cold’ (AE 256)

PIE *merǵ(h)- ‘to rot, decay?’ (Pok. 740)

OCS mrazъ ‘frost, freeze’


      mazë [f] (tg) cream (cheese), quantity

PAlb. *madź(i)a̅ < QIE *mh2ǵ-(i)ieh2 (AE 258)

PIE *meh2ǵ- ‘to knead, stroke’ (Pok. 696)

Gr. μαγίς ‘kneaded mass/substance’

Russ. maz’ ‘salve, ointment’


       shtat {1} [m] (tg) ‘structure of the body, figure’

PAlb. *śtat- {3} < QIE *sth2-ti/o-

Alb. mbështes [verb] (tg) to lean, rest, stand, back up, base {2} (AE 260)

PIE *steh2- ‘to stay, stand, put, lay’ (Pok. 1006)

Lat. status standing, stand

Russ. stat’ ‘structure of the body’

Notes: {1} Pl. shtet with umlaut of the root vowel. {2} Old denominative < * ̥śtat̥́- ( < *sth2t-

io-). {3}[MdV] To my mind, shtat is rather a borrowing from Latin status.


       mbi {1} [prep] (tg) ‘on, upon, over’

PAlb. * ̊(V)pi (AE 260)

PIE *h1(e)pi, h1opi ‘up, on, upon (on-to, un-to)’ (Pok. 323)

Gr. ἐπί on, to, towards

Notes: {1} Compound of *h2en-h1(e/o)pi.


      më {1} [prep] (tg) (a)round, at, by

PAlb. *ambi (AE 261)

PIE *h2mbi ‘(a)round’ (Pok. 34)

Lat. amb(i)-, am- ‘(a)round’

Skt. abhí ‘(a)round’

Notes: {1} From Alb. mbə, which is attested in the older Gheg literature (Buz.) and still in

Tosk dialects as mbë.


     mëlle(n)jë {3} [f] (tg); mulle(n)jë [f] (tg) blackbird

PAlb. *(V)me̅l ̊ {2} (AE 264)

PIE *h2(e)mes(e)l- {1} ‘blackbird’ (Pok. 35)





Lat. merula ‘blackbird’

OHG amsla ‘blackbird’

Notes: {1} If not a European word. {2} from a preform (V)mesl ̥. {3} Enlargement with the

suffix -enjë.


      mëmë [f] (t); mãmë [f] (g) mother

PAlb. *ma(m)ma̅ (AE 265)

PIE *ma̅̅̆(m)ma̅, meh2-(m)meh2 {1} mother (Pok. 694)

Gr. μάμμη ‘mother’

Lat. mamma ‘mother’

Notes: {1} Nursery word.


      mi [m] (tg) ‘mouse’

PAlb. *mū- (AE 267)

PIE *muHs-, root *muHs ‘mouse’ _+_ (Pok. 752)

Gr. μυ̃ͅς mouse

Lat. mūs ‘mouse’

Skt. mū̥́ ṣ- mouse


     miell, mjell [m/n] (tg) ‘flour’

PAlb. *melu- (AE 268)

PIE *melh1-u- ‘meal, flour’ (Pok. 716)

OHG melo ‘meal, flour’


      mirë [adv] (tg); (i) mirë [adj] (tg) well, good

PAlb. *mi̅̅̆r- < QIE *m(H)i(H)-ro- (AE 268)

PIE *meiH- ‘mild, soft’ (Pok. 711)

Lat. mi̅rus wonderful


      mizë [f] (tg) fly

PAlb. *mū- (AE 270)

PIE *? ‘fly, whim, caprice’ (Pok. 752)

Gr. μυι̃ͅα fly

ON mý ‘whim’

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -zë.


     mjergull(ë) {1} [f] (tg) nebula

PAlb. *mergula̅ (AE 271)

PIE *mer(H)gw- ‘to flicker, glimmer, gleam’ (Pok. 734)

ON myrkr ‘dark’

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -ullë.


      mish [m/n] (tg) ‘meat’

PAlb. *me̅mśá- (AE 269)

PIE *me̅mso- meat (Pok. 725)

Skt. ma̅ṃsám meat; Go. mimz meat


     mjaltë [n/m] (tg) honey

PAlb. *mel(i)ta- {1}, cf. bletë (AE 270)

PIE *meli-t(-) ‘honey’ (Pok. 723)




Gr. μέλι ‘honey’

Hitt. milit ‘honey’

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the neuter -o-stems.


      njeg [m] (g) ‘hazy weather, misty’

PAlb. *(n)neG- {1}

Alb. njegull(ë) [m] (tg) nūbes, caligo (AE 272)

PIE *? _−_

Rom. negură ‘fog’

Notes: {1} May be connected with the root negw- ‘to get dark’ or (s)neuK-, cf. Lith. niáuka

‘darkness (of the sky), dusky, dim (weather)’.


      mjekër, mjek(ë)rë [f] (tg) chin, beard

PAlb. *(m)mekri (AE 273)

PIE *smeḱ-r̥ chin (Pok. 968)

Lith. smãkras chin; Skt. śmáśru- ‘beard, moustache’


      (i) mjerë [adj] (tg) {2} miserable, woeful, unhappy

PAlb. *m(i)ier- (AE 274) ‘blotted, spotted, stained?’ _−_ (Pok. 697 {1})

Gr. μιερός, μιαρός ‘polluted, defiled’

Notes: {1} Root mai-. {2} Also as an exclamatory particle.


       (ndër)mjet [prep, adv] (tg) between, among, amid

PAlb. *met-

Alb. me [prep] (tg) ‘with’; mje [prep] (g) ‘(un)till’; mjet [m] (g) ‘wall separating’ (AE 275)

PIE *me-t- ‘with, in the midst/middle of, between’ (Pok. 702)

Gr. μέτα, μετά ‘in the midst/middle of, between, behind’


     mes [m] (tg); mjes/z [m] (g) ‘middle, mid’

PAlb. *meTi, meTśi- < QIE *meTi(-), meTi-o-

Alb. midis [prep, adv] (tg) ‘between, in the middle of’ (AE 274)

PIE *me-t/dhi ‘with, middle’ (Pok. 702)

Go. miÞ ‘with’

Notes: {1} The derivation of PIE forms is not convincing. One may alternatively derive mjez-

from Latin medius (cf. gaz < gaudium). Alb. mes has been explained as a borrowing from

Modern Greek mésos; it might also represent a devoiced variant of mez.


      mo [particle] {1} (tg) ‘do not!’

PAlb. *me̅

Alb. mos [particle] {2} (tg) ‘don’t (you)?, not!’ (AE 275)

PIE *meh1 ‘not’ (Pok. 703)

Gr. μή ‘not, no’

Skt. mḁ̅́ not, no

Notes: {1} Prohibitive particle. {2} Dubitative; with an adverb expressing fear or doubt <

*meh1 kwe.


      modhë [f] (tg) brome, darnel, lentil, bean, pea(s), wetch {2}

PAlb. *me̅/a̅δa̅

Alb. modhull(ë) [f] (tg) {3} brome, darnel, lentil, bean, pea(s), wetch (AE 276) __ {1}

(Pok. 695)





Skt. mḁ̅́ṣa- bean; MP ma̅s wetch, legume; Rom. mazăre lentil

Notes: {1} ‘Wanderwort’. {2} Depending on the dialect. {3} Enlargement with -ullë.


     morr {1} [m] (tg) ‘louse’

PAlb. *me̅r(e)n- < QIE *mers-en

Alb. morriz, murriz [m] (tg) ‘Christ’s thorn’ (AE 277)

PIE *mer-s- ‘to rub (sore)’ (Pok. 739)

MoHG morsch ‘decayed, pulpy’

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement in -(ë)z(ë).


      mot [m] (tg) ‘period of time (of a year), year, weather’

PAlb. *me̅t- (AE 278)

PIE *meh1-t(i/o)- ‘mass, time, year’ (Pok. 703)

Lith. mẽtas ‘year, time, mass’


       mot(ë)rë, motër [f] (tg) sister

PAlb. *ma̅tri (AE 279)

PIE *meh2-tr̥ mother (Pok. 700)

Gr. μήτηρ ‘mother’

Skt. ma̅tár- mother

Notes: In order to explain the semantic shift from ‘mother’ to ‘sister’, Hamp (1986) assumes

that the original Indo-European word *suesor ‘sister’ is reflected in Alb. vajzë. Alb. motrë

would be an abbrevation of the expression *matra *uor- ‘mother’s girl’, which came to be

used to denote the ‘sister’. Lit.: Eric P. Hamp, ‘Alb. vajzë, motrë’ , in: Studi Albanologici

(etc.) in onore di Giuseppe Valentini, Firenze 1986, p. 109-110.


      meje [pronpers Abls] (tg) ‘from me’

më [DatAcc] {1} (tg); mua / mu(e) [DatAcc] {2}

PAlb. *me̅̅̆- (AE 279)

PIE *me- ‘me’ (Pok. 702)

Notes: {1} Proclitic form of the Acc-Dat. 1sg. personal pronoun. {2} < Alb. *moN.


      muaj / mu(e)j [m] {1} ‘month’

PAlb. *me̅n- (AE 279)

PIE *meh1n-s ‘time, mass, month’ (Pok. 703)

Lat. me̅nsis month

Notes: {1}Buz. muoj [m] (g).


       m(u)llezë {2} [f] (tg) hop-hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia

PAlb. *mel ̊ {1}

Alb. mëllak [m] (t) Quercus conferta {3} (AE 280)

PIE *mel(H)- ‘dark(-coloured), swarthy?’ (Pok. 720)

Gr. μέλαν- ‘black’

Notes: {1} Nominal basis for further Alb. formations. {2} Formation with -(é)zë. {3}

Formation with -ák.


      s ̊, ̊s [particle] (tg) not

PAlb. *tśe (AE 276)

PIE *kwe ‘and’ (Pok. 635)

Skt. ca ‘and’; Go. (ni)h ‘and (not)’





      natë {2} [f] (tg) night

PAlb. *nakta̅ {1} (AE 283)

PIE *nokw-t- ‘night’ (Pok. 762)

Lat. nox ‘night’

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. -eh2-stems. {2} Pl. net is possibly the reflex

of the du. nokwt-ih1.


       tërë / tãnë [pronindef] all, full

PAlb. *tan- {2} < QIE *tons {1}

Alb. (i) tërë / (i) tãnë [adj] all (AE 189)

PIE *to(d) ‘it’ (Pok. 1096)

Gr. τόν ‘it’

Notes: {1} {2} corr sic < to-(V)no- ??


      ndër [prep] {1} (tg) ‘between, under, to, by’

PAlb. *enter (AE 287)

PIE *h1(e)nter ‘in, between’ (Pok. 313)

Lat. enter ‘between’

Notes: {1} Also used as a prefix. {2} [MdV] I do not see how one can exclude a borrowing

from Latin inter.


       (n)djerë, (n)gjer {1} [prep] (tg) ‘until, at, near(ly)’

PAlb. *a/N(e)dri

Alb. mjerth(i) [prep] (g) {2} ‘until’ (AE 288)

PIE *m(e)-ǵhri ‘at, till, to’ (Pok. 702)

Gr. μέχρι(ς), ἄχρι(ς) until

Arm. merj ‘at, by’

Notes: {1} From Alb. *(N)der-. {2} Enlargement with -th(i).


      na [pronpers NomAccDat] (tg) {1} ‘we, us’

ne(ve) [NomAccDat] (tg) {2}; nesh [Abl] (tg) {3}

PAlb. *na-, no- (AE 291)

PIE *no̅̅̆s us _+_ (Pok. 758)

Lat. no̅s we

Skt. nas ‘we’

Notes: {1} In the obl. cases, it only occurs as a proclitic. {2} neve contains an enlargement -

ve- from the nominal system. {3} With -sh-enlargement from the nominal system.


        nes {1} [adv] (t) ‘after, next after’

PAlb. *(e)no̅ ̊

Alb. nesër [adv] (tg) tomorrow (AE 292)

PIE *(h1)ne̅̅̆-, (h1)no̅̆ - after, behind, next to/after’ _?_ (Pok. 40)

Gr. ἔνη(ς), ἔνας the day after tomorrow

Go. nehʷ after

Notes: {1} A compound ne-s < *no̅ kwe.


      nëmë / nãmë [f/m] curse, imprecation, misdeed

PAlb. *nam- < QIE *nom-o- (AE 293)

PIE *nem- ‘to apportion, assign’ (Pok. 763)

Gr. νόμος usage, use, law





       nënë / nãnë [f] mother

PAlb. *na(n)na̅ (AE 294)

PIE *na̅̅̆(n)na̅̅̆ {1} mother __

Gr. νέννος ‘mother’

Skt. nanḁ̅́ mother

Notes: {1} Nursery word.


      nëntë / nãntë [num] {1} nine

PAlb. *(e)neun(-ta̅̅̆)

Alb. (i) nëntë / (i) nãntë [num ord] ninth (AE 294)

PIE *h1neun ‘nine’ _+_ (Pok. 318)

OCS devętь nine

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -të under the influence of the respective ordinal and of the

cardinal dhjetë ten.


      gat(i) [adv] (tg) ‘ready (to leave/go/begin smth.), nearly’

PAlb. *gat- < QIE *gwm̥-t(o/i)-

Alb. ngas [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to put/set in motion, drift’ (AE 296)

PIE *gwem- ‘to go’ (Pok. 463)

Skt. gáti- ‘going, course’

Notes: {1} Albanian denominative formation from * ̥gatśi- < *gwṃt-io-).


        (i) ngjelmë {1} [adj] (g) salty, savory

PAlb. * ̊śali(m)- < QIE *sh2eli(mo)-

Alb. gjellë [f] (tg) dish (AE 298)

PIE *seh2l-(i-) ‘salt’ (Pok. 878)

Gr. ἅλιμος of the sea, sea

Notes: {1} Enlargement with the prefix (a)n-. The root vowel points to umlaut, caused by -i-

of the following syllable.


      nip [m] (tg) ‘grandson, -child, nephew’

PAlb. *nepo̅

Alb. mbesë [m] (tg) granddaughter, niece’ {1} {2} (AE 301)

PIE *nepo̅t grandson, nephew (Pok. 764)

Lat. nepo̅s grandson

Skt. nápat- ‘grandson’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. *nepo̅tś(i)a̅. {2} [MdV] Or borrowed from VLat. nepōtia, cf. Rum.

nepoat,ă, as has been proposed by others.


      njer(i) [m {1}] (tg) ‘human being’

PAlb. *(a)ner- (AE 304)

PIE *h2ne̅̅̆r- man (Pok. 765)

Skt. nár- ‘man, human being’

Notes: {1} Pl. njerëz; the form of the singular is also used as indefinite pronoun someone,



      (i) njomë [adj] (tg) soft, tender, fresh’

PAlb. *kne̅m-

Alb. njom [verb] (tg) ‘to wet, soak, moisten’ (AE 306)






PIE *kne̅̅̆s-(m-) to scratch, scrape, rub? (Pok. 561)

Go. hnasqus ‘soft, delicate’; OE hnesce ‘tender, weak’


        pa {2} [particle] (tg) ‘thus, then, so’

PAlb. *apa

Alb. pa [particle] (tg) ‘without, having no’ {1}; prapë [adv] (tg) ‘again, back, anew, afresh’

(AE 307)

PIE *h2(e)po- ‘off, away’ (Pok. 53)

Gr. ἄπα, ἀπά away, off

Skt. ápa ‘away, off’

Notes: {1} pa [pa:] in the oldest Alb. literature and in dialects. Must be regarded as a

combination of two contiguous particles: PAlb. *apa au-. {2} Combination of two contiguous

particles: Alb. *pər apə.


     palë [f] (tg) fold, stratum

PAlb. *palla̅ < QIE *pol-io- (AE 308)

PIE *pel- ‘to fold’ (Pok. 803)

Rom. pală fold; Go. falÞan fold


      parë [adv, prep] (tg) before(hand), first, previously

PAlb. *par-

Alb. para [adv, prep] (tg) ‘forward, ahead’ {1} (AE 310)

PIE *pr̥H-e/o-s before, in front (Pok. 813)

Gr. πάρος ‘earlier, forward’

Skt. purás ‘forward, ahead, in front’

Notes: {1} Back formation from përpara < Alb. *pər-parə-a.


