Monday, July 22, 2024

Fjale te lashta para greke

 afl�l�, -iKOC; [m.] 'spouted vessel' (Ath. ll, 480d), also 'alembic' (Zos. Alch.). <I ?�

• VAR Also afl�LKOe; m. (Posid.). .

.E:rYM Explained as '<pO�[XELAOe; KUAL�' and de; 6�u CtvllYfl£vll (Ath. ll, 480d); see

Dlehl on Semon. fr. 24. Statements about these words in the handbooks are unclear.

The suffix is no doubt a substrate element, as it is in KUAL�. It is often connected with

� afl�ll' � afl�wv, but correctly so? Chantraine 1933: 376 calls these words Semitic, but

without references. Derivation from Ctvo.�o.[vw seems most improbable.

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