      (i) parë [num ord] (tg) first

PAlb. *paru- {1} (AE 311)

PIE *prh2-u- ‘first’ (Pok. 815)

Skt. pū̥́ rva- former, front’; OCS prьvъ ‘first’

Notes: {1} Arose in the weak cases.


      pas {1} [prep, adv] {2} (tg) ‘behind, after’

PAlb. *pa ̊ (AE 311)

PIE *pos(t) ‘directly to/at/after, after’ (Pok. 841)

Gr. πό(ς) ‘at, to, by’

OCS po ‘behind, after’

Notes: {1} Combination of two contiguous particles: *pos(t) + kwe. {2} Frequently occurs as

a prefix.


     pelë [f] (tg) mare

PAlb. *po̅lla̅ < QIE *po̅l(H)-ieh2, pl̥ H-(i)ieh2? (AE 314)

PIE *pel(H)- ‘to set in motion by thrusting or beating, to drive’ _?_ (Pok. 801)

Gr. πῳ̃λος foal, filly


     pendë / pẽndë [f] pair, span (of oxen)

PAlb. *penda̅ {1} (AE 314)

PIE *(s)pen-(d-) ‘to draw, stretch’ (Pok. 988)






Lith. pántis ‘fetter, shackle’

Notes: {1} Old deverbative formation.


       pesë / pẽsë [num] five

PAlb. *pentś(e)

Alb. (i) pestë / (i) pẽstë [num ord] (g) fifth (AE 315)

PIE *penkwe ‘five’ (Pok. 808)

Gr. πέντε ‘five’

Lat. quinque ‘five’


     petk {1} [m] (tg) ‘gown, garment, dress, suit’

PAlb. *po/ait- (AE 316) ‘gown, cloak’ _−_ (Pok. 92 {1})

Go. paida ‘tunica, shirt’

Notes: {1} Original form *b/paita̅. {2} Enlargement with the suffix -kë.


       për {1} [prep] (tg) for, in, within, by, to

PAlb. *per(i) (AE 316)

PIE *per(i) ‘leading (out) across’ (Pok. 810)

Lat. per ‘through, over’

Skt. parí ‘(a)round’

Notes: {1} Occurs frequently as a prefix. {2} [MdV] Borrowings from Latin with per- and

prō- have joined the inherited prefix.


     për(r)ua / përru(e) [m] {3} torrent, stream

PAlb. *pVre̅/a̅n- (AE 318) torrent, stream __ {1} (Pok. 329 {2})

Rom. pîrîu {4} torrent, stream

Notes: {1} Balkan word? {2} To the root er- ’to start moving’. {3} < *pVroN. {4}

Assimilated to rîu river < Lat. ri̅vus


      pidh {2} [f] (tg) ‘pudenda’

PAlb. *piϑ- (AE 319)

PIE *pisd- {1} ‘pudenda’ (Pok. 831)

Lith. pyzdà ‘pudenda’; Russ. pizda ‘pudenda’

Notes: {1} According to Hamp, pi-s(e)d-. {2} With tabooistic voiced auslaut.


      pishë [f] (tg) pine(-tree), pine-wood

PAlb. *pi̅̅̆(?)ś- {2} (AE 321)

PIE *p(H)i(H)-C- ‘resine tree?’ _?_ (Pok. 793 {1})

Lat. pi̅num fir, pine(-tree); picea fir, pitch-pine

Notes: {1} Root pei(H)- ’to be fat’ if IE. {2} Original collective formation with -s(i)o-.


     pjalm [m] (tg) ‘pollen’

PAlb. *pelm- {1} < QIE *pel(H)-mo- (AE 323)

PIE *pel(H)- ‘to push’ (Pok. 801)

Notes: {1} [MdV] It is assumed that pjalm derives from the root of pjell ’ to beget, procreate’.


      plak {1} {4} [m {2}] (tg) ‘old man’

PAlb. *plak- < QIE *pl̥ H-k-

Alb. plakë [f] (tg) {3} old woman (AE 324)

PIE *pelh2- ‘grey, ashy’ (Pok. 804)




Lith. pìlkas ‘grey’

Notes: {1} Pl. pleq from Alb. *plaki̅̅̆. {2} Often occurs as an adjective, meaning oldish,

aged’. {3} Fem. Alb. *plak-a̅̅̆.


      plesht [m] (tg) ‘flea’

PAlb. *plauś(i)-t- (AE 325)

PIE *plou-s(i)- ‘flea’ (Pok. 102)

Arm. low ‘flea’

Skt. plúṣi- ‘flea’


     plis [m] (tg) ‘clod (of earth), lump’

PAlb. *plitś(i)- < QIE *pl̥ t-io- (AE 326)

PIE *(s)pel-(t-) ‘to sliver, split off, splinter off’ (Pok. 985)


      plot [adv] (tg) ‘full, replete’

PAlb. *ple̅t- < QIE *pleh1-t-

Alb. (i) plotë [adj] (tg) full, whole, entire (AE 327)

PIE *pelh1- ‘to fill (up)’ (Pok. 799)

Lat. imple̅tus filled


      popël [f] (tg) clod, boulder, rock, stone

PAlb. *pe̅pli < QIE *pe̅(l)-pl̥ {1} (AE 329)

PIE *(s)pel- ‘to sliver, split off, splinter off’ (Pok. 327)

Gr. (Hes.) πέλλα . λίθος

OHG felis ‘rock’

Notes: {1} If IE, this is an Alb. formation with (broken) reduplication.


      prush [m {1}] (tg) ‘embers’

PAlb. *pruś- < QIE *prus- (AE 334)

PIE *preus- ‘to burn (up)?’ (Pok. 846)

Lat. prūna ‘embers’

Notes: {1} Singulare tantum.


      pupë [f] (tg) bud, button, bunch of grapes, tassel

PAlb. *pupa̅ (AE 336)

PIE *pu-p- ‘to puff (out/up), swell?’ _?_ (Pok. 848)

Lat. puppa ‘nipple, teat’

Latv. pupa ‘bean’


        re / rẽ [fns/p] ‘cloud, haze, mist’

PAlb. *(e)reN- < QIE *h1regw(s)-no-(e)reN-

Alb. erret [verb 3spr] (tg) {1} ‘to grow dark, darken’ (AE 344)

PIE *h1regw-(es-) ‘dark’ _?_ (Pok. 857)

Gr. ἔρεβος darkness (of the underworld); ἐρεμνός ‘dark’

Notes: {1} Denominative formation.


       rrap(ë) {2} [nsm/f] (tg); rrepë {3} [f] (tg) radish, rape

PAlb. *rap- (AE 349)

PIE *r(e)Hp-, ra̅̆ p- {1} radish, rape (Pok. 852)

Gr. ῥάπυς cabbage, radish




Notes: {1} Non-IE ‘Wanderwort’. {2} Bar. and the dialects of Southern Italy. {3} From pl.



     rrap {1} [m] (tg) ‘plane-tree’

PAlb. *rap- < QIE *rh1p-, rap- (AE 349)

PIE *r(e)h1p-? ‘pale, pole?’ _−_ (Pok. 866)

OCS rěpьje ‘τρίβολος’

Notes: {1} Pl. rrep(e) from Alb. *rrapi̅̅̆.


       rrënjë / rrã(n)jë [f] root

PAlb. *radnia̅ < QIE *urh2d-(nieh2) (AE 350)

PIE *u(e)r(e)h2d- ‘root’ (Pok. 1167)

Lat. ra̅di̅x root


      se [conj, pron] {1} (tg) ‘that, as, when’

PAlb. *tśe(i), tśi

Alb. si [conj, pron] {2} (tg) ‘how (?)’; sa [conj, pron] (tg) ‘how many, much (?), as (...) as’

{3} (AE 353)

PIE *kwe-, kw(e)i- ‘how, what’ (Pok. 644)

Notes: {1} Interrog. and rel. pronoun, esp. in connection with a prep. {2} Interrog. and rel.

pronoun, esp. in connection with a prep. From instr. kwi-h1. {3} From Alb. *si-a, a

combination of two pronominal members, viz. *kwih2 and *h2eu-/h2en-.


       sorrë [f] (tg) crow

PAlb. *tśe̅r(e)na̅ < QIE *kwers-en- (AE 355)

PIE *kwers- ‘black, dark(-coloured)’ (Pok. 583)

Skt. kr̥ṣṇá- black


        cup {1} [m] (tg); sup [m] (tg) ‘shoulder’

PAlb. * ̊tśup- (AE 355)

PIE *(s)ḱup- ‘shoulder’ (Pok. 627)

Skt. śúpti- ‘shoulder’; MNG schuft {2} ‘shoulder’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix T(V)-. {2} From Germ. skuftu- with s-.


      sy [mns/p] (tg) ‘eye’

PAlb. *tśui̅ < QIE *h3(e)kw-ih1 {1}

Alb. sy(e)j [verb] (g) ‘to look at, attack, assail’ {2} (AE 356)

PIE *h3(o)kw- ‘to see’ (Pok. 775)

Lith. akì ‘both eyes’

Notes: {1} Original dual form. {2} Denominative formation.


       shat(ë) {1} [m/f] (tg) heart-shaped hoe, mattock

PAlb. *śakta̅ < QIE *sək-to/i- (AE 358)

PIE *se̅̅̆k- to cut (Pok. 895)

Lat. se̅cula sickle; sacena pick-axe of the pontifices

Notes: {1} Pl. shet(-) from Alb. *šati̅̅̆.


     shi [m] {1} (tg) ‘rain’

PAlb. *śū- < QIE *s(H)u(H)- (AE 360)

PIE *seuH- ‘juice, moisture?’ (Pok. 912)




Gr. ὕει to rain; ὕω to rain

Notes: {1} Singulare tantum.


      shkorre(t) {1} [f/m] (tg) ‘bush, shrub’

PAlb. * ̊ke̅r-

Alb. shkozë [f] (tg) {2} woodrush, hornbeam, Carpinus betulus (AE 362)

PIE *(s)Ker(H)- ‘?’ _?_ (Pok. 938)

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement with -et of the Alb. basis *škor- {2} From Alb. škor-zə.


     shpardh(ë) [m/f] (tg) kind of oak, Quercus conferta

PAlb. *śpar-(δ-) {1} < QIE *(s-)por- (AE 365)

PIE *(s)per- ‘spar, rafter?’ _?_ (Pok. 990)

OHG sparro ‘beam, roof-tree’

Notes: {1} Enlargement with the suffix -dh(ë).


       shtatë {1} [num] (tg) ‘seven’

PAlb. *ś(e)pta(-ta̅)

Alb. (i) shtatë [num ord] (tg) seventh (AE 370)

PIE *septm̥ ̥́ seven (Pok. 909)

Gr. ἑπτά seven

Skt. saptá ‘seven’

Notes: {1} Under the influence of (i) shtatë seventh enlarged with -të.


       shul [m] (tg) ‘poles, bolt, cross-bar, yoke, lath’

PAlb. *kśul(V)n-

Alb. sh(i)lor [m] (g) ‘yoke’ {1} (AE 361) _−_

Gr. ξύλον ‘timber, beam’

Notes: {1} Enlargement with the suffix -ór.


      shtãnsë [f] (g {2}); shtãzë [f] (t) animal, beast

PAlb. *śtantśia̅ < QIE *sth2(e)nt-(ieh2) {1}

Alb. shtëzë / shtãzë[f] animal, beast (AE 371)

PIE *steh2- ‘to stay, stand, lay, put (on)’ (Pok. 1004)

Notes: {1} Alb. formation from the present participle. {2}Buz.


      shteg [m] (tg) ‘foot-way, (foot-)path’

PAlb. *śtaig- < QIE *stoigh-o- (AE 371)

PIE *steigh- ‘to walk, stride, step’ (Pok. 1017)

Gr. στοίχος ‘line, row’


     shtërpi(n)j {1} [mnp] (tg) reptiles

PAlb. *ś(t)ripeni̅̅̆ < QIE *sr̥p-en- (AE 374)

PIE *serp- ‘to creep, crawl’ (Pok. 912)

Notes: {1} Originally the pl. of gjarpër/n (tg) snake.


      gështallë {1} [f] (tg) post, stud, stem, stalk

PAlb. *śtal- < QIE *stol-

Alb. shtall [verb] (g) ‘to wind up, coil, clew up’ (AE 376)

PIE *stel- ‘set/put (up)’ (Pok. 1019)

Gr. στολίζω ‘to get ready’




Notes: {1} Enlargement with Alb. prefix g(ë)-. {2} Formed on the model of the original

causatives: *śtalei < *stol-eio/e-.


     shtalb [m] (g) ‘post, stud’

PAlb. *śtelP- < QIE *stolP- (AE 376)

PIE *stel-p/b(h)- ‘post, stud?’ (Pok. 1020)

MLG stalpen ‘stagnare’


       shtjerrë {1} [f] (tg) kid, lamb

PAlb. *śtera̅

Alb. shterunë [f] (t) young cow (AE 376)

PIE *ster(i)- ‘soft, weaken’ (Pok. 1031)

Gr. στει̃ͅρα barren, sterile (cow, woman)’

Skt. stari̥̅́- barren/sterile cow

Notes: {1} with hardening of the inlaut.


     shqerrë {1} [f] (tg) lamb, kid

PAlb. *(ś-)kera̅

Alb. mëshqerrë [f] (tg) heifer {2} (AE 376)

PIE *(s)Ker(H)- ‘to spring, leap?’ _?_ (Pok. 933)

ON skirja ‘young cow’

Notes: {1} Pl. shqerra ‘(herd of) lambs, little goats’. {2} Enlargement with më-.


       shurrë {1} [f] (tg) urine, piss

PAlb. *śur-(na̅) < QIE *sHur-(neh2)śur-(na̅) (AE 380)

PIE *seHur? ‘to piss, make water’ (Pok. 80)

Gr. οὐρέω to piss’

Hitt. se̅ẖur urine

Notes: {1} The hardening of the inlaut may have expressive reasons.


      ni {1} [adv] (tg) ‘now’

PAlb. *nū (AE 381)

PIE *nū̅̆ now (Pok. 770)

Lith. nù ‘now’; Skt. nū̥́ now

Notes: {1} Often occurs in coordination with other particles, cf. tani, nani, nime ‘id’.


       tani [adv] (tg) ‘now’

PAlb. *ta ̊ {1}

Alb. tash [adv] (g) ‘now’; tash(t) [adv] (tg) ‘now’ {2}, cf. nani (AE 381)

PIE *to- ‘it’ (Pok. 1086)

Lith. tadà ‘then, thereupon’; Skt. ta-dḁ̅́ then

Notes: {1} Particle occurring in adverbial compounds. {2} Enlargement with -(t)i.


      nani [adv] (t) ‘now’

PAlb. *na ̊ {1}

Alb. nashti [adv] (t) {2} ‘now’, cf. tani (AE 381)

PIE *(h1)no̅̅̆- after, next to/after _?_ (Pok. 758)

Luv. nanun ‘now’

Notes: {1} Particle occurring in adverbial compounds. {2} To be analyzed as na-sh-ti.






       ter {2} [m] (tg) ‘bull’

PAlb. *taur-

Alb. tarok [m] (g) {3} ‘bullock, neat, ox’ (AE 384)

PIE *ta̅̅̆uro-? {1} ‘bull’ (Pok. 1083)

Gr. ταυ̃ͅρος bull

Lat. taurus ‘bull’

Notes: {1} Non-IE word. {2} With -a- > -e- from pl. ter- < Alb. *tari̅̅̆. {3} Enlargement with -



       tek [adv, conj] (tg) {1} ‘over there, where’

PAlb. *tai ̊ < QIE *toi-

Alb. te [prep] (tg) ‘ad, apud, prope, versus’ {2} (AE 383)

PIE *to- ‘it’ (Pok. 1086)

Notes: {1} From *te ku (< toi- kwu-) ‘there where’. Also occurs as a prep. (with Nom.

determ.) with the meaning ‘ad, apud, prope, versus’. {2} Governs the nom. determ., due to its

relatively recent use as a prep. and its origin as a shortened form of Alb. *te-k(u).


       tetë [num] (tg) {2} eight

PAlb. *akto̅(-ta̅)

Alb. (i) tetë [num ord] (tg) eighth {3} (AE 384)

PIE *(H)oḱteh3 {1} ‘eight’ (Pok. 775)

Gr. ὀκτώ eight:numeral

Notes: {1} Maybe *h3eḱteh3. {2} With -të-enlargement due to the influence of the respective

ordinal numeral and of the other lower numerals. {3} Adjectival formation with the suffix -të

< *-to-.


       tëmth / tãmth [m] (g) {1} bile, gall(-bladder)’

PAlb. *tam-(ϑ-) (AE 385) _−_

Lat. tama ‘kind of bumb, swelling’

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -th.


       ti [pronpers Nomsm/f] {2} (tg) ‘you’

PAlb. *tū < QIE *tuh2 (AE 386)

PIE *tu- ‘you’ (Pok. 1097)

Lat. tū ‘you’

Lith. tù ‘you’

Notes: {1} Further case forms: ty m/fd/a ‘(to) you’, proclitic të id. < Alb. *tui̅̅̆, m/fb teje

‘from you’ < *toi- with -je-enlargement from the nominal system.


       tre [num m/n] (tg) ‘three’

PAlb. *trei-

Alb. (i) tretë [num ord] (tg) third (AE 387)

PIE *trei-es ‘three’ (Pok. 1090)

Lat. tre̅s three

Skt. tráyas ‘three’


      tri {1} [num f] (tg) ‘three’

PAlb. *tri̅(-a̅) (AE 387)

PIE *tri-h2 ‘three’ (Pok. 1090)

Gr. τρία ‘three’





Lat. tria ‘three’

Notes: {1} [tri(:)] > Alb. *tri-ə, a secondary feminine.


     trim [m] {1} (tg) ‘young and brave man’

PAlb. *trim- < QIE *tr̥-mo- (AE 389)

PIE *ter- ‘soft, weak, young’ (Pok. 1070)

Arm. t‘arm ‘young, fresh’

Notes: {1} Often occurs unchanged as an adjective.


      trikë [f] (g) twig, sprig

PAlb. *tri/eK-(ś-)

Alb. trish(e) [f] (g) ‘sprout, (young) shoot’; tresh [m] (g) ‘sprout, (young) shoot’ {1} (AE

389) _?_

Gr. τρέχνος, τέρχνος ‘sprout, (young) shoot’

Notes: {1} May also be connected with tri, tre ‘three’


       tul [m] (tg) ‘flesh, pulp, crumb’

PAlb. *tull- < QIE *t(H)ul-i/no- (AE 390)

PIE *teu(H)-(lo-) ‘to swell’ (Pok. 1080)

Gr. τύλος ‘torus, wale’

Lat. tullius ‘swell, flood, gush, jet’


     thinjë [f] (tg) gray hair

PAlb. *ϑi̅nia̅ {1} < QIE *ḱih1-ni-

PIE *ḱi(e)h1- ‘dark(-coloured), grey’ (Pok. 541)

OCS sinь ‘darkblue’

Notes: {1} Remade after the class of fem. a̅-stems.


        thadër [f] (g) ‘carpenter’s tool (a small double-edged tool with an axe and a chisel


PAlb. *ϑat(Vr)- < QIE *ḱh3-to/t(e)r-

Alb. këthatër(r) {1} / k(ë)thadër [f] claw, talons (of a bird of prey) {2}; gërthat [m] (g)

‘claw, talons (of a bird of prey)’ {3}; krahathadër [m] (g) ‘Accipiter nisus’ {4} (AE 391)

PIE *ḱeh3-(i-) ‘to sharpen, whet’ (Pok. 541)

Lat. catus ‘acutus, acute’

Skt. śitá- ‘whetted, sharp’

Notes: {1} Frequently kthetër with umlaut of the root vowel, which initially arose in pl.

k(ë)thetra. {2} Alb. formation with k(ë)-. The interchange -t- : -d- is dialectally conditioned.

{3} Pl. gërtheta, Alb. formation with gër-. {4} A compound with krah arm, wing.


      thak(ë) {2} [m/n] (tg) awn, beard, pin, peg, tassel, fringe

PAlb. *ϑak- (AE 393)

PIE *ḱok(w)-(e)h2- {1} ‘bough, branch, twig?’ (Pok. 523)

Lith. šakà bough, twig; Skt. śḁ̅́kha̅- bough, twig

Notes: {1} Possibly, non-IE. {2} Pl. thekë with umlaut of the root vowel.


      (i) thjellët {1} [adj] (t) clear, serene, fair (weather)’

PAlb. *ϑel(u)- < QIE *ḱelH-(u)o-

Alb. (i) k(ë)thjellë(t) {2} [adj] (tg) clear, serene, fair (weather); thëllim {3} [m] (tg) frosen

and clear weather, ice wind, severe cold’ (AE 394)





PIE *ḱelH- ‘to freeze’ (Pok. 551)

Lith. šálti ‘to freeze’

Notes: {1} Formation with -(ë)t(ë). {2} Alb. formation with the prefix k(ë)-. {3} Alb.

formation with the suffix -ím.


      (i) thellë [adj] (tg) ‘deep’

PAlb. *ϑauil-

Alb. k(ë)thellë [f] (g) cave, cavity, hole, abyss; thellësi [f] (g) deepening (AE 394)

PIE *ḱouilo- (Pok. 593)

Gr. κοι̃ͅλος hollow


      k(ë)thap {1} [m] (g) hook, claw

PAlb. *ϑo̅p-, ̊tśap- < QIE *ḱ(o)h3-po-

Alb. thep [m] (tg) ‘peak, point (of the rock, stone), spike’ (AE 395)

PIE *ḱeh3-(i-) ‘to sharpen, whet’ (Pok. 541)

Lat. cippus ‘pale, peak, point’ {2}

Notes: {1} Esp. pl. k(ë)thapë; Alb. formation with the prefix k(ë)-. {2} Indirectly cognate.


      thëri {1} [f] (t); thëni [f] (tg) nit, egg of the louse

PAlb. *ϑaní(-) (AE 397)

PIE *ḱ(o)nid(-) ‘louse, egg of the louse, nit’ (Pok. 608)

Gr. κονίς ‘louse’

Arm. anic ‘louse’

Notes: {1} Frequently thërri with hardening of the vibrant in inlaut for expressive reasons.


        thi [m] (tg) ‘pig’

PAlb. *ϑū- {1} (AE 397)

PIE *suH-s ‘pig, hog, swine’ _?_ (Pok. 1038)

Gr. ὗς pig

Notes: {1} This reconstruction presupposes an ancient regressive, not more precisely

determinable dissimilation of the two s. We cannot exclude the possibility of an ancient loan

from (or a joint source with) Gr. συ̃ς, cf. Alb. thes bag vs. Gr. σάκκος id.


      thjer(ë) {2} [m/f] (tg) lentil

PAlb. *(ϑi)ϑer-

Alb. (i) thjermë [adj] (g) ashy {3} (AE 398)

PIE *ḱiḱer- {1} ‘pea(s)?’ (Pok. 598)

Gr. κρίος ‘chick-pea’

Arm. siser̄ n chick-pea

Notes: {1} Non-IE ‘Kulturwort’. {2} Frequently thjerr(ë) with hardened vibrant. {3} Lit.

‘with the colour of lentils’.


      udhë [f] (tg) road, way

PAlb. *uδa̅ < QIE *uǵh-o- (AE 400)

PIE *ueǵh- ‘to move, walk’ (Pok. 1118)

Skt. váhati ‘to drive’


     ujë [m/n] (tg) water

PAlb. *uri- < QIE *(H)uh1r̥(-io-) (AE 401)






PIE *(H)u(e)h1-r- ‘water’ (Pok. 80)

Skt. vḁ̅́r- ‘water’


      ulk {1}, ujk [m] (tg) ‘wolf’

PAlb. *ulk(w)- (AE 403)

PIE *ul̥ kw-o- wolf (Pok. 1178)

Go. wulfs ‘wolf’; OCS vlъkъ ‘wolf’

Notes: {1} This form occurs only in the oldest literature (Buz.) and in the conservative

dialects of Tosk.


     urë [f] (tg) bridge

PAlb. *ur(u)a̅ (AE 403)

PIE *u(e)r(u)-? ‘bow, doorway?’ _?_

Mess. urios ‘portam’; Osc. veru ‘portam’

Notes: {1} [MdV] One may consider a derivation of PIE *Huer- ‘to cover’.


       va [m] (tg) ‘ford, ferry(-boat)’

PAlb. *ua(d) < QIE *uh2dh- (AE 405)

PIE *ueh2dh- ‘to go, walk’ _?_ (Pok. 1109)

Lat. vadum {1} ford

Notes: {1} It is impossible to determine, whether Alb. va is genetically related to Lat. vadum

or a loanword.


       vaj [interjection] (tg) ‘woe!, alas!’

PAlb. *uai

Alb. vaj [m] {1} (tg) ‘wailing, weep, lamentation for the dead’ (AE 405)

PIE *uai? ‘woe!, alas!’ (Pok. 1110)

Gr. ὀά woe!, alas!

Arm. vay ‘pain’

Notes: {1} Pl. vaje f.


     valë [f] (tg) wave, billow

PAlb. *ualla̅ {1} < QIE *uol(H)g- (AE 407)

PIE *uel(H)g- ‘to revolve, turn, twist’ (Pok. 1144)

OE wealca ‘billow’

Notes: {1} Has entered the declension of the fem. -a̅-stems.


     valë [adv] (tg) hot, boiling

PAlb. *ualla̅ < QIE *uol(H)-ie/o- (AE 1140)

PIE *uel(H)- ‘(luke)warm’ _?_ (Pok. 1140)

Arm. gol ‘heat’

OHG walo ‘lukewarm’


       vãng [m] (g) ‘(b)rim, felloe’

PAlb. *uang- < QIE *uon(H)g-

Alb. vëth / vãth [m] ear-ring {1}; vëngëroj {2} / vãngoj {3} [verb] to (have a) squint, squint

at, skew’ (AE 408)

PIE *uen(H)g- ‘to be bent, curved?’ (Pok. 1148)

Lith. vìngis bow, crooking; OHG wanko̅n to shake, totter, stagger






Notes: {1} Enlargement with -th(ë): Alb. *vang-θ. {2} Denominative formation with -ëró-.

{3} Denominative formation with -ó-.


     varr / vorr [m] ‘grave, tomb’

PAlb. *a̅̅̆ur(V)n- (AE 409) __ (Pok. 1161)

Go. aurahjons ‘tombs’


      varrë [f] (g) wound, tearing

PAlb. *uar(e)na̅ < QIE *uor(H)-(en-) (AE 410)

PIE *uer(H)- ‘to cut (off), tear’ _?_ (Pok. 1163 {1})

Skt. vraṇá- ‘wound, tearing’; Av. xvara- ‘wound, hurt’

Notes: {1} Or suer- ’to cut, slaughter’, p. 1050.


       vatër / votër [f] hearth, fire-place

PAlb. *a̅t(e)ra̅ {1} (AE 410)

PIE *HeHt(e)r- ‘fire’ (Pok. 69)

Lat. a̅ter black, sombre (blackened by fire)’; a̅trium main hall of a house, containing the


Av. a̅tarš fire

Notes: {1} Possibly, an old loanword from Latin.


      vath(ë) [m/f] (tg) sheep-fold/pen, cote (fenced area, in which the small cattle is herded

together for the night)’

PAlb. *(a)uaϑa̅ < QIE *h2uos-d(h)- (AE 412)

PIE *h2ues- ‘to dwell, abide, pass/stay the night’ (Pok. 1170)

Skt. va̅sá- sojourn, stay, spending the night; Skt. próṣṭha- lodging


      veg(ë) [m/f] (tg) handle (of pot), hook, curved handle

PAlb. *uaiga̅ < QIE *uoiH-(G-)

Alb. vegël [f] (tg) {1} tool, implement (AE 412)

PIE *ueiH, ueHi- ‘to revolve, spin, plait’ (Pok. 1120)

Lat. vieo̅ to bend, plait

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -(ë)l.


        verë / vẽnë [f] wine

PAlb. *uaina̅ < QIE *uoiH-n-

Alb. vësht(ë) {1} / vẽsht(ë) {2} [m/f] vineyard (AE 414)

PIE *u(e)iH-(o)n- ‘wine’ (Pok. 1121)

Gr. οἷνος wine

Notes: {1} From PAlb. uóin-eśt- beside pl. v(ë)reshta from PAlb. *uoin-éśt-. {2} Pl.



      verr(ë) [m/f] (tg) alder

PAlb. *uo̅r-, uar(e/i)n-

Alb. vërri / v(ë)rrĩ [f] alder (AE 414)

PIE *uer-(e)neh2? ‘alder, poplar’ (Pok. 1169)

Arm. geran ‘trabs, tignum’

Bret. gwern ‘alder’






     urrë [f] (tg) sap-wood

PAlb. *urna̅ < QIE *ur-neh2 (AE 414)

PIE *uer-(e)neh2? ‘alder, poplar’ (Pok. 1169)


      vesh {2} [m] (tg) ‘ear’

PAlb. *(a)uaśi̅ < QIE *h2(e)usós-ih1 (AE 415)

PIE *h2eusos ‘ear’ (Pok. 785)

Lat. auris ‘ear’

Lith. ausìs ‘ear’

Notes: {1} Dual form. {2} With umlaut of the root vowel.


      vetë {2} [pron] (tg) (one)self

PAlb. *uai-(t-) < QIE *suoi-(to/i-) (AE 416)

PIE *sue- {1} ‘(one)self, own’ (Pok. 882)

Skt. svayám ‘oneself’; OCS svojь ‘own’

Notes: {1} Pronominal stem of the reflexive pronoun. {2} The final syllable -të may also be

explained as an Alb. enlargement in -të.


        u {5} [particle] {1} (tg) ‘oneself’

PAlb. *ue-

Alb. u [pronpers] (tg) {3} ‘I’ (AE 400)

PIE *sue- ‘(one)self, own’ (Pok. 882)

Gr. ἓ oneself

Notes: {1} Particle for the formation of the Alb. reflexive and passive of the non-present

tempora and modi. {3} Frequently enlarged to unë, which can be explained as a compound

with a pronominal element në < no-.


      vëlla [m] (tg) brother

PAlb. * ̊(e)lau(D) {1} < QIE *h1loudhi- (AE 417)

PIE *h1leudh- ‘rise, shoot up’ _?_ (Pok. 684)

OE le̅od nation, people; Go. jugga-lauÞs youth, young man

Notes: {1} Possibly < *uai-láu(d) (< *suoi- h1loudhi-), an old compound with the reflexive

pronoun ve(të) own, self. The plural stem Alb. *vəɫaz- (> vëllezër / vëllazën) can be derived

phonetically from *laudźi- .


      viç [m] (tg) ‘calf (until one year old)’

PAlb. *ueteś- (AE 417)

PIE *uet-es- ‘year’ (Pok. 1175)

Lat. veterinus ‘draught-cattle’

Skt. vatsá ‘calf’


     vig [m] (tg) ‘stretcher, litter, bier, transition (consisting of beams)’

PAlb. *uig- (AE 418)

PIE *u(e)i-K- ‘to revolve, turn, twist’ _?_ (Pok. 1130)

OE wice ‘patch’; OIc. vik ‘bight’


      vis [m] (tg) ‘place, land, country’

PAlb. *uitśi-(a̅) < QIE *uiḱ(i)i-

Alb. amvisë [f] (g) housewife; visele [f] (t) {1} cottage, country-house (AE 419)

PIE *ueiḱ- ‘house, settlement’ (Pok. 1131)





Gr. οἰκία house

Notes: {1} Enlargement with -le.


        vjet {1}, vit {2} [m] (tg) ‘year’

PAlb. *uet-

Alb. vjet [adv] {3} (tg) ‘last year’ (AE 419)

PIE *uetos ‘year’ (Pok. 1175)

Gr. ἔτος year

Notes: {1} Mostly pl. {2} Mostly sg., originated from the generalization of a weak case form.

{3} Originated from a frozen case of the singular: uet-es-i or uetes.


       vito {1} [f] (t) ‘dove’

PAlb. *(a)uit-

Alb. vidë [f] (g) dove; vit/d [interjection] {2} (g), cf. avdosë (AE 420)

PIE *h2eui-(to-) ‘bird’ (Pok. 86)

Gr. αἰετός eagle

Bret. houad ‘duck’

Notes: {1} The auslaut derives from an exclamation particle (-)o, which also occurs as a

grammatical characteristic of the Alb. vocative. {2} Call for pigeons.


       vjehërr [m] (tg) father-in-law

PAlb. *ueh(u)Vr-

Alb. vjeh(ë)rrë [f] (tg) {1} mother-in-law (AE 422)

PIE *sueḱue/or- ‘father-in-law’ (Pok. 1043)

Gr. ἑκυρός father-in-law

Skt. śváśura- ‘father-in-law’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the fem. suffix -ë.


      vorbull {1} [f] (tg) ‘whirlpool, -wind, vortex, swirl’

PAlb. *ue̅rb- < QIE *ue̅rb(h)-

Alb. vorbë [f] (tg) amphora {2} (AE 424)

PIE *uer-b(h)- ‘to revolve, twist, turn (down)’ _?_ (Pok. 1153)

Go. wairpan ‘to throw’

Notes: {1} Beside rare vorbë id; vorbull contains an enlargement -ull(ë). {2} The

connection of this word is disputed. One could also consider a borrowing or a calque from Gr

ἀμφορεύς conic jar with two handles.


       vrap {1} [m] (tg) ‘running, race’

PAlb. * ̊rap- < QIE *(h1)rh1p-, ̊rap-

Alb. vrap [adv] (tg) ‘speedily’ (AE 424)

PIE *(h1)reh1p- ‘to creep?’ _?_ (Pok. 865)

Lat. re̅po̅ to creep

Latv. rãpt ‘to creep’

Notes: {1} Formation with the intensive-privative prefix v(ë)-.


     zë / zã [m] sound, voice

PAlb. *dźan- (AE 425)

PIE *ǵhuon-o-s ‘sound’ (Pok. 490)

Arm. jayn ‘sound’

OCS zvonъ ‘sound’





     (i) zi {1} [adj] (tg) ‘black’

PAlb. *dźi̅̅̆d(i-) (AE 427)

PIE *gwiH-d-, gwHi-d- ‘light-, grey-coloured’ _?_ (Pok. 488)

Gr. φαιός ‘(dark)grey, black’; φαίδιμός ‘brilliant’

Notes: {1} f (e) zezë from *dźidź(i)a̅.


      zjarm [m] (tg) ‘fire’

PAlb. *dźerm- < QIE *gwher-mo-

Alb. zjarr [m] (tg) ‘fire, fever’ {1} (AE 429)

PIE *gwher- ‘hot, warm’ (Pok. 493)

Gr. θερμός ‘warm’

Arm. ǰerm warm

Notes: {1} Unclear formation. One could consider an Alb. suffix change of the type Lat.

formus ‘warm’ : fornus ‘oven’. A different possibility is assimilation to the root *ǵuer(H)- to

shine and be hot’, cf Latv. zvêruot ‘to glow’, Skt. jvara- ‘fever’.


     zog [m] (tg) ‘bird (for small bird species), young animal, nestling’

PAlb. *dźa̅g- (AE 429)

PIE *ǵ(h)(u)eh2-G- ‘young animal, nestling’ _−_ (Pok. 909)

Arm. jag ‘nestling’


      zorrë [f] (tg) bowel, intestine(s)

PAlb. *dźe̅rna̅ {1} < QIE *gwhe̅r-(?)n- (AE 430)

PIE *gwher- ‘to swallow’ _?_ (Pok. 474)

Notes: {1} The connection with other IE words for ‘intestine(s)’, viz. ǵher-, ǵhor-na̅ (Pok.

443), which is more convincing semantically, can only be upheld if we assume a variant with

a semivowel: ǵhuer-. {2} [MdV] But where would the semivowel come from?


      zot {1} [m] (tg) ‘God’

PAlb. *dźie̅u ̊

Alb. zo(n)jë [m] (tg) lady, misstress, patroness {2} (AE 431)

PIE *die̅u- sky (Pok. 184)

Gr. Zεύς ‘God’

Skt. dyáus ‘sky’

Notes: {1} An old compound for ‘heavenly father’. -t apparently reflects Alb. at(ë) < a(t)ta

‘father’, cf. dyḁ̅́uṣ pitḁ̅́. {2} < Alb. *zotVnia̅.


       rrodhe [fns/p] (tg) ‘burr’

PAlb. *ra̅δ- (AE 48)

PIE *ureh2ǵh- {1} ‘thorn’ (Pok. 1180)

Gr. ῥᾱχός sprig, thorn(-bush)

Notes: {1} Probably, a non-IE word.


      urth [m] (tg) ‘ivy’

PAlb. *urδ- < QIE *ur̥ǵh-o- (AE 48)

PIE *uer-ǵh- ‘to turn, twist’ (Pok. 1154)

Lith. viržỹs heath(er), ling


     uri {1} [f] (t); ũ(n) [m] (g) ‘hunger’

PAlb. *un- < QIE *uṇH-o- (AE 51)





PIE *uenH- ‘to love, desire, request’ _?_ (Pok. 1146)

Skt. vánas- ‘request, preference, bias’

Notes: {1} Singulare tantum. Enlargement with the fem. (collective) suffix -í.


       ãnkoj [verb] (g); ãngoj [verb] (g) ‘to sigh, groan’

Present: ãnkohem (1sr); Aorist: u ãnkova (1sr); Part.: ãnku(e); Present: ãngohem (1sr); Aorist:

u ãngova (1sr); Part.: ãngu(e)

PAlb. *ank-e̅- {1} < QIE *Honk-(eh1-)

Alb. rënkoj [verb] (t) {2} to sigh, groan [Present: rënkoj; Aorist: rënkova; Part.: rënkuar]

(AE 78)

PIE *Henk-, Honk- ‘to sigh, groan’ (Pok. 322)

Gr. ὀγκάομαι to cry, roar

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the suffix -e̅- < -eh1-. {2} Alb. formation with the intensiv

prefix r(ë)-/rr(ë)-.


       ap, jap {3} [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to give’

Present: (j)ap, (j)ep (2/3s) {2}

PAlb. *apei- < QIE *h2op-eie- (AE 79)

PIE *h2ep- ‘to reach, get at/to, capture’ (Pok. 50)

Skt. a̅páyati to reach

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, which occurs only in the present and in tempora and modi

derived from the present stem. {2} The form of the 2nd and 3rd person ep points to an ancient

umlaut in the root vowel, possibly Alb. *api̅̅̆. {3} with j-epenthesis possibly after jam I am.


       bar {3} [verb] (g) ‘to carry away, bear, endure’

Present: bar; Aorist: barta; Part.: bartë

PAlb. *barei- < QIE *bhor-eie-

Alb. (m)baj [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to carry away, bear, endure’ [Present: (m)baj; Aorist: (m)bajta;

Part.: (m)bajtur / (m)bajtun]; mbaroj [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to complete, end, finish’ [Present:

mbaroj; Aorist: mbarova; Part.: mbaruar / mbaru(e)] (AE 86)

PIE *bher- ‘to carry’ (Pok. 130)

Gr. φορέω ‘to carry’

Notes: {1} < bhor-io- as denominative formation with the intensive prefix (a)n-. {2} Alb.

formation with the verbal suffix -o- < PAlb -e- (< -eh1-).


     bëj [verb] (tg) to do, make; appear, make ones appearance

Present: bëj / bãj; Aorist: bëra / bãna; Part.: bërë / bã(në)

PAlb. *bani- < QIE *bhh2-nio-; bhh2-no- (part.) (AE 97)

PIE *bheh2- ‘to shine’ (Pok. 104)

Gr. φαίνω ‘to loom, to be seen’


       bie {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to carry, bear; bring’

Present: bie

PAlb. *beri- {1} < QIE *bher-io- (AE 99)

PIE *bher- ‘to carry, bear; bring’ (Pok. 128)

Gr. (Hom.) φέρτε ‘to carry, bear; bring’

Lat. fer ‘to carry, bear; bring’

Skt. bhárti ‘to carry, bear; bring’

Notes: {1} Has entered the class of io-verbs after the dissolution of the athematic conjugation.






{2} Suppletive verb, which occurs only in the present and in tempora and modi derived from

the present.


       bie {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to fall (down), lay (down); beat’

Present: bie

PAlb. *beri- < QIE *bherH-io- (AE 100)

PIE *bherH- ‘to split; beat’ (Pok. 133)

Lat. ferio̅ to beat, push

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, which occurs only in the present and in tempora and modi

derived from the present.


       bij [verb] (tg) ‘to sprout, grow out’

Present: bij / bĩj; Aorist: biva / bĩva; Part.: birë / bĩ(m), bitë

PAlb. *bi̅̅̆ni- < QIE *bhi(H)-nio-; bhi(H)-no/to- (part.)

Alb. mbij [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to sprout, grow out’ [Present: mbij / mbĩj; Aorist: mbiva / mbĩva;

Part.: mbirë / mbĩ]; bimë / bĩm(ë) [f] plant’ {2}, cf. bir, bisht (AE 100)

PIE *bhei(H)- ‘to beat, strike’ (Pok. 117)

OCS bijǫ to beat

Notes: {1} Intensive formation with the prefix (a)n-. {2} Deverbative formation from Alb.



      bind / bĩnd [verb] ‘to convince, persuade; amaze’

Present: bind / bĩnd; Aorist: binda / bĩnda; Part.: bindë / bĩndë

PAlb. *bind- < QIE *bhi-n-dh-o- {1}

Alb. bĩnd [m] (g) ‘wonder’; përbindësh / përbĩnd(ë)sh [m] ‘monster’ (AE 101)

PIE *bheidh- ‘to persuade, encourage; constrain’ (Pok. 117)

Gr. πείθω ‘to persuade, convince’

Notes: {1} Original nasal present.


      bjerr {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to lose, forfeit’

Present: bjerr; Aorist: bora; Part. bjerrë

PAlb. *ber- < QIE *bher-o-; bhe̅r- (aor.)

Alb. borë [f] (tg) snow {1} (AE 104)

PIE *bher- ‘to strew, spread; fall’

Lith. bert̃ͅ i to strew

Notes: {1} May also have arisen from a contamination with the European word for ‘Northern

wind’ (Gr. βορέας, (Nord)It. bora), cf (dial.) borlë [f] (t) ‘Northern wind’.


      blegërin [verb] (tg) to bleat

Present: blegërin (3s); Aorist: blegëriti (3s); Part.: blegëritë

PAlb. *bleg ̊ {2} < QIE *b(h)le-Gh- (AE 104)

PIE *b(h)le- {1} ‘to bleat’ (Pok. 102)

Gr. βληχάομαι ‘to bleat’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} Enlarged with the suffix -ëró/í- .


      bredh [verb] (tg) ‘to spring, jump, hop; roam about’

Present: bredh; Aorist: brodha; Part.: bredhur / bredhë, bredhun

PAlb. *breδ- < QIE *bhred(h)-o-; bhre̅d(h)- (aor.) (AE 108)

PIE *bhred(h)- ‘to wade (in, through)’ (Pok. 164)

Lith. brìsti ‘to wade’; RuCS bresti ‘to wade’





       brej [verb] (tg) ‘to gnaw (down), rub, nibble, scratch’

Present: brej; Aorist: brejta, breva; Part.: brejtur / brejt(ë)

PAlb. *brei- < QIE *bhreiH-o- (AE 108)

PIE *bhreiH- ‘to rub, scratch’ (Pok. 166)

Lat. frio̅ to rub, grind, crumble

RuCS briti ‘to cut, shear’


      brij {1} [f] (tg) ‘to rub, scratch’

Present: brij / brĩj

PAlb. *brin(i)- < QIE *bhri-n-(e)H-o-

Alb. brimë [f] (tg) hole; birë [f] (tg) hole {2} (AE 108)

PIE *bhreiH- ‘to rub, scratch’ (Pok. 166)

Skt. bhri̅ṇánti to wound

Notes: {1} Occurs nearly exclusively in the present. {2} Metathesized from Alb. *briə.


       mbruaj {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to knead’

Present: mbruaj / mbru(e)j; Aorist: mbru(a)jta / mbru(e)jta; Part.: mbru(a)jtur / mbru(e)jtë,


PAlb. *bra̅u- {1} < QIE *bhreh1u-o- (AE 111)

PIE *bhreh1u- ‘to boil up, ferment’ (Pok. 143)

Lat. ferveo̅ to boil (up), bubble

Notes: {1} From *bre̅u-. {2} Intensive formation with the prefix (a)n-.


      buj [verb] (tg) ‘to pass, stay overnight’

Present: buj / bũj; Aorist: bujta / bũjta; Part: bujtur / bũjtë, bũjtun

PAlb. *budn- < QIE *bhudh-no-

Alb. përbũj [verb] (g) to vigil [Present: përbũj; Aorist: përbũjta; Part.: përbũjtë] {1} (AE


PIE *bheudh-, root *bhudh ‘to be awake, to observe, watch’ _+_ (Pok. 150)

Lith. bùsti ‘to wake’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix për-.


        cys [verb] (tg) ‘to put in motion, stimulate, goad, fury’

Present: cys, cyt (2/3s); Aorist: cyta; Part: cytë

PAlb. * ̊tśiutśi- {2} < QIE *kiu-t-io- {1} (AE 116)

PIE *kei-, ki-(eu-) ‘to put, set in motion; be on the move’ (Pok. 538)

Gr. (Hom.) ἔσσυτο hasted

Notes: {1} From an original participle *ki-u-to-. {2} Intensive formation with the Alb. prefix



      ndërsej [verb] (tg) {1} to set on (to do), incite, instigate

Present: ndërsej; Aorist: ndërseva; Part.: ndërsyer / ndërsy(e)

PAlb. *tśeu- < QIE *kieu-o- (AE 116)

PIE *kei-, ki-(eu-) ‘to put, set in motion; be on the move’ (Pok. 538)

Gr. σεύω ‘to actuate’

Lat. cieo̅ to set in motion

Notes: {1} Intensive formation with the Alb. prefix ndër-.


     çaj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to cut to pieces, to hack’

Present: çaj; Aorist: çava; Part.: çarë / ça(m)





PAlb. * ̊śari- < QIE *sər-io-

Alb. shaj [verb] (tg) ‘to insult, revile, slander’; çart [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to split; kill, put to death’;

shartoj [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to weed (out)’ (AE 116)

PIE *ser- ‘to cut (with a sickle), fall (to bits), hack (to pieces)’ (Pok. 911)

Lat. sario̅ to weed (out)

Notes: {1} From d(ə)-śaj as an intensive formation with the Alb. prefix d(ë)-. {2} From an

Alb. participle stem in -t(ë). {3} Deverbative formation with -o- < e̅ (< -eh1-).


      shkal {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to tread, spur (on the heel)’

Present: shkal (t), shkel {2} (tg), shkel (2s) (tg) {3}; Aorist: shkala (t), shkela (tg); Part.:

shkelur / shkelë, shkelun {4}

PAlb. * ̊kall- < QIE *kol-io-

Alb. shkelm [m] (tg) {5} ‘footstep’; shqelm [m] (tg) ‘footstep’ (AE 118)

PIE *kel- ‘biegen’ _?_ (Pok. 928)

Lat. calco̅ to spur

Lith. atsikalt̃ͅ i to lean against (upon)

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix sh- {2} with umlaut of the root vowel after the 2nd

and 3d person {3} from Alb. śkalXXX. {4} with umlaut of the root vowel after the 2nd and

3d person< {5} Alb. formation with -m(ë): maybe ̥kalim-.


      daj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to divide; cut’

Present: daj; Aorist: dava; Part.: darë / da(m)

PAlb. *dai- < QIE *dh2-eie-

Alb. dalloj [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to separate’ (AE 119)

PIE *deh2-, root *dh2- ‘to divide’ _+_ (Pok. 175)

Skt. dáyate ‘to divide; destroy’

Notes: {1} Frequently in prefixed form ndaj. {2} Alb. formation in -(u)llój.


      dal [verb] (tg) ‘to go out, rise; sprout (of seeds), grow (of plants)’

Present: dal, del (2s); Aorist: dolla (t), dola (tg) {1}; Part.: dalë

PAlb. *daln- < QIE *dheh2l-; dhh2l-no- (part.) (AE 120)

PIE *dheh2l- ‘to grow, get on?’ (Pok. 234)

Gr. θάλλω ‘to bloom, grow of plants’

Notes: {1} With secondary palatal -l-.


      dars [f] (t) ‘to banquet, dine’

Present: dars(ënj); Aorist: darsa

PAlb. *dartśei- < QIE *dorkw-eie/o- {1}

Alb. da(r)smë [f] (tg) wedding dinner; dasëm [f] (tg) wedding dinner, cf. darkë, drekë (AE


PIE *dorkw- ‘meal?’ (Pok. 210)

Gr. δόρπον ‘supper, dinner; evening’

Notes: {1} Old denominative along the pattern of the original causatives.


      dej [verb] (tg) ‘to get drunk’

Present: dej, deh {1}, dehem (1sr); Aorist: dejta; Part.: dejtur(ë) / dejtunë

PAlb. *dej < QIE *dhh1-eie- (AE 125)

PIE *dheh1- ‘to suck, drink’ (Pok. 241)

Skt. dháyati ‘to suck’; Latv. dêt ‘to suck’

Notes: {1} Arose secondarily under the influence of the non-active paradigm.





       tend [verb] (tg) ‘to stuff, cram; to compress’

Present: dend / tẽnd, dẽnd {1}; Aorist: denda / tẽnda, dẽnda; Part.: dendë / tẽndë, dẽndë

PAlb. *tend- < QIE *tendo- (AE 129)

PIE *ten-d- ‘to distend; draw, strech (out)’ (Pok. 1065)

Lat. tendo̅ to strech (out), strain’

Notes: {1} With assimilation of the anlaut.


      dergj- {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to be bedridden, be lying ill, pine away’

Present: dergjem (1sr); Aorist: (u) dergja (1sr); Part.: dergjurë / dergjë, dergjunë

PAlb. *dargei- < QIE *dhorHg(h)-eie- ?? (AE 131)

PIE *dherHg(h)- ‘?’ (Pok. 251)

Lith. dìrgti ‘to feel faint, faint’

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel, as usual in the Alb. non-active paradigm.


      djerg [verb] (tg) ‘to be lying ill; to fall down’

Present: djerg; Aorist: dorgja; Part.: djergur / djergë

PAlb. *derg- < QIE *dherHg(h)-o-; dhe̅rHg(h)- (aor.) (AE 131)

PIE *dherHg(h)- ‘?’ (Pok. 251)

Lith. dìrgti ‘to feel faint, faint’


      di {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to know, be aware; be able’

Present: di; Aorist: dita; Part.: ditë;

PAlb. *di̅- < QIE *dhiH-; dhiH-to- (part.)

Alb. ndiej, ndjej [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to feel, to notice, to observe’ (AE 132)

PIE *dheiH- ‘to observe, perceive; to think out, devise’ (Pok. 243)

Skt. dhi̅tá- thought of

Notes: {1} Arose analogically from an aor. stem. {2} Alb. enlargement in -e-: Alb. *(a)n-di-



      djeg [verb] (tg) ‘to burn’

Present: djeg, digjem (1sr); Aorist: dogja; Part.: djegur / djegun, djegë

PAlb. *deg- < QIE *dhegwh-o-; dhe̅gwh- (aor.) (AE 138)

PIE *dhegwh- ‘to burn’ (Pok. 240)

Skt. dáhati ‘to burn’


       dredh [verb] (tg) ‘to revolve, turn; wind’

Present: dredh; Aorist: drodha; Part.: dredhur / dredhë, dredhun

PAlb. *dre̅̅̆δ- < QIE *dreǵh-o-; dre̅ǵh- (aor.)

Alb. ï = U+00EF (AE 143) (Pok. 258)

Arm. dar̄ nam ‘to turn, revolve’


      dridh- {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to tremble, quake, rock’

Present: dridhem (1sr); Aorist: (u) drodha {2}; Part.: dridhur / dridhë, dridhun

PAlb. *dreδ- < QIE *d(h)r-ed(h)-o-; d(h)re̅d(h)- (aor.)? (AE 143)

PIE *d(h)r- ‘to tremble, quake, rock’

Lith. drebù ‘to tremble, quake’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, a reconstruction d(h)r̥d(h)- is also possible. {2} May be explained as a

contamination with dredh, aor. drodha ‘to turn’.






      duo {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to want, wish’

Present: dua / du(e); Aorist: desha {2}; Part.: dashur / dashë, dashun

PAlb. *dua̅mm < QIE *dueh2-s-mi; duh2(e)s- (aor.) (AE 149)

PIE *deuh2-(s-) ‘to lack (a thing), to be short of’ _?_ (Pok. 219)

Gr. (Aeol., Hom.) δεύω ‘to lack, want (a thing), to fail’

Notes: {1} Buz. {2} < Alb. *daš- with umlaut of the root vowel.


       dhashë {1} [verb] (tg) to give

Aorist: dhashë {2}; Part.: dhënë / dhãnë

PAlb. *(e)δaś- < QIE *h1e-dh3-(e)s-m̥; (h1e-)dh3s-no- (part.) (AE 154)

PIE *deh3- ‘to give’ (Pok. 154)

Skt. ádiṣi ‘to give’

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, occurs only in the non-present paradigm. {2} dhae, dhe (g) arose

analogically after the form of the 2s dhae, dhe < h1e-dh3(e)s-s.


       dhemb [verb] (tg) ‘to smart’

Present: dhemb / dhẽm(b) (3s); Aorist: dhembi / dhẽm(b)i (3s); Part.: dhembur / dhembun

PAlb. *δemb- < QIE *ǵembh-o- (AE 156)

PIE *ǵembh- ‘to bite’ (Pok. 369)

Skt. jámbhate ‘to snap’


       dhjes [verb] (tg) ‘to shit’

Present: dhjes, dhjet (2/3s); Aorist: dhjeva; Part.: dhjerë / dhi(m) {1}

PAlb. *(d)δetśi- < QIE *ǵh(e̅̅̆)d-(etio-) (AE 161)

PIE *ǵhed- ‘to shit’ (Pok. 423)

Gr. χέζω ‘to shit’

Notes: {1} The aor. and partic. stems have been reshaped according to the existing models in

the Albanian verb system.


      flas [verb] (tg) ‘to speak, tell’

Present: flas; Aorist: fola; Part.: folur / folë

PAlb. *śp(e)latśi- {1} < QIE *spel-(otio-); spe̅l- (aor.) (AE 162)

PIE *(s)pel- ‘to call, speak loudly’ (Pok. 985)

Go. spillon ‘to pronounce, announce, tell’

Notes: {1} Enlargement in -(V)tio-.


     end [verb] (tg) ‘to ploit, weave’

Present: end / ẽn(d); Aorist: enda / ẽn(d)a; Part.: endur / en(d)un

PAlb. *(h)aunt- < QIE *h2eu-(e)nt- (AE 166)

PIE *h2eu- ‘to ploit, weave’ (Pok. 75)


       endem [verb] (tg) ‘to gallivant about a place, gad about’

Present: endem / ẽn(d)em (1sr); Aorist: (u) enda / (u) ẽn(d)a (1sr); Part.: endur / ẽn(d)ë,


PAlb. *ende- < QIE *h1ṇdhe- (AE 167)

PIE *h1(e)ndh- ‘way, to go’

Gr. ἐνθει̃ͅν (aor.) ‘to come’

Skt. ádhvan- ‘way’






     ënj [verb] (tg) to swell, inflame

Present: ë(n)j / ãj; Aorist: ë(n)jta / ãjta; Part.: ë(n)jtur / ãjtë, ãj(t)un

PAlb. *aidn(i)- < QIE *Hoid-n(i)o- (AE 171)

PIE *Hoid- ‘to swell’ (Pok. 774)

Arm. aytnowm ‘to swell’


       ftoh {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to cool’

Present: ftoh; Aorist: ftoha; Part.: ftohur / ftohë

PAlb. *tpe̅-(h) {1} < QIE *t(e)p-eh1- (AE 173)

PIE *tep- ‘to be warm?’ (Pok. 1069)

Lat. tepeo̅ to be lukewarm, tepid’

Notes: {1} Rebuilt analogically after the original inchoatives. {2} From a metathesized

preform ptoh.


     fshij [verb] (tg) ‘to wipe; sweep’

Present: fshij; Aorist: fshiva; Part.: fshirë / fshi(m)

PAlb. *Pśi̅(i)- < QIE *bhsi(H)-(i)o- (AE 173)

PIE *bhes-, bhes-ei(H)- ‘to rub (off)’ (Pok. 145)

OHG bes(a)mo ‘broom’


     gdhend {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to carve, chisel’

Present: gdhend / (g)dhẽn(d); Aorist: gdhenda / (g)dhẽn(d)a; Part.: gdhendur / (g)dhen(d)ë,


PAlb. * ̊δend- < QIE *dhen-d(h)/t- (AE 175)

PIE *dhen- ‘to beat, push’ (Pok. 249)

ON detta ‘to fall down’

Notes: {1} With the prefix g(ë)-.


       di [verb 3sp] (t) ‘to dawn (daylight)’

Present: di (3s) {1}; Aorist: dijti (3s); Part.: dijturë, dihurë

PAlb. *di̅(i)- < QIE *dih2-(i)o-

Alb. gdhin [verb 3sp] (tg) {2} ‘to dawn (daylight)’; gdhij [verb] (tg) ‘to pass the night

sleeplessly’; (të) gdhitë [n] (t) {3} ‘dawn, early morning’; gdhimë [f] (g) {4} ‘dawn, early

morning’; (të) gdhirë [n] (t) {5} ‘dawn, early morning’ (AE 176)

PIE *deih2- ‘to light, shine’ (Pok. 183)

Gr. δῑνάω to radiate, to shine

Notes: {1} Esp. in the non-active paradigm dihet (t). {2} With the prefix g(ë)-. {3} Alb.

formation from the participle stem (gV-)di̅t-. {4} From the participle stem (gV-)di̅m-. {5}

From the participle stem (gV-)di̅n-.


      gogësij {2} [verb] (tg) to yawn, gape

Present: gogësij; Aorist: gogësita, gogësiva; Part.: gogësirë / gogësi(m)

PAlb. *ga̅̅̆ga̅̅̆-(ti-) < QIE *gha̅̅̆gha̅̅̆-

Alb. gogëso(n)j [verb] (tg) ‘to yawn, gape’; gugas [verb] (tg) ‘to coo (of doves)’ (AE 179)

PIE *gheh2-(gheh2-) {1} ‘to yawn, gape’ (Pok. 419)

Gr. χάσκω ‘to yawn, gape’

Lith. gagù ‘to cackle’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} From gogës- as a verbal basis for further Alb. verbal







      grish [verb] (tg) ‘to invite, welcome’

Present: grish; Aorist: grisha; Part.: grishurë / grishë, grishunë

PAlb. *griś- < QIE *gwr̥-s- (AE 180)

PIE *gwer-s- ‘to raise one’s voice, lift up a cry; set up a clamour’ (Pok. 478)

Lith. gars̃ͅ as call, sound


     grah [verb] (tg) ‘to incite; bellow, roar; rattle’

Present: grah {1} / Aorist: graha; Part.: grahë

PAlb. *grah < QIE *gwr̥H-ske/o- (AE 180)

PIE *gwer-H- ‘to raise a cry’ (Pok. 478)

Notes: {1} Frequently ngrah with the intensive prefix n-.


      ngridhem {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to get angry, exited, be in heat’

Present: ngridhem (1sr); Aorist: (u) ngridh (1sr); Part.: ngridhur / ngridhun

PAlb. *(-)greδ- < QIE *gwredh-

Alb. gërthas [verb] (tg) {2} to cry (AE 180)

PIE *gwr-edh- ‘to cry, shout’ (Pok. 478)

Notes: {1} Alb. intensive formation with the prefix n-. The raising of e > i is determined by

Alb. paradigm. {2} From PAlb. griδ-(ati-). Enlarged formation with the Alb. suffix -as/t.


      ndal {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to halt, stop’

Present: ndal; Aorist: ndala; Part.: ndalë

PAlb. * ̊dalg- < QIE *dlh1egh-o- {1}

Alb. dalë [adv] (t) slowly; ngadalë [adv] (tg) {4} slowly; dale halt! [interjection] (t) {3};

ndal [interjection] (tg) ‘halt!’ (AE 120)

PIE *dlh1gh- ‘to halt, to (come to a) stop’ _?_ (Pok. 197)

W. dal ‘to halt’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, dolh1(e)gh-o- is also possible. {2} From -n-dalg- with the Alb.

intensive prefix (a)n- < -h2en. {3} Frozen form of the 2s imperative from the non-prefixed

verbal stem. {4} A compound of dalë with ngah run, go (quickly).


      gjanj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to find’

Present: gjej {2}, gjendem (1sr) {3}; Aorist: gjeta {4}; Part.: gjetë (tg) {5}; gjendur / gjendun


PAlb. *gadn(i)- < QIE *ghṇd-n(i)o- (AE 185)

PIE *ghe-(n-)d- ‘to catch, grasp’ (Pok. 437)

Lat. prehendo̅ to catch (hold)

Go. bigitan ‘to find’

Notes: {1}Buz. {2} With raising of the root vowel under the influence of the non-active

paradigm. {3} From the pres.part. ghend-(e)nt-. {4} From the perf. part. ghəd-to-. {5} Original

verbal adjective resp. perf. part. {6} Original pres. part.


      gjerb {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to sip, lap’

Present: gjerb; Aorist: gjerba; Part.: gjerbur / gjerbë, gjerbun

PAlb. *śarbei- < QIE *sorbh-eie- (AE 187)

PIE *serbh- ‘to sip, lap’ (Pok. 1001)

Lat. sorbeo̅ to sip, lap

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root.






       gjuoj {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to drive (quickly), chase’

Present: gjuaj / gju(e)j; Aorist: gjuajta / gju(e)jta; Part.: gjuajtur / gju(e)jtë

PAlb. *śa̅gn- < QIE *seh2G-no- {1}

Alb. përgjoj [verb] (tg) to listen, eavesdrop (AE 191)

PIE *seh2G- ‘to trace (out), track’ (Pok. 876)

Lat. sa̅gio̅ ‘acute sentire, to feel’

Notes: {1} Phonetically, seh2G-mi is also possible. {2}Buz. from *ȥ̌oN.


      harr {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to weed (out), prune, rid of branches’

Present: harr; Aorist: harra; Part.: harrë

PAlb. *harei- < QIE *sKor(H)-eie- (AE 196)

PIE *(s)Ker(H)- ‘to cut (off)’ (Pok. 938)

Gr. κείρω ‘to cut’

OIc. skera ‘to cut’

Notes: {1} With expressive hard -r̄ .


     h(j)edh [verb] (tg) ‘to throw; shoot’

Present: h(j)edh; Aorist: hodha; Part.: hedhur / hedhë, hedhun

PAlb. *heδ- < QIE *sKed-o-; sKe̅d- (aor.) (AE 197)

PIE *sKed- ‘to throw; shoot’ _?_

OE sce̅otan to shoot, sling {1}

Notes: {1} Related only indirectly.


       jam {1} [verb] (tg) ‘(I) am’

Present: 1s. jam, 2s. je {2}, 3s. është / ã(n)shtë {3}{4}

PAlb. *emm < QIE *h1es-mi (AE 207)

PIE *h1es- ‘to be’ (Pok. 340)

Skt. ásmi ‘to be’

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, which occurs only in the present and in the tempora and modi

which have been derived from present stem. {2} Beside the conjunctive 2sp (të) jesh < h1es-

s(i). {3} From h2en h1esti. {4} 1s imperfect jeshë < h1es-m.


      kall [verb] (tg) ‘to stick (on, into), put (up); thrust; instigate’

Present: kall; Aorist: kalla; Part.: kallurë / kallë, kallunë

PAlb. *kalei- < QIE *kolH-eie-

Alb. këllas [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to stick (on, into), put (up); thrust; instigate’; kalloj [verb] (tg) ‘to

kindle’ (AE 210)

PIE *kelH-< ‘to prick, jab (into); thrust (into)’ (Pok. 545)

Lith. kálti ‘to strike, forge’; Russ. kolótь ‘to prick, jab, hoe, hack’

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement in -as.


      kam {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to have’

Present: kam

PAlb. *kamp- < QIE *kh2-(e)n-p- {1} (AE 212)

PIE *k(e)h2p- ‘to catch, grasp; seize, get hold of’ (Pok. 527)

Latv. kàmpt ‘to catch, seize’

Notes: {1} Or kh2p-mi?. {2} Suppletive verb, which occurs only in the present and in the

tempora and modi which are based on it. The paradigm of kam has been strongly influenced

by that of jam ‘to be’.






      kap [verb] (tg) ‘to catch, grasp; seize, get hold of’

Present: kap; Aorist: kapa; Part.: kapë (tg), kapur / kapun

PAlb. *kap- < QIE *kh2p-(i)o- (AE 212)

PIE *k(e)h2p- ‘to catch, grasp; seize, get hold of’ (Pok. 527)

Gr. κάπτω ‘to snap’

Lat. capio̅ to take, seize


      kep {1} [verb] (g) ‘to hew; chisel; sew, stich’

Present: kep; Aorist: kepa; Part.: kepë

PAlb. *kapei- < QIE *kop(H)-eie-

Alb. shkep [verb] (tg) ‘to hew; chisel; sew, stich’ {2}; qep [verb] (tg) ‘to sew, stich’ (AE 216)

PIE *(s)kep(H)- ‘to cut (off), split’ (Pok. 213)

Gr. κόπτω ‘to strike, cut’

Lith. kapóti ‘to hack, strike, cut’

Notes: {1} Dial. variant of qep, with umlaut. {2} Beside shqep; Alb. formation with the

intensive prefix sh-.


      tkurr {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to contract, draw together, shrink up’

Present: tkurr, tkurrem (1sr); Aorist: tkurra, u tkurra (1sr); Part.: tkurrë

PAlb. *kurn- {1} < QIE *kur-no-

Alb. kurriz [m] (tg) ‘back’; k(ë)rrus [verb] (tg) ‘to bend’ {3} (AE 220)

PIE *kur- ‘to turn, bend’ (Pok. 935)

Gr. κυρτός ‘crooked, bent’

Lat. curvus ‘bent, curved’

Notes: {1} Old nominal basis, from which other denominative formations have been derived.

{2} With the Alb. prefix t(ə)-kur̄ . {3} Unclear formation.


      korr {2} [m] (tg) ‘to cut with a sicle, to harvest, reap’

Present: korr (tg), kuarr / kuor(r) {3}; Aorist: korra; Part.: korrë

PAlb. *ka̅r- {1} < QIE *kos-ro-

Alb. kuar / ku(e)r [m] ‘measure, suitable moment, time’ {4}; korrë [f] (tg) ‘harvest, crop’ (AE


PIE *Kes- ‘to comb, shear, clip’ _?_ (Pok. 585)

South Slav. kosorъ ‘sicle, scythe’ ??

Notes: {1} < *kasr-; original nominal basis for further denominative formations. {2} With

‘hardening’ of the auslaut. {3}Buz. {4} Deverbative formation. Older Buz. kuor(r).


      lag [verb] (tg) ‘to wet, moisten, water’

Present: lag; Aorist: laga; Part.: lagë (tg), lagur / lagun

PAlb. *(u)lag- < QIE *ul̥ Hg- {1}

Alb. lagë [f] (tg) waters {2}; l(ë)gatë [f] (tg) {3} morass, bog, puddle, pool (AE 229)

PIE *uelK-, uelHK-? ‘wet, moist’ (Pok. 1145)

Lith. vìlgyti ‘to wet, moisten, water’; vìlgti to become moist, wet; Latv. vil̂gt to become

moist, wet’

Notes: {1} Possibly, original *ulog-. {2} Singulare tantum. {3} Collective formation in -at(ë).


      laj [verb] (tg) ‘to wash’

Present: laj; Aorist: lava; Part.: larë / la(m)

PAlb. *lau- < QIE *lou-o-

Alb. lajkë [f] (tg) flatteries (AE 230)





PIE *lh3eu- ‘to wash’ (Pok. 692)

Lat. lavo̅ to wash


      leh {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to bark, yap’

Present: leh (2/3s); Aorist: lehu (3s); Part.: lehë (tg), lehur / lehun

PAlb. *lah- < QIE *lh2-ske/o- (AE 235)

PIE *leh2- {1} (Pok. 650)

Gr. λάσκω ‘to cry, roar’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} Occurs almost exclusively in the 2nd and 3d person, the -

a- of which has usually been subject to umlaut.


      lej [verb] (tg) ‘to be born, to rise’

Present: lej; Aorist: leva; Part.: lerë / le(m), lenë, letë

PAlb. *(a)lei- < QIE *h2l-ei- (AE 235)

PIE *h2el- ‘to grow, feed, live on’ (Pok. 26)

Lat. alo̅ to nourish, bring up (child)

Bret. ala ‘to bear, give birth’


      lë {1} [verb] (tg) to let, leave (behind), allow, quit

Present: lë / lã; Aorist: lashë {2} (tg), lae (g), la (2s) {3} (tg); Part.: lënë / lãnë

PAlb. *ladn- < QIE *lh1d-no- (AE 239)

PIE *leh1(i)-d- ‘to leave (behind), let’ (Pok. 666)

Go. letan ‘to let’

Notes: {1} From Alb. laN > laN. {2} Rebuilt after dhashë I gave. {3} [la(:)], from (Buz.)



        llap {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to sip, lap, swallow, eat greedily’

Present: llap; Aorist: llapë

PAlb. *lap- < QIE *lap-o-

Alb. llup [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to sip, lap, swallow, eat greedily’; lap [verb] ‘to lick (water)’ (tg);

lëpij [verb] (tg) {4} to lick (up) (AE 242)

PIE *lh2p-, lap- {1} ‘to lick, lap’ (Pok. 651)

Gr. λάπτω ‘to sip, lap’

Arm. lap‘em ‘to lick’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} With ‘hardening’ of the anlaut for expressive reasons. {3}

From Alb. ɫop (?) < *leh2p-. {4} Rebuilt after pi(j) ‘to drink’.


       lidh [verb] (tg) ‘to bind, tie’

Present: lidh; Aorist: lidha; Part.: lidhë (tg), lidhur / lidhun

PAlb. *(e)liδ- < QIE *(h1e-)liǵ- (AE 242)

PIE *leiǵ- ‘to bind, tie’ (Pok. 668)

Lat. ligo̅ to bind, tie


     lind {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to be born, to rise, to arise’

Present: lind; Aorist: linda; Part.: lindë (tg), lindur / lindun

PAlb. *(a)liienT- < QIE *h2l-(e)i-ent- {1} (AE 243)

PIE *h2el- ‘to grow, feed’ _?_ (Pok. 26)

Notes: {1} Possibly, an original present participle. {2} From Alb. lėnT-.






      lodh [verb] (tg) ‘to tire, fatigue, harass’

Present: lodh; Aorist: lodha; Part.: lodhë (tg), lodhur / lodhun

PAlb. *le̅δ- < QIE *leh1d-o- (AE 244)

PIE *leh1(i)-d- ‘leave (behind)’ (Pok. 666)

Gr. (Hes.) ληδει̃ͅν . κοπια̃ν


       lyp [verb] (tg) ‘to beg, ask alms, plead, coax, need’

Present: lyp; Aorist: lypa; Part.: lypë (tg), lypur / lypun

PAlb. *luPi- < QIE *lubh-io/ei- (AE 248)

PIE *leubh- ‘to crave for, desire, request’ (Pok. 683)

Skt. lúbhyati ‘to feel a strong desire’


       lus [verb] (tg) ‘to beg, pray, request’

Present: lus, lut (2/3s); Aorist: luta; Part.: lutë (tg), lutur / lutun

PAlb. *lutśi- < QIE *luT-io- (AE 248)

PIE *leuT- _?_ {1} (Pok. 683)

Lat. laudo̅ to praise

Go. liuÞon ‘to sing’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} [MdV] I see no onomatopoeic aspect to this root.


      maj [verb] (tg) ‘to fatten, fat’

Present: maj (tg), mãj (g), man (2/3s) (tg); Aorist: majta (tg), mana (g); Part.: majtur / majë,


PAlb. *maϑ(e)n- {1} < QIE *mh2sd-(e)n-, məsd-(e)n-

Alb. majm [verb] (tg) ‘to fatten, fat’ (AE 251)

PIE *mh2sd-, məsd-? ‘to fatten, fat’ _+_ (Pok. 695)

Skt. médana- ‘fattening’

Notes: {1} The basis for further denominative formations.


      marr [verb] (tg) ‘to take, set off, receive’

Present: marr; Aorist: mora; Part.: marrë

PAlb. *mar(en)- < QIE *mr̥h2-V/en-; me̅rh2- (aor.) (AE 257)

PIE *merh2- ‘to pack (up)’ _?_ (Pok. 735)

Skt. (prá) mr̥ṇa pack (up)! ??

Notes: {1} [AL/MdV] The Skt. word belongs to a root meaning ‘to crush’, so that a

connection with Alb. marr seems unlikely. The connection with Greek meíromai < PIE

*smer-, which has been proposed by others, seems more promising; cf. LIV2, p. 570.


      mas [verb] (tg) ‘to measure’

Present: mas, mat (2/3s); Aorist: mata; Part.: matë (tg), matur / matun

PAlb. *matśi- < QIE *mh1t-io-

Alb. matë [f] (tg) {1} ‘measure’ (AE 258)

PIE *meh1-(t-) ‘to measure’ (Pok. 703)

Skt. mitá- ‘measured’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. mata̅.


      mbledh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to gather, collect, assemble’

Present: mbledh; Aorist: mblodha; Part.: mbledhë (tg), mbledhur / mbledhun

PAlb. * ̊leδ- < QIE *leǵ-o-; le̅ǵ- (aor.)

Alb. zgjedh [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to choose, select, pick’ (AE 261)





PIE *leǵ- ‘to gather, collect, assemble’ (Pok. 658)

Gr. λέγω ‘to gather, collect’

Lat. lego̅ to collect, glean, pick up’

Notes: {1} Prefixed formation with mb(ë)-. {2} Older dial. (t) zg(ë)ledh.


      mbush {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to fill, stuff’

Present: mbush; Aorist: mbusha; Part.: mbushë, mbushur, mbushun

PAlb. * ̊bu(n)ś- < QIE *bhu(n)s-o {1} (AE 262)

PIE *bheu-(s-) ‘to blow up, puff out, swell’ (Pok. 101)

Gr. βύνω ‘to cram, clutter’; βύω ‘to cram, clutter’

Notes: {1} Possibly, an original nasal present. {2} Prefixed formation in mb(ë)-.


      mbys {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to drown, sink, wreck, throttle’

Present: mbys, mbyt (2/3s); Aorist: mbyta; Part.: mbytë {3} (tg), mbytur / mbytun

PAlb. * ̊pi̅tśi- < QIE *pih3t-io- {1} (AE 262)

PIE *peh3-i- ‘to drink’ (Pok. 840)

Skt. pi̅tá- (having) drunk

Notes: {1} From *pih3-to-. {2} With the prefix mb(ë)- {3} < *̥pih3-to-.


      mek [verb] (tg) ‘to bleat, stammer’

Present: mek, mekem (1sp); Aorist: (u) mek (1sp); Part.: mekë (tg), mekur / mekun

PAlb. *mek-

Alb. mekërij [verb] (t) {2} to bleat (AE 264)

PIE *mek-? {1} ‘to bleat’ (Pok. 715)

Lith. meknénti ‘to bleat’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} Deverbative enlargement in -ërí-.


      mënd [verb] (tg) to suckle, nurse, to join a suckling young animal with its mother or

with another animal’

Present: mënd / mãj; Aorist: mënda / mana; Part.: mëndur / mã

PAlb. *mand- < QIE *mh2-n-d-, mh2d-(e)nt-

Alb. mëz / mãz [m] foal, filly (AE 265)

PIE *meh2d- _?_ (Pok. 694)

Lat. madeo̅ to be humid, imbued with

Skt. mádati ‘to be drunk’

Notes: {1} From *mh2nd-io- or *mh2d(e)nT-io-.


     bluaj [verb] (tg) ‘to grind’

Present: bluaj / blu(e)j; Aorist: blova (tg), bluajta / blu(e)jta; Part.: bluar / blu(e)

PAlb. *mle̅(n-) < QIE *mleh1-(no-) {1} (AE 268)

PIE *melh1- ‘to crush, grind’ (Pok. 716)

OCS mlětь to grind

Notes: {1} *mleh1u-o- is also possible.


       mjel [verb] (tg) ‘to milk’

Present: mjel; Aorist: mola; Part.: mjelë (tg), mjelur / mjelun

PAlb. *(a)mell- < QIE *h2melǵ-o; h2me̅lǵ- (aor.) {1} (AE 273)

PIE *h2melǵ- ‘to milk’ (Pok. 722)

Gr. ἀμέλγω to milk

Notes: {1} [MdV} The absence of any reflex of *ǵ is problematic.





      mund [verb] (tg) ‘can, may, have power, defeat’

Present: mund / mun(i) {1}; Aorist: munda / muna; Part.: mundur / munë

PAlb. *ma̅K(e)nT- {2} < QIE *meh2K-(e)nt- (AE 281)

PIE *meh2K- ‘can, to be able (to do)’ (Pok. 695)

Lith. moké̥ ti to be able; Go. magan to be able, have power; OCS mogǫ to be able

Notes: {1} Buz., Budi mund. {2}[MdV] The assumption that the velar consonant would

disappear in this position is not supported by other evidence.


      ndej {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to strech (out)’

Present: ndej / ndẽj; Aorist: ndẽjta (g), ndeva (tg), ndera / ndẽna; Part.: nderë / ndẽjtun,


PAlb. * ̊teni- < QIE *ten-io- (AE 284)

PIE *ten- ‘to hammer out, strech (out)’ (Pok. 1065)

Gr. τείνω ‘to strech out’

Notes: {1} With the prefix (a)n-.


      ndez {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to light, kindle’

Present: ndez; Aorist: ndeza; Part.: ndezë (tg), ndezur / ndezun

PAlb. * ̊dadźei < QIE *dhogwh-eie-

Alb. dhez [verb] (tg) ‘to light, kindle’ {2} (AE 286)

PIE *dhegwh- ‘to burn’ (Pok. 240)

Skt. da̅háyati to light, kindle

Notes: {1} With the prefix (a)n-. {2} Possibly, from Alb. *və-dez with the prefix v(ë)-.


       ndjek {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to run after, follow, pursue, dog’

Present: ndjek; Aorist: ndoqa; Part.: ndjekur / ndjekë, ndjekun

PAlb. * ̊tek- < QIE *tek(w)-o-; ̊te̅k(w)- (aor.) (AE 288)

PIE *tek(w)- ‘to run’ (Pok. 1059)

Lith. teké̥ ti to run, flow; Skt. tákti to hasten

Notes: {1} Prefixed formation in (a)n-.


      ndoh {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to make dirty, spoil, pollute’

Present: ndoh, ndo(h)t (t) {3}; Aorist: ndoha, ndo(h)ta (t); Part.: ndohtël, ndo(h)tur (t)

PAlb. * ̊de̅-(h) < QIE *ǵhed-eh1- {1}

Alb. ndo(h)t [adv] {4} (t) ‘odiously, bad’ (AE 290)

PIE *ǵhed- ‘to shit’ (Pok. 423)

Notes: {1} Alb. formation. {2} Intensive formation with the prefix (a)n-. {3} Occurs in Gheg

only in the oldest literature. {4} Only attested in certain expressions.


      nduk {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to draw (out), pull up, pluck’

Present: nduk; Aorist: nduka; Part.: ndukur / ndukë, ndukun

PAlb. * ̊duk- < QIE *duk

Alb. zhduk [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to hide, conceal, bump off’ (AE 291)

PIE *deuk- ‘to draw’ (Pok. 220)

Go. tiuhan ‘to draw’

Notes: {1} Intensive formation with the Alb. prefix (a)n-. {2} Alb. formation with the

privative prefix zh/xh/ç-.


     ngah {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to run, haste(n), come off’

Present: ngah; Aorist: ngaha; Part.: ngahur / nga(m)





PAlb. *ga-h < QIE *gwm̥-ske/o- (AE 295)

PIE *gwem- ‘to go, come’ (Pok. 463)

Gr. βάσκε ‘go!’

Skt. gácchati ‘to go’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the intensive prefix (a)n-.


       ngre {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to rise (from the ground), raise, build up’

Present: ngre; Aorist: ngrita {2}; Part.: ngritë (tg), ngritur / ngritun

PAlb. * ̊kre(i/h)- < QIE *ḱreh1-(i/o/sḱo-); ̊ḱr(h1)i(h1)-to- (part.)

Alb. ngreh [verb] (tg) ‘to set, raise, build up’ [Present: ngreh; Aorist: ngreha; Part.: ngrehë

(tg), ngrehur / ngrehun]; shkreh [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to cancel, discharge, fire (a gun)’ (AE 296)

PIE *ḱerh1-, ḱreh1- ‘to grow (up)’ (Pok. 577)

Lat. cre̅sco̅ to grow; creo̅ to create

Notes: {1} Prefixed with Alb. (a)n-. {2} From the participle stem. {3} Alb. formation with

the prefix sh-.


      hëngra {1} [verb] (tg) to eat

Aorist: hëngra / hãngra; Part.: ngrënë / ngrãnë, hãngër {2}

PAlb. * ̊gur- < QIE *gwr̥H-; gwr̥H-no- (part.)

Alb. ãngurrë [f] (g) bowels, entrails, viscera’; gurmaz [m] (tg) ‘gullet, larynx, pharynx’ (AE


PIE *gwerH- ‘to swallow’ (Pok. 474)

Skt. giráti ‘to swallow’

Notes: {1} From Alb. ha-n-gura: suppletive verb, which occurs only in the aorist, the

participle and in the tempora and modi based on these stems. {2} From the aorist stem.


      ngroh [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to warm, heat’

Present: ngroh; Aorist: ngroha; Part.: ngrohur / ngrohë, ngrohun

PAlb. * ̊gre̅-(h) < QIE *gwhr-eh1- (AE 298)

PIE *gwher- ‘warm, hot’ (Pok. 493)

OCS grěti to warm

Notes: {1} The form may have entered the class of Alb. inchoatives in -sk-. The anlaut points

to an Alb. formation with the prefix (a)n-.


      gjesh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to gird’

Present: (n)gjesh; Aorist: (n)gjesha; Part.: (n)gjeshur / (n)gjeshë, (n)gjeshun

PAlb. *(V)io̅ś- (AE 299)

PIE *Hieh3s- ‘to gird’ (Pok. 513)

Gr. ζώvvυμι ‘to gird’

OCS po-jasati ‘to gird’

Notes: {1} Frequently occurs with the intensive prefix Alb. (a)n-.


     ngjesh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to press on, compress, knead (dough)’

Present: ngjesh; Aorist: ngjesha; Part.: ngjeshur / ngjeshë, ngjeshun

PAlb. * ̊gneś- < QIE *gne(u)s- (AE 300)

PIE *gen- ‘to compress’ (Pok. 370)

OCS gnesti ‘to press on’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the intensive prefix (a)n-.






      ngjirem {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to hoarsen’

Present: ngjir(r)em (1sr) {2}, qirrem, (g) kirrem {3} (g); Aorist: (u) ngjir(r)a (1sr); Part.:

ngjir(r)ur / ngjir(r)ë, ngjir(r)un

PAlb. * ̊ker- < QIE *Ker-

Alb. çjerr [verb] (tg) {4} ‘to hoarsen, to get hoarsened’ (AE 300)

PIE *(s)Ker- {5} (Pok. 567)

Lat. cro̅cio̅ to croak

Notes: {1) Alb. formation with the prefix (a)n-. {2} With ‘hardening’ of the vibrant for

expressive reasons. {3} Non-prefixed form. {4} From Alb. d(ə)-Ker-. {5} Onomatopoeic root

for coarse, sharp tones.


      nxjerr {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to draw/pull out, bring forth, throw out’

Present: nxjerr {2}; Aorist: nxorra; Part.: nxjerrë

PAlb. * ̊ϑer- {3} < QIE *ḱer-o-; ḱe̅r- (aor.) (AE 303)

PIE *ḱer(h1)- ‘to grow (on)’ (Pok. 577)

Arm. serem ‘to bring forth’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the intensive prefix (a)n-. {2} With ‘hardening’ of the stem

auslaut. {3} [MdV] This etymology does not account for nx-, cf. AE 304: PIE *k-́ normally

yields th-, which does not further palatalize to *s-.


      njoh [verb] (tg) ‘to know, recognize’

Present: njoh, njeh (2/3s); Aorist: njoha; Part.: njohë (tg), njohur / njohun

PAlb. *gno̅̅̆h < QIE *ǵneh3-ske/o- (AE 305)

PIE *ǵenh3-, ǵneh3- ‘to know’ (Pok. 376)

Lat. (g)no̅sco̅ to know, recognize


       pashë {1} [verb] (tg) to watch, look (at), observe

Aorist: pashë, pae (2s) {2}, pe (2s) {3}, pa; Part. parë / panë {4}, patë, pa(m)

PAlb. *pa ̊ < QIE *pH ̊; pH-to/no- (ptc.) (AE 314)

PIE *peH2-(i-) ‘to herd, watch over’ _?_ (Pok. 839)

Skt. pḁ̅́ti- to herd, watch (over)

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, which occurs in the participle and the aorist and as in the tempora

and modi derived from these stems. {2} Buz. and the dialects of Greece and South Italy. {3}

[pe:] from Alb. (Buz.) pae. {4}Buz.


      pata {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to have, to be in possession of smth.’

Aorist: pata; Part.: pasur / pasë

PAlb. *pat(i)- < QIE *poti-; potio- (part.)

Alb. pasë [f] (tg) {2} property, possession, tenure (AE 313)

PIE *poti-o- ‘to be in possession of smth.’ (Pok. 842)

Lat. potior ‘to have a share in, take possession of’

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, which occurs in the participle and the aorist, as well as in the

tempora and modi derived from these stems. {2} From patśia̅.


     (për)kul {1} [verb] (tg) to bend, crouch, bow

Present: përkul (tg), kulet (3sr/p) (g); Aorist: përkula; Part.: përkulë (tg), përkulur / përkulun

PAlb. * ̊kull- < QIE *kwl̥ -io/no- (AE 317)

PIE *kwel- ‘to revolve, twist’ (Pok. 639)

Notes: {1} Occurs almost exclusively in prefixed form.






     ul [verb] (tg) ‘to get down, bring down’

Present: ul; Aorist: ula; Part.: ulë (tg), ulur / ulun

PAlb. *ull- < QIE *ul̥ -io- (AE 317)

PIE *uel- ‘to revolve, twist’ (Pok. 1140)


       përtyp {1} [verb] (tg) to chew, masticate

Present: përtyp; Aorist: përtypa; Part.: përtypur / përtypë, përtypun

PAlb. * ̊tupi- < QIE *tup-io/ei-

Alb. shtyp [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to compress, crush, squash’ (AE 317)

PIE *(s)teu-p- ‘to push, beat’ (Pok. 1034)

Gr. τύππω ‘to strike, beat’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix për-. The root vowel has undergone umlaut. {2}

Alb. formation with the prefix sh-.


      pi [verb] (tg) ‘to drink’

Present: pi; Aorist: piva; Part.: pirë / pitë, pi(m), pinë {1}

PAlb. *pib- < QIE *pi-ph3-o (AE 318)

PIE *peh3(i-) ‘to drink’ (Pok. 839)

Lat. bibo̅ to drink

Skt. píbati ‘to drink’

Notes: {1} Buz.


       pjek [verb] (tg) ‘to bake, roast’

Present: pjek; Aorist: poqa; Part.: pjekur / pjekë, pjekun

PAlb. *pek- < QIE *pekw-o-; pe̅kw- (aor.)

Alb. ã (AE 322)

PIE *pekw- ‘to cook’ (Pok. 798)

Skt. pácati ‘to roast’


      pjell [verb] (tg) ‘to bring forth young (beasts), cub, whelp, calve, foal’

Present: pjell; Aorist: polla; Part.: pjellë (tg), pjellur / pjellun;

PAlb. *pel- < QIE *pel(H)-o-; pe̅l(H)- (aor.)

Alb. mbjell [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to sow, plant’ (AE 322)

PIE *pel(H)- ‘to push’ (Pok. 801)

Lat. pello̅ to push

Notes: {1} With the prefix (a)n-.


       pjerdh [verb] (tg) ‘to fart, poop’

Present: pjerdh; Aorist: pordha; Part.: pjerdhë (tg), pjerdhur / pjerdhun

PAlb. *perδ- < QIE *perd-o-; pe̅rd- (aor.)

Alb. pordhë [f] (tg) {1} fart, wind (AE 323)

PIE *perd- ‘to fart, poop’ (Pok. 819)

Gr. πέρδω ‘to fart, poop’

Skt. párdate ‘to fart, poop’

Notes: {1} Deverbative formation from PAlb pe̅rδa̅.


      plah [m] (g) ‘to cover (over)’

Present: plah/f; Aorist: plaha; Part.: plahë

PAlb. *plah- < QIE *pl̥ H-ske/o-

Alb. plaf/h [m] (tg) ‘bed cover, (woollen) blanket’; pëlhurë [f] (tg) {1} ‘woven/linen fabric,





texture’ (AE 323)

PIE *pel-(H/ḱ-) ‘to cover, mask, hide’ (Pok. 803)

Go. filhan ‘to hide’; ON fela ‘to hide’

Notes: {1} Buz. plehurë.


      plas [verb] (tg) ‘to crack, burst, break through’

Present: plas; Aorist: plasa; Part.: plasur / plasë, plasun

PAlb. *platśi- < QIE *pl̥ h1ḱ-io- {1}

Alb. pël(l)cas [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to crack, burst, break through’; plasë [f] (tg) {3} ‘chasm,

crack’; ples [f] (g) {4} ‘genitals of the she-mule’ (AE 324)

PIE *pleh1ḱ- ‘to tear, rend’ (Pok. 835)

Lith. plé̥ šti to burst, crack; Latv. plêst to tear

Notes: {1} Alb. denominative formation. {2} From pl̥ h1ḱ-(-as), Alb. enlargement in -as. {3}

Possibly, from PAlb. *platśia̅. {4} With umlaut of the root vowel.


      prej [verb] (tg) ‘to hew, cut, chop’

Present: prej; Aorist: preva; Part.: prerë / pre(m), prenë

PAlb. *prei- < QIE *pr-ei-

Alb. pres [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to cut’ (AE 332)

PIE *per- ‘to strike, beat’ _?_ (Pok. 818)

Lith. pert̃ͅ i to strike, beat, to hit

Notes: {1} From Alb. *pre- as an enlargement after the Alb. verbs in -(a)s.


      prish [verb] (tg) ‘to destroy’

Present: prish; Aorist: prisha; Part.: prishur / prishë, prishun

PAlb. *priś- < QIE *pr-(e)s- (AE 333)

PIE *per- ‘to strike, beat’ (Pok. 818)

Lat. premo̅ {1} to press on

Arm. hari {2} ‘to strike, beat’

Notes: {1} The "aor." stem pressi. {2} Aor.


       prura {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to bring (along), lead (up/forward)’

Aorist: prura / pruna; Part.: prurë / pru(m), prunë

PAlb. *p(e)re̅-(n-) < QIE *p(e)r-eh1- {1} (AE 334)

PIE *per- ‘to bear, lead across’ (Pok. 816)

Gr. περάω ‘to penetrate, pierce’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation. {2} From Alb. pron-; suppletive verb, occurring in aorist and (its)

part. as well as in the tempora and modi built on those stems.


     puth [verb] (tg) ‘to kiss’

Present: puth; Aorist: putha; Part.: puthur / puthë, puthun

PAlb. *puϑ- {2} < QIE *b(h)us-d(h)- (AE 336)

PIE *b(h)u(s)- {1} ‘lip, kiss’ (Pok. 103)

MoHG {3} bussen ‘to kiss’

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} With dissimilated anlaut. {3} Bav., Tyr.


     kla(n)j [verb] (tg) ‘to cry, weep, shed tears, sob’

Present: kla(n)j (tg) {1}, qaj (t); Aorist: klava, qava; Part.: klarë, qarë / klanë {2}, klatë {2},


PAlb. *klai- < QIE *kl(e)h2-io- (AE 337)





PIE *kelh2- ‘to cry’ (Pok. 548)

Gr. κλαίω {3} ‘to weep, sob’

Notes: {1} In the oldest Gheg literature and dialectal Tosk. {2} Buz. {3} Only indirectly



      qall [verb] (t) ‘to mock, scoff’

Present: qall(ënj), qall (2/3s); Aorist: qalla; Part.: qallurë

PAlb. *ki(i)al- < QIE *ki(i)-ol-, kih2-e/ol- {2}

Alb. qell [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to lead (forward), conduct, take away, throw’ (AE 338)

PIE *kei-(h2)- ‘to put, set in motion’ (Pok. 538)

Notes: {1} Possibly, an original nominal formation. {2} With umlaut of the root vowel.


      qas [verb] (tg) ‘to approach, draw near, receive (at home), go away’

Present: qas; Aorist: qasa; Part.: qasur / qasë, qasun

PAlb. *ki(i)atśi- < QIE *kih2(e)t-io- (AE 339)

PIE *kei-(h2-) ‘to put, set in motion’ (Pok. 538)

Gr. (Hes.) κίατο . ἐκινει̃το


      qeth {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to cut (hair)’

Present: qeth; Aorist: qetha; Part.: qethur / qethë, qethun

PAlb. *kaiδ- < QIE *kh2eid-, keh2id- (AE 340)

PIE *(s)k(e)h2ei-d/t- (Pok. 917)

Lat. caedo̅ to cut, hew, lop, fell

Skt. khidáti ‘to tear, press’

Notes: {1} With assimilation of the stem auslaut.


      kij [verb] (g) ‘to cut, hew, weed’

Present: kij; Aorist: kiva; Part.: ki(m)

PAlb. *ki̅̅̆- < QIE *kh2iio-

Alb. qij [verb] (tg) ‘to cut, hew, fuck’ (AE 340)

PIE *(s)keh2i-, (s)keih2- ‘to beat, cuff, poke’ (Pok. 917)

Lat. caio̅ to cut, hew


      qoj [verb] (g) ‘to wake up, arouse, stir up’

Present: qoj; Aorist: qova; Part.: qu(e), quem

PAlb. *kiie̅- < QIE *ki(i)-eh1-

Alb. çoj [verb] (tg) ‘to awaken, send, carry on, dispatch, stir up’ {1} (AE 340)

PIE *kei- ‘to put, set in motion’ (Pok. 538)

Lat. cieo̅ to put, set in motion

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix t/d(ë)-.


       ra ̊ {1} [verb] (tg) to fall (down), go (down), tumble, drop, strike, hit

Aorist: rashë (t), rae (g) {2}, re (2s) {3}, ra (3s) (tg); Part.: rënë / ra(m), ratë

PAlb. *(a)rau-(ś-) < QIE *h3rou-(s-)

Alb. resh [verb 3sp] (tg) ‘to fall (of rain, snow, etc.)’ (AE 343)

PIE *h3rou-(s-) ‘to haste(n), rush (at)?’ (Pok. 331)

Gr. ὀρούω to plunge into, to dash, run (at)

Notes: {1} Suppletive verb, occurring in the aorist and the participle and in the tempora and

modi built on those stems {2} Buz. {3} [re:], contracted from older (Buz.) rae.






      kluoj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to call, name’

Present: kluoj / kluanj / quaj / qu(e)j; Aorist: kluojta / kluajta / quajta / qu(e)jta; Part.:

kluojtunë / kluajturë / quajtur / qu(e)jtun ??

PAlb. *kluue̅- < QIE *ḱlu(H)-eh1- (AE 342)

PIE *ḱleu(H)- ‘to hear’ (Pok. 605)

Lat. clueo̅ to call, name

Notes: {1} Buz.


       regj [verb] (tg) ‘to tan (hides), salt’

Present: regj; Aorist: regja; Part.: regjë (tg), regjur / regjun

PAlb. *(e)reug- < QIE *h1reug- (AE 345)

PIE *h1reu-g- ‘to retch, vomit’ (Pok. 871)

Gr. ἐρεύγομαι to belch, gurk


       rĩ [verb] (g) ‘to moisten, wet’

Present: rĩj, rihem (1sr); Aorist: rĩni (3s); Part.: rĩ, rĩtu(e)

PAlb. *(V)rin(i)- < QIE *Hri-n(i)o- (AE 346)

PIE *Hrei(H)- ‘to flow’ _?_ (Pok. 330)

Skt. riṇḁ̅́ti to let flow


       rjep [verb] (tg) ‘to flay, skin, peel off, pluck’

Present: rjep; Aorist: ropa; Part.: rjepë (tg), rjepur / rjepun

PAlb. *(e)rep- < QIE *h1rep-o-; h1re̅p- (aor.) (AE 346)

PIE *h1rep- ‘to wrench, strain at, snatch’ (Pok. 865)

Gr. ἐρέπτομαι to pluck

Lat. rapio̅ to rob, snatch


     ruoj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to watch (over), observe, guard’

Present: ruaj / ruoj, ru(e)j; Aorist: ruajta / ruojta, ru(e)jta; Part.: ruajtur / ruojtunë, ru(e)jtun

PAlb. *(a)ru(u)e̅- < QIE *h2ru-eh1- (AE 347)

PIE *h2reu- ‘to get light, brighten’

Arm. arev ‘sun’

Notes: {1} Buz.


     rrah [verb] (tg) ‘to strike, beat, cut down’

Present: rrah; Aorist: rraha; Part.: rrahë (tg), rrahur / rrahun

PAlb. *rah- < QIE *ur̥h1ǵ(h)-ske/o- (AE 348)

PIE *ureh1ǵ(h)- ‘to strike, beat’ (Pok. 1181)


       rras [verb] (tg) ‘to compress, stuff’

Present: rras; Aorist: rrasa; Part.: rrasur / rrasë, rrasun

PAlb. *raT(ś)i- < QIE *ur̥h1ǵ(h)-io-

Alb. rrëzoj [verb] (tg) {1} to pull, throw, cut down (AE 348)

PIE *ureh1ǵ(h)- ‘to strike, beat’ (Pok. 1181)

Gr. ῥάττω {2} to strike, beat

Notes: {1} Alb. enlargement in -ó-. {2} Only indirectly cognate.


     rrjedh [verb] (tg) ‘to flow, stream’

Present: rrjedh; Aorist: rrodha; Part.: rrjedhë (tg), rrjedhur / rrjedhun

PAlb. *reδ- < QIE *sred(h)-o-; sre̅d(h)- (aor.) (AE 352)





PIE *sr-ed(h)- {1} ‘to whirl, bubble, stream’ (Pok. 1001)

Gr. ῥέω {2} to flow, stream

Notes: {1} Enlargement of ser- ‘to flow’, Pok. 909. {2} Only indirectly cognate.


      rri {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to sit down, stand, stay’

Present: rri

PAlb. * ̊ri- < QIE *Hr-i-

Alb. rris [verb] (tg) ‘to bring up (children), grow up, overgrow’ {2} [Present: rris, rrit (2/3s);

Aorist: rrita; Part.: rritë (tg), rritur / rritun]; rroj [verb] (tg) to live, exist, last {3} [Present:

rroj; Aorist {4}: rrova, rrojta; Part.: rruar / rru(e)] (AE 353)

PIE *Hr-ei/eh1- ‘to set/put in motion’ _?_ (Pok. 326)

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix (a)n-. Suppletive verb, occurring only in the present

and in tempora and modi derived from the present. {2} PAlb. *̥ritśi- < qIE *Hri-tio-. An Alb.

formation, maybe from an original participle stem Hri-to-. {3} < PAlb. *̥re̅- < qIE *Hreh1-.

Alb. formation with the prefix (a)n-. {4} Rare.


       sjell [verb] (tg) ‘to bring, turn, dawdle’

Present: sjell; Aorist: solla; Part.: sjellë (tg), sjellur / sjellun

PAlb. *tšel- < QIE *kwel-o-; kwe̅l- (aor.) (AE 354)

PIE *kwel- ‘to turn, twist’ (Pok. 639)

Gr. πέλω ‘to be in motion’


      shkrep {2} [verb] (tg) ‘to flash, tone, to strike (till sparks fly off), an idea comes to

one’s mind’

Present: shkrep; Aorist: shkrepa; Part.: shkrepë (tg), shkrepur / shkrepun

PAlb. * ̊krep- < QIE *krep- (AE 362)

PIE *ker-p-, krep- {1} ‘to crack, crash’ (Pok. 569)

Lat. crepo̅ to resound, ring, tone

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root. {2} With the prefix sh-.


      shosh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to sift, riddle’

Present: shosh; Aorist: shosha; Part.: shoshë (tg), shoshur / shoshun

PAlb. *śe̅ś- < QIE *seh1-sh1(i)o-

Alb. shoshë [f] (tg) sieve, riddle (AE 364)

PIE *seh1i- ‘to sift, riddle’ _?_ (Pok. 889)

Gr. (Delph.) σᾳ̃σις sieve {2}

Notes: {1} sh- < ś- by regressive assimiliation with the second -ś- of the next syllable. {2} It

cannot be excluded that we are dealing with a Gr. loanword.


      pall {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to cry, hee-haw’

Present: pall; Aorist: palla; Part.: pallë (tg), pallur / pallun

PAlb. *palei- < QIE *pol-eie-

Alb. shpall [verb] (tg) ‘to announce, proclaim, declare’ {1} (AE 365)

PIE *(s)pel- ‘to speak with a loud voice’ (Pok. 985)

Go. spillon ‘to proclaim’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix sh-.


     shpie {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to carry (on), bear, send, lead (across)’

Present: shpie; Aorist: shpura / shpuna {2}; Part.: shpurë, shpënë / shpu(e), shpum {2}

PAlb. * ̊peri- < QIE *per-io- (AE 366)





PIE *per- ‘to bear, lead across, penetrate’ (Pok. 816)

Gr. πείρω ‘to get through, pierce’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix sh-. {2} Reformed analogically after prura ‘id’.


      shpoj {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to pierce, prick’

Present: shpoj; Aorist: shpova; Part.: shpuar / shpu(e), shpum

PAlb. * p̊ e̅ri- < QIE *pe̅r-io- (AE 367)

PIE *per- ‘to bear, lead across, penetrate’ (Pok. 816)

Gr. πείρω ‘to get through, pierce’

Notes: {1} With the prefix sh-.


      shqerr {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to tear up, excoriate, castrate’

Present: shqerr; Aorist: shqora; Part.: shqerrë

PAlb. * ̊ker- < QIE *ker-o; ke̅r- (AE 369)

PIE *(s)Ker(H)- ‘to cut (off)’ (Pok. 938)

Gr. κείρω ‘to cut (off), shear’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix sh-.


        thërras {2} [verb] (tg) to cry

Present: th(ë)rras; Aorist: thirra; Part.: thirrë

PAlb. *ϑer- < QIE *ḱer-

Alb. çjerr [verb] (tg) {3} ‘to hoarsen’ (AE 369)

PIE *(s)Ker- {1} ‘to cry with a hoarse voice’ (Pok. 567)

Skt. śḁ̅́ri- kind of bird, Prädigerkrähe

Notes: {1} Onomatopoeic root for hoarse, sharp tones. {2} Has entered the conjugation of the

verbs in -(V)tio-. {3} With the prefix d/t(ə)-.


      shtirem [verb] (tg) ‘to feign, simulate’

Present: shtirem (1sr); Aorist: (u) shtira (1sr); Part.: shtirë

PAlb. *śter- < QIE *sterh3-o-

Alb. shtie [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to put in/on, throw, shut’; shtir [verb] (g) {2} ‘to pass over (the

river)’ (AE 374)

PIE *ster(h3)- ‘to spread, scatter, bring down’ (Pok. 1029)

Av. star- ‘to spread’

Notes: {1} From PAlb. śteri-, an Alb. formation possibly after bie ‘to strike, beat, fall’. {2}

Dialectally restricted lexicalisation with transitive meaning of the Alb. basis shtir-.


      shtjell [verb] (tg) ‘to wind up, develop, sling, loosen’

Present: shtjell; Aorist: shtolla; Part.: shtjellë (tg), shtjellur / shtjellun

PAlb. *śtel- < QIE *stel-o-; ste̅l- (aor.)

Alb. mbështjell [verb] (g) {1} to wind up, roll up, wrap up (AE 376)

PIE *stel- ‘to set, lay, put, place’ (Pok. 1019)

Gr. στέλλω ‘to arrange, set, lay’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix mbë-.


     shtoj [verb] (tg) ‘to add, increase, augment’

Present: shtoj; Aorist: shtova; Part.: shtuar / shtuom {1}, shtu(e), shtu(e)m

PAlb. *śta̅u- < QIE *steh2u-o-, steh2-io-? (AE 378)

PIE *steh2(u)- ‘to stand, set, lay’ (Pok. 1004)






Lith. stóviu ‘to stand, stay’; Latv. stãvet ‘to stand, stay’

Notes: {1} Buz.


     shtãj [verb] (g) ‘to be stable, stop’

Present: shtãj / shtãn (2/3s); Aorist: shtana; Part.: shtã

PAlb. *stan- < QIE *sth2-no- {1} (AE 378)

PIE *steh2- ‘to stand, set, lay’ (Pok. 1004)

Arm. stanam ‘arise’

Notes: {1} Possibly an original verbal adjective.


       shtrij [verb] (tg) ‘to lay (down), throw (down), strech out’

Present: shtrij / shtrĩj; Aorist: shtriva / shtrĩna; Part.: shtrirë / shtrĩ(m)

PAlb. *śtrin- < QIE *str̥n(e)h3- (AE 378)

PIE *sterh3-, streh3- ‘to spread, scatter, bring down’ (Pok. 1029)

Skt. str̥ṇḁ̅́ti to strew, scatter


      ik(i) [verb] (tg) ‘to go away’

Present: ik (tg), (h)iki / ikënj; Aorist: (h)ika; Part.: ikur / (h)ikë, (h)ikun

PAlb. *ik- {2} < QIE *h1(e)iK-

Alb. shkoj [verb] (tg) ‘to go (on), go forward’ {1} (AE 379)

PIE *h1ei- ‘to go’ _?_ (Pok. 296)

Notes: {1} Alb., yet old formation with the verbal suffix -o- < *-e̅- < *-eh1 and the intensive

prefix sh-: *š(V)-ik-e̅-. {2} [MdV] In Buzuku, the verb possesses some forms without -k:

2s.impv. itë, 2p.impv. itëni, 3s.impf. it(ë). Hence, the older stem seems to have been it-. This

might be etymologically connected with the verb ecën to move, walk.


      shtyj [verb] (tg) ‘to push (along), jostle, shove’

Present: shtyj / shtỹj; Aorist: shtyva / shtyra, shtỹna; Part.: shtyrë / shtỹ(m)

PAlb. *śtu(d)ni- < QIE *stu(d)-nio- (AE 379)

PIE *(s)teu-C- ‘to pull, push, strike’ (Pok. 1032)

Go. stautan ‘to strike’


      shtroj [verb] (tg) ‘to spread, scatter, lay down’

Present: shtroj; Aorist: shtrova; Part.: shtruar / shtru(e), shtru(e)m

PAlb. *śt(a)re̅- < QIE *str(h3)-eh1- {1}

Alb. shtrofkë [f] (tg) {2} den (of wild beasts), lair, burrow (AE 379)

PIE *sterh3- ‘to spread, scatter, floar’ (Pok. 1029)

OCS prostrěti to spread

Notes: {1} Probably, an Alb. verbal formation. {2} Deverbative formation with the suffix -kë

from the aorist stem (Alb. *štrov-kə).


       ter [verb] (tg) ‘to dry (up)’

Present: ter; Aorist: tera; Part.: terë (tg), terur / terun

PAlb. *to̅rei- < QIE *tors-eie-

Alb. shter(r) [verb] (tg) {1} ‘to dry up, to run dry’ (AE 384)

PIE *ters- ‘to dry (up)’ (Pok. 1078)

Lat. torreo̅ to dry

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the intensive prefix sh-. Frequently also with ‘hardening’ of

the stem auslaut for expressive reasons.






       tjerr {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to spin’

Present: tjerr; Aorist: tora; Part.: tjerrë

PAlb. *ter- < QIE *ter(H/K)-o-; te̅r(H/K)- (aor.) (AE 387)

PIE *ter(H)-(K-) ‘to rub, spin’ (Pok. 1071, 1090)

Lat. tero̅ to rub; torqueo̅ to twist, turn

Notes: {1} With ‘hardening’ of the stem auslaut.


       tredh [verb] (tg) ‘to castrate’

Present: tredh; Aorist: tredha; Part.: tredhë (tg), tredhur / tredhun

PAlb. *treuδ- < QIE *treud-o- (AE 388)

PIE *treu-d- ‘to squeeze, crush, press’ (Pok. 1095)

Lat. trūdo̅ to push, force, press

Go. usÞriutan ‘to bother, persecute’


      ndrydh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to sprain, suppress, withdraw’

Present: ndrydh; Aorist: ndrydha; Part.: ndrydhë (tg), ndrydhur, ndrydhun

PAlb. * ̊truδ- < QIE *trud-(i)o-

Alb. shtrydh [verb] (tg) ‘to squash, press, squeeze’; ndrys [verb] (tg) {2} ‘to massage’ (AE


PIE *treu-d- ‘to squeeze, crush, press’ (Pok. 1095)

OCS truditi ‘to load, plague’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the (a)n-. {2} From ̥trud-io-.


       tremb {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to frighten, scare, to get a fright’

Present: tremb / trẽm(b); Aorist: tremba / trẽm(b)a; Part.: trembë, trembur / trẽm(b)ë,


PAlb. *trem(b)- < QIE *trem-o- (AE 388)

PIE *trem- ‘to tripp, patter, tremble’ (Pok. 1092)

Lat. tremo̅ to tremble

Notes: {1} With labial "epenthesis" in stem auslaut.


       thaj [verb] (tg) ‘to dry (up)’

Present: thaj; Aorist: thava; Part.: tharë / tha(m)

PAlb. *ϑau-(ni-) {1} (AE 392)

PIE *seh2us-, sh2eus-, h2seus- ‘dry, arid’ _?_ (Pok. 881)

Gr. αὕω to dry (up)

Notes: {1} Only under the assumption of an old regressive dissimilation of the two s.


        thek [verb] (tg) ‘to toast, brown, warm one’s feet’

Present: thek; Aorist: theka; Part.: thekë (tg), thekur / thekun

PAlb. *ϑeuk- < QIE *ḱeuk-o- (AE 393)

PIE *ḱeuk- ‘to glow, burn, lighten?’ (Pok. 597)

Skt. śócati ‘to glow, burn, lighten’


      ther {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to cut, prick, pierce, slaughter’

Present: ther; Aorist: thera; Part.: therë (tg), therur / therun

PAlb. *tśo̅r- < QIE *ḱe/oh3-ro-

Alb. ther(r)ë [f] (tg) sting, quill, prickle, thorn(-bush) (AE 396)

PIE *ḱeh3-(i-) ‘to sharpen, whet’ (Pok. 541)






Arm. sowr ‘sharp’

Notes: {1} Alb. denominative formation.


        thom [verb] (tg) ‘to say’

Present: thom (tg), thua / thue (2s) {1}, thotë (tg) (3s); Aorist: thashë (tg), thae (g); Part.:

thënë / thãnë {2}

PAlb. *ϑe̅m- < QIE *ḱeh1s-mi; ḱh1s- (aor.); ḱh1s-no- (part.) (AE 399)

PIE *ḱeh1(n)s- ‘to say, instruct, announce’ (Pok. 566)

Skt. śḁ̅́sti to instruct, advise, command

Notes: {1} Buz. thuo. {2} Impv. thoshë (tg) < *ḱeh1s-ṃ.


      vej [verb] (tg) ‘to weave’

Present: vej (tg), venj (t); Aorist: vejta (tg), jenja (t); Part.: vejtë (tg), vejtur / vejturë

PAlb. *uei- < QIE *h2u-ei- (AE 413)

PIE *h2eu- ‘to weave’ _?_ (Pok. 75)

Skt. váyati ‘to weave’


      vesh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to dress, wear’

Present: vesh, vishem (1sr); Aorist: vesha; Part.: veshë (tg), veshur / veshun

PAlb. *uaśei- < QIE *uos-eie- (AE 416)

PIE *ues- ‘to dress’ (Pok. 1172)

Skt. va̅sáyati to dress, clothe; Go. wasjan to dress

Notes: {1} With umlaut of the root vowel.


      vjedh [verb] (tg) ‘to rob, steal, purloin’

Present: vjedh; Aorist: vodha; Part.: vjedhë (tg), vjedhur / vjedhun

PAlb. *ueδ- < QIE *uedh(H)-o-; ue̅dh(H)- (aor.) (AE 421)

PIE *uedh-(H-) {1} ‘to push, strike, beat’ (Pok. 1115)

Skt. vádhati ‘to strike, destroy’

Notes: {1} Can also be connected with the root ueǵh- ‘to pull; drive’: ueǵh-o-, cf. Skt. váhati.


      vjell [verb] (tg) ‘to vomit, spew’

Present: vjell; Aorist: volla; Part.: vjellë

PAlb. *uel- < QIE *uelH-o-; ue̅l- (aor.)

Alb. zhdërvjell [verb] (tg) {1} to unravel, untangle; (i) zvjellët [adj] (tg) {2} agile, nimble,

supple’ (AE 422)

PIE *uelH- ‘to turn, twist’ (Pok. 1140)

Skt. válati ‘to turn (round), twist’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with zh-dër-. {2} Alb. formation with z- and -(ë)t(ë).


      vjel [verb] (tg) ‘to pick (up), gather, pluck’

Present: vjel; Aorist: vola; Part.: vjelë

PAlb. *uell- < QIE *uels-o-; ue̅ls- (aor.) (AE 423)

PIE *uel-(s-) ‘to tear, seize upon’ _?_ (Pok. 1145)

Lat. vello̅ to pluck, tug


     vjerr {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to hang (up)’

Present: vjerr; Aorist: vora; Part.: vjerrë

PAlb. *(a)uer- < QIE *h2uer-o-; h2ue̅r- (aor.) (AE 423)

PIE *h2uer- ‘to bind, hang (up)’ (Pok. 1150)





Gr. ἀείρω to heave, hoist up

Notes: {1} With ‘hardening’ of the auslaut.


      var [verb] (tg) ‘to hang (up)’

Present: var; Aorist: vara; Part.: varur / varë, varun

PAlb. *(a)uarei- < QIE *h2uor-eio/e-

Alb. varg [m] (tg) ‘row, range, file, chain’ (AE 423)

PIE *h2uer- ‘to bind, hang (up)’ (Pok. 1150)


      zvjerdh {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to wean (away from)’

Present: zvjerdh; Aorist: zvordha; Part.: zvjerdhë (tg), zvjerdhur / zvjerdhun

PAlb. * ̊uerδ- < QIE *uerǵh-o-; ue̅rǵh- (aor.) (AE 432)

PIE *uer-ǵh- ‘to constrain, twist’ (Pok. 1154)

Lith. verž̃ͅ ti to constrain, lace; MHG erwergen to scrag, strangle

Notes: {1} With the privative prefix z-.


      ngul {1} [verb] (tg) ‘to prick, drive in, spit’

Present: ngul; Aorist: ngula; Part.: ngulë (tg), ngulur (t)

PAlb. * ̊gull- < QIE *gwl̥ H-(e)i-

Alb. gul [adj] (t) ‘hornless’ (AE 187)

PIE *gwelH- ‘to prick’ (Pok. 470)

Lith. gélti ‘to prick’; gìlti ‘to get pained, ache’

Notes: {1} Alb. formation with the prefix (a)n-.







